
WoW Dragonflight: Which Class to Play? | For Beginners

Enter the Chaotic, Battle-scarred land rife with Magic that is Azeroth.

The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands, and now Dragonflight as the latest, are all the expansions released since the game’s release in 2004.

With all the major events and major baddies that came to pass, it might seem intimidating even for an MMORPG enthusiast, let alone a newcomer in the genre to join the game in the year 2023. But no worries.

One of the most enjoyable things to do in World of Warcraft is being immersed in its greatly rich lore so catching up means more fun for you. What’s that? You want to experience it now? Sure, sure. But you need a Character First.

In this guide, we’ll help you cut off the excess hours of character creation by making it easier for you to choose a class.

Which Class to Play?| For Beginners: WoW Dragonflight


The first thing you have to ask yourself is: What ROLE do you want to play?

Before choosing a class, it is important that you know what role you want to take for your maximum satisfaction.

There are 3 roles: Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer (DPS).

        Knowing your role and responsibility can make or break a fight.

The basic outline of each role’s responsibility would be the following:


-Gets a lot of “aggro” (Enemy aggression) to soak damage.

-Leads the pace of combat. (Where to go, What/Who to kill)


-Keeps the group alive. ( Primarily, the Tank)

– Remove Debuffs (Negative effects)


-Deals Damage (Either Ranged or Melee)

Classes usually have the option to boost their effectiveness by having a combination of these roles. So that means a Tank can have DPS qualities, or a Healer to be a Tank, and so on. These are called “Specializations”.

All classes have three. But some classes solely focus on their role which you will see later on with their role classifications.

Now, on to the classes.



Blood-thirsty combatants that rebel in the heat of battle with their ”Rage” mechanic which uses said resource as the cost to casting spells. As usual for MMORPGs, Warriors have the most basic kit and gameplay loop by simply going up close and personal and whacking enemies till they drop.

If you want to play WoW while not thinking much of everything in a fight, play Warrior.

A Fury Warrior standing tall before her two victims.

Weapons: Polearm, Dagger, Fist Weapons, Mace, Axe, Staff


Protection Warrior (Tank): As a shield bearer, your role in fights is to get up close and personal to peel (do minimal to moderate damage to pave way for your allies) and aggro with Shield Block.

Then, you can land crucial spells like Thunderclap (slows enemy movement speed by 20%) to Crowd Control (Slow/disable) enemies while using high-tier skills like Shield Wall (40% reduced damage taken for 8 seconds) and Avatar (20% Damage/ Crowd Control removal to self) to stay longer in fights.

Arms Warrior (DPS, Tank): Your role is to get in the heart of enemy mobs with two-handed weapons and deal LOTS of damage by prioritizing power over speed. Sweeping Strikes gives you an attack cleave while Die by the Sword (100% Parry, 30% Damage Reduction), and Bladestorm is your bread & butter in jumping face-first into mobs.

Fury Warrior (DPS):   This specialization is the opposite of Arms Warrior. Instead of Area-of-Effect, you prioritize single-target damage to quickly cut down high-value targets.

Your core spec skills Rampage (4 strikes for 250% damage), Bloodthirst (80% on-hit damage w/ 3% heal) and Recklessness (20% Critical chance for abilities) give you an edge on boss raids.


Monks are fighters who specialize in utilizing martial arts & elements. If you want mobility and tankiness while trudging through the game with Asian-inspired motifs on your character, this is the class for you.

The poster race of the Monk class: Pandaren.

Weapons: Fist Weapons, One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Polearms, Staves


Brewmaster (Tank): Compared to the Protection Warrior of the Warrior class, your game plan diverges on the “head-straight-to-battle-and-hold-position” tactic. 

As a Brewmaster, your goal is to go in, rely on Stagger (delays damage receives) to soak a bit of damage, use Keg Smash (675% AoE damage, 50% slow) then Roll (15-yard dash) away.

Lucky if you proc (activate) Gift of the Ox (Drops a healing sphere that heals you upon contact) then you can roll towards it instead.

Mistweaver (Healer): Being a Mistweaver means moving around in battle while using your potent healing-over-time skills. Using Enveloping Mist (990% Spell Power Heal, 30% Heal amplification), Soothing Mist (320% Spell Power Heal over 8 seconds), and Life Cocoon ( Heal amplification, damage absorption) on one target can surely bail out any dying teammate from death.

You can also roll in certain positions and drop an effigy of Yu’lon (Heals 2 teammates for 105% of your Spell Power) to help ailing allies.

Windwalker (DPS): The specialization focusing on the martial arts motif of the Monk class. You deal high burst damage while crippling the effectiveness of enemies.

Fists of Fury ( Deals 2625% Damage in front of you for 4 seconds. Can move while channeling.),  Rising Sun Kick (140% Attack Power Dealt, Reduced Healing on target) and Xuen, the White Tiger (Imbues Tiger Lightning on attacks with 40% of Attack Power as Damage, AoE Attack) are the cores skill you can rely on to stand out in the fray.


Priests are among the most pacifist of all classes, having two specializations focused on healing. This does not mean they cannot dish out damage, however. If you want your gameplay to revolve around buffing your teammates or casting curses to weaken enemies, then this class will suit you.

Be warned as this class is one of the squishiest in the game and are priority kills in PVP due to their impact in fights.

Anduin Wrynn, the priest, and King of Stormwind lead the Alliance to battle.

Weapons: Dagger, Wand, Staff, One-Handed Mace


Discipline (Healer): The typical “Healer” of MMORPGs. Power Word: Shield (1.65 of Spell Power), just like its namesake, creates a shield for the targeted ally. Penance (40% Spell Power)is a multi-functional skill that serves as a heal for friendlies and nukes for enemies.

Lastly, Power Word: Barrier (25% Damage Reduction to allies, protection from spell interruption) buffs teammates for their channeling spells to be cast successfully.

This specialization excels in peeling and amplifying the effectiveness of your teammates which creates great impact once you have a team composition that synergizes with each other.

Holy (Healer):   This specialization focuses on burst heal, slight crowd control on enemies, and assurance of contribution to your group even in death.  Holy Word: Serenity (2000% Spell Power Heal) can change the fate of a dying friend with its huge spell power percentage.

Holy word: Chastise (450% Spell Power Damage, 5-second incapacitation to enemy) can put high-priority targets in a disadvantageous situation, while Spirit of Redemption (15 Second Existence upon Death) and Prayer of Mending (175% Chain Heal-over-Time) can ensure that you can still contribute upon death.

If you don’t plan on having a friend to play with to keep you safe, this is a better option than Discipline spec.

Shadow (DPS): A specialization that is the complete opposite of the Holy priest. Rejecting healing and choosing offense, you are adept in invoking dark magicks on those unfortunate to cross your path. Your magicks are then amplified by Insanity, a resource bar exclusive to this spec.

On the battlefield, you inflict curses on adversaries with the spell Mind Flay (128% SP Damage-over-Time for 4 seconds. 50% Slow). If they fight back, which they will, you can then cast Mind Blast (Prevents damage based on 300% of the caster’s SP) which nullifies their retaliation to a mere poke of a finger.

You can then assume a corrupted form that embodies Shadow or the Void. If you want to torment and toy with enemies, this class shall suit you.

A Forsaken Priest heals an ailing Tauren.

Death Knight

Clad in armor that emanates an aura of decay, Death Knights strike fear onto enemies that they may face along the way. Even with their sinister appearance, the former champions of Ner’zhul (The Lich King) are now freed from the grip of his control and are now stalwart protectors of Azeroth.

As a Death Knight, you have access to a skill called Runeforging which allows you to enchant your weapons with unique buffs exclusive to yourself only.

If you relish in the thought of having others stare at you in envy of your power while they slowly die from death & decay, this class is for you.

A Death Knight somewhere in Icecrown.

Weapons: Axes, Maces, Swords, Polearms


Blood Death Knight (Tank): In this spec, you utilize the greatest asset of all living things, blood, against themselves.

Your role is to reposition your enemies with Gorefiend’s Grasp (Shadowy tendrils grip enemies around the target and drag them to it) and in conjunction peel enemies with Death and Decay (Deals 39.6% of your attack power as damage in an area for 10 seconds) and Blood Boil (Deals 48.96% Attack Power as D-o-T damage).

Frost Death Knight (Melee DPS): Use the burning cold of Icecrown Citadel to crush your enemies. In this spec, you are kind of similar to your Blood counterpart but you swap out the repositioning and D-o-T with chance-based Ice element burst damage. Remorseless Winter (Causes AoE Frost Damage, 20% Slow) is your icy twist to Blood Boil.

Howling Blast (Inflicts Frost Fever  171.2%D-o-Tafter initial damage of 11.3% Attack Damage) and Obliterate (Dual Weapon Attack that deals 59.19% Attack Damage each) are your primary damage skills that are empowered by Rime (Assured damage for Howling Wind and 45% chance for Obliterate to deal 225% damage).

Unholy Death Knight (Melee DPS): Unholy Death Knights enjoy the privilege of using the power of the Undead Scourge to lay waste upon the battlefield.

Your gameplay loop is to stack Festering Wound and proc stacks via Scourge Strike (40% Attack Power) which then allows you to activate Apocalypse (Summons Ghouls for each Festering Wound proc) in conjunction with Army of the Dead (Summon a Ghoul Swarm) to swarm enemies to submission.

Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters, or the Illidari as they call themselves in honor of their leader, are fearsome warriors of Azeroth that embody the saying “Fighting fire with fire.”

They engage in combat against the foul creatures of the Burning Legion and the Twisting Nether by using  Fury and the very essence of their dreaded foes is made of Fel and Chaos magicks.

If you want to kill demon spawns while looking like one yourself, then you are more than welcome to join Azeroth’s club of Anti-Heroes. Take note that, unlike the rest of the classes, Demon Hunters only have two specializations.

Illidan the “Betrayer”. Leader of the Demon Hunters.

Weapons: Warglaives, Fist Weapons, One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Swords.


Havoc (Melee DPS): In this specialization, you will Fel Rush in (Dash forward and deal 27.32% Attack Damage), cast Blade Dance (AoE 84% Attack Damage), then walk or jump out. You can cast Blur (50% Dodge, 20% Damage Reduction for 10 seconds) first if necessary.

But if the chance of dying is low, you can just go all-in and kill as many as possible for Shattered Souls (20% Max Health Heal) to proc.

Vengeance (Melee DPS, Tank): This specialization is somewhat similar to the Havoc spec. You still have mobility in the form of an Infernal Strike (Leap through the air, Deal 40% Attack Damage upon landing), but you are focused more on peeling for your team.

You do not have the same kill potential as Havoc but you have the target lockdown potential through Fiery Brand (40% Enemy Damage Reduction to self), Thick Skin (130% Increased Armor), and Shear for lesser soul fragments (6% Heal) to make you last longer on the frontline.

”You are not prepared.”


Originating from the Second War against the Orcish Horde of Draenor, Paladins are long-time protectors of the land. They stood tall among challenges, except for the threat of the Undead Scourge that ultimately destroyed the Order of the Knights of the Silverhand due to the betrayal of the then Death Knight Prince Arthas who caused the fall of the Human Kingdom of Lordaeron.

With the kingdom finally avenged due to  Lich King Arthas’s death, the Paladins regrouped and continued to roam the lands to rid Azeroth of evil.  A Paladin is a very versatile class that can Tank, Heal, or do DPS depending on the specialization.

If you want a class that can provide an option to all roles while being straightforward, then it is time to join the Champions of the Light.

A Paladin attempting to revive a fallen comrade.

Weapons: Axes, Maces, Swords, Polearms


Holy Paladin (Healer): Invoking the power of the light, Holy Paladins are the rugged counterparts of the Priest Class. Even as a Healer, you are capable of going on the frontlines and duking it out with the enemies face-to-face. Not only that, but you can Revive your teammates with Absolution (Revives dead allies with 35% Mana/Health).

Your gameplan is to stick to a high-value teammate, cast Beacon of Light (Wraps a teammate in holy energy, whenever you heal other teammates, the targetted ally receives 50% amount of heal) then slightly focus on helping other teammates, then use Light of Dawn (105% Spell Power AoE Heal) in the synergy of the buff.

If all else fails, you can embody the heroic nature of the class by using Light of the Martyr (210% Spell Power Healing, Receive 50% amount as damage) on whoever needs it.

Protection Paladin (Tank): This spec revolves around soaking up huge amounts of damage while under the effects of Guardian of the Ancient Kings (50% Damage Reduction for 8 seconds) and then using Word of Glory (250% Heal based on missing health, 250% plus healing if cast on self).

If all else fails and death is imminent, casting Ardent Defender (20% Damage Reduction for 8 seconds, Revival with 20% HP if you die while the buff is in effect) should ensure your survival even in the most dangerous situations.

Retribution Paladin (Melee DPS): This spec gives a twist to the Protection Spec. You possess the tankiness but instead of the major heals, you got a good amount of DPS spells and Crowd Control.

The game plan is like take aggro,  Cast Divine Storm (86%  Attack Power AoE), Shield of Vengeance (30% Total Health Shield), then cast Wake of Ashes (346% Attack Damage, 50% Movement Speed Slow) and use your basic spells to get out.


Warlock is a class born from the Eredar, a race of demons that pushed the titan Sargeras into madness. With such power to bend an entity’s mind to succumb to corruption, a Warlock’s powers cannot be underestimated. Expect putrid chaos and death wherever a Warlock lays waste.

Their infernal pets shall be the scavengers of the corpse left by their hapless victims. If you appreciate poetic destruction, pick up this class.

Warlock Gul’dan kills King Varian Wrynn.

Weapons: Daggers, One-Handed Swords, Staves, Wands


Affliction Warlock (Magic DPS): Your role is to deal D-o-T damage while draining the strength of those around for yourself. Your skill Agony (Increasing D-o-T low to high 214% SP). Best represents the perverted nature of the spec.

You can further extend their suffering with  Darkglare which extends all D-o-T debuffs.

If your unfortunate target has healer friends ready to bail them out, you can cast Unstable Affliction (460% Spell Damage when Dispelled) to give their companions the honor of ending their pitiful lives.

Demonology Warlock (Magic DPS): You have the demonic Fel creatures of the Twisting Nether at your disposal. Dreadstalkers and a Demonic Tyrant await your orders to kill while you tenderize your enemy’s flesh by commanding Demonic Imps via the Hand of Gul’dan.

Destruction Warlock (Magic DPS): You emulate what the Burning Legion dreamed of achieving: burning down Azeroth. You Summon Infernals to rain down the sky like it’s Warcraft III. As your Infernals cause chaos, you can command the sky for a Rain of Fire.

Not enough destruction?

Then Conflagrate (Explosion that deals 226% AoE  SP Damage) whoever manages to stand resolute amidst your attack. If you hunger for a sense of destruction that can only be sated by utilizing magic designed to raze a village, this spec should fit right in your character slot.

Summon Eldritch magic to torment foes.


Hunting is one of the oldest, if not the oldest discipline of most races in the World of Warcraft. As such, it is natural to expect their natural affinity with nature and its wild creatures.

If you like being in touch with the natural elements and wildlife, this class is worth a character slot for you. But beware, the Hunter Class is one of the hardest classes to play.

Fenris Wolfbrother of the Thunderlord Clan roams for prey.

Weapons: Axes, Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Fist Weapons, Guns, Polearms, Staves, Swords


Beast Mastery Hunter (Ranged DPS): Like its namesake, you can have Exotic Beasts as your companion.

You then use several skills such as Bestial Wrath (25% Attack Damage Boost for Pet & Self, Crowd Control Removal for Pet) and Barbed Shot (30% Attack Speed for 8 Seconds) to power up your pet.

If you hate minions that are squishy or that die quickly, then you choose this spec.

Marksmanship Hunter(Ranged DPS): As a Marksmanship Hunter, your task is to take out enemies from afar with your skills such as Aimed Shot (247% AD 40 yards). Unlike the Beast Mastery spec, this one rewards you for having no pets due to Lone Wolf (Increases damage by 10% when no pets are present).

If you like being safe in a distance and bear no love against summons, then this class should suit you.

Survival Hunter(Melee DPS): The Beast Mastery and  Marksmanship spec is combined in this spec. You are a ranged DPS that rains death from afar with D-o-T’s reminiscent of a Warlock.

First, you slowly peel your target with your Serpent Sting (99% D-o-T). Once observably weak or if the opportunity arises, you throw a Harpoon (3-second Root & pulls you to target) and cast Coordinated Assault (Pet+Owner attack) which you can end with a stylish Wildfire Bomb finish (114% Attack Damage for 6 seconds).

This spec is for you if you like the feeling of stalking a target, slowly whittling health from a safe distance, and ending the fight with finesse.

Never feel too safe for you might be in Hunter’s scope.


Shamans, like the Hunter class, is one of the oldest disciplines in the lore of WoW. Ages even before the dawn of civilization, different races hunted while others worshipped the elements. Those that worshipped the elements got rewarded by being allowed to wield their very essence in the offensive or defensive setting.

As a Shaman player, your role is to utilize the volatile elements to either assist your teammate or to rain down death on enemies.  This class is for you if you adore bending the destructive nature of elements to your will.

Unleash Maelstrom.

Thrall. One of the greatest shamans to ever live.

Weapons: Daggers, Fist Weapons, Axes, Maces, Staves


Elemental Shaman (Magic DPS): In this spec, you are the maestro of  Storm, Earth, and Fire.  Unleash the storm’s fury by unleashing a Thunderstorm (40% MS Reduction).

If they try to run away while the electricity crackles their feet, Summon an Earthquake (300% SP Damage, Knocks Down enemies) to lock them in place, then cast Lava Burst (108% SP Damage) together with Earth Shock (210% SP Damage) to seal their fate.

If you always fantasized about role-playing Thrall since the Warcraft III days, look no further.

Enhancement Shaman (Melee DPS): Like an Elemental Shaman, you wield the elements to your liking. The difference is you imbue their power upon your weapon.

Electrocute your enemies by casting Crash Lightning (135% SP Damage). If you hit 2 targets or more, immediately cast Stormstrike (630% Weapon Damage) and Lava Lash (625% Weapon Damage) for huge amounts of burst damage. This role should fit players with a buff-oriented playstyle.

Restoration Shaman (Healer): As a Restoration Shaman, your goal is to supplement your group with AoE heals. Bear in mind that your heals nor your damage reduction buffs are potent enough to save high-priority teammates.

What your role is in supplementing a Primary Healer like the Holy Paladin or Discipline Priest in performing their functions? They are the 70%, and you are the 30%. You should ease their decision-making in crucial situations.

Your go-to spells for support are Chain Heal (30% SP Heal bouncing to 3 allies), Spirit Link Totem (10% Damage Reduction, Health Redistribution), and Healing Stream Totem (47% SP Heal).


On a battlefield, one should fear the looming possibility of death. However, a Mage keeping a safe distance while casting the most destructive spells is something worth fearing. Mages are like Shamans that wield elemental magic.

Though, unlike the Shamans that mediate the unpredictable elements, Mages shackle these said elements and dictate them to what they will. No mediations, no appeasement. Just absolute power.

Originating from the Kal’dorei (Night Elves) and eventually being succeeded by the Formerly Highborne, now Blood Elves, the Mage class is assured to give you immense power to deal damage to your foes. Be aware that you cannot take as much damage as you deal.

In this class, expect to be targeted by enemies as your mere existence means a looming defeat for them.

Khadgar (Left), a renowned hero of the Second War of Humans against the Orcish Horde.

Weapons: Wands, Daggers, One-Handed Swords, Staves


Arcane Mage (Magic DPS): As an Arcane Mage, your role is simple: cause an unprecedented magical assault whenever you are on the battlefield.

Cast Arcane Power (+30% Spell Damage) first, then inflict Touch of the Magi (25% Damage accumulated re-damages target after duration) before unleashing everything that you have on your spell kit. Your kit is well-designed for boss raids so expect high demand for invitations.

Fire Mage (Magic DPS): Extreme elemental damage is what this spec stands for.  Cast Combustion (100% Spell Critical Strike Increase)  before casting Pyroblast (136.6% SP Damage) to turn mobs to cinder.

Frost Mage(Magic DPS): An elemental mage but you trade a bit of damage for utility.  As a Frost Mage, your responsibility is to ensure those targetting you or high-prio teammates drag themselves towards you to a freezing halt.

Cast Frost Orb (325% SP Damage, 30% Slow for 15 sec.) on aggressive mobs and Frostbolt ( 51% SP Damage, 50% Slow for 8 Sec.) against high-health ones. Your ability to greatly bolster the kiting ability of your group ensures that all of you will be healthy during a fight.


Cunning. Trickery. Deceit. That is what the class stands for.  Fighting fair-and-square is considered stupid within their ranks, as what matters is victory, no matter what the cost.

As a Rogue player, you hide in the shadows with your Stealth ability while awaiting unsuspecting prey.  You then kill your targets in a fashion to be dictated by your spec. Your basic spells let you accumulate Combo points.

Take note that the special resource Combo points increase your damage to enemies so keep them stacked.

Successful Assassination by a dagger-wielding Rogue.

Weapons: Daggers, Fist Weapons, One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords


Assassination Rogue (Melee DPS): In this spec, your role is to deal huge amounts of poison damage to a target. You close in via Stealth, then cast Vendetta (30% Damage Increase) to  Mutilate (2 combo points), Garrote (1 combo point), Fan of Knives (1 combo point), then Envenom (250% AP D-o-T, 5 sec.).

If you want to be more sadistic, you can opt for Rupture (125% AP, 20 sec.), so you can watch your target slowly bleed to death.

This is the typical MMORPG Assassin of WoW so easy to pick up the class’ game sense, but hard to master.

Outlaw Rogue(Melee DPS): As an Outlaw, you diverge from the D-o-T-oriented playstyle of the Assassin and opt for raw, burst damage with your pistol.

Playstyle is Stealth, attack the enemy by building combo points with any of your skills and then casting a 5 Combo point Dispatch (710% AP Damage). If you want to ensure quick kills, you will be comfortable in this spec.

Subtlety Rogue (Melee DPS): Subtlety Rogue is similar to the Assassin spec but with added gimmicks to confuse your target. Initiation should be Stealth, then Shadowstrike, Activate Symbols of Death, Backstab, to Shuriken Storm, then Eviscerate as a finishing move.

If the target survives, you can just walk away or activate Shadow Dance if ever necessary. Keep in mind that Shadow dance can be used during battles as well. It depends on the situation. Considering the perks of this spec, it can be said that Subtlety Rogue fits more into PVP.

But fret not as you can still join the usual dungeon crawling though do not expect much effectiveness compare to the other classes.

An Assassin Rogue coats her dagger with poison for the next unsuspecting victim.


A class completely harmonious with the essence of life and nature, Druids roam the forests answering to no one but themselves.  They care little about the affairs of the civilized world and would rather be left alone than deal with the squabbles and politics of others.

But do not mistake this as complacency on the Druid’s part as they are very capable in the fields of battle. They can utilize animal forms namely a Moonkin, Great Cat, and a Mighty Bear depending on the situation. This brings a lot of versatility to the table as they seamlessly switch roles as well. Pick this class if you like animals and well, if you like morphing.

Out of all the classes, only Druids have access to four specializations. Use this to your advantage.

A Tauren Druid roams the forests of Ashenvale.

Weapons: Daggers, Fist Weapons, Maces, Polearms, Staves


Balance Druid (Magic DPS): Balance Druids align on the old magicks of the Night Elves. They call upon the power of the moon and the stars to befell their foes. Your role is to deal damage from afar with spells such as Star Surge (162% SP Damage) and Starfall (177%  SP Damage).

If your enemies consider you to be annoying enough and decide to focus on you, you can assume your Moonkin Form to increase your armor and remove crowd control. You can then revert to your original form once at a safe distance one more or stay in the form if needed.

Feral Druid (Melee DPS): Let your inner beast consume you. Take the form of a Feral Cat and tear your enemies to shreds. A Feral Druid’s kit has similarities to the Assassin class due to the Combo point and Stealth skill. Due to the very similar playstyle, you can refer to the Assassin Class section.

Guardian Druid (Tank): Your role as a Guardian Druid is to take aggro from mobs and use your Ironfur (Armor Increase), Survival Instincts (50% Damage Reduction, 6 sec.), and Frenzied Regeneration (24% Health Heal, 3 sec.) to last an onslaught.

You can then cast  Intimidating Roar (Incapacitates enemies) to bail out of a fight or remove aggro from a low HP teammate.

Restoration Druid (Healer): This spec showcases superb healing-over-time spells to ensure teammates survive in fights. You do not have to be so selfless as a Paladin as you have a spell catered to heal your teammates after it heals you (Ysera’s gift).

Keep in mind that you still have burst heals regardless. Rejuvenation (98% SP Heal,12 sec.) is your go-to healing spell followed by Wildgrowth (98% SP H-o-T for 5 allies, 7 sec.).

Tranquility (298% SP AoE Heal) is your emergency button if all else fails.

A Druid in Moonkin form casting Starfall.


Evoker is a new class added prior to the release of the Dragonflight expansion, exclusive to the Dracthyr race. They join the conflicts of other races while they brandish the sheer power and abilities of Dragons.

As an Evoker, your purpose is to enjoy the privilege of Dragon Magic for either the purpose of two things: Devastation or Preservation.

Evokers join the fight in the latest expansion Dragonflight.

Weapons: Daggers, Fist Weapons, Axes, Maces, Swords, Staves


Devastation(Ranged DPS): Wield the destructive power of the Red and Blue Dragonflights in battle. Your playstyle should resemble that of a typical Dragon: You move around, Empower your skill, and breathe away.

Fire Breath (387.4% SP Damage) and Eternity Surge (374% SP Damage) are your bread & butter with Hover.

Preservation(Healer):  You utilize the life-giving essence of the Bronze and Emerald Dragonflight. You have Dream Breath (384% SP AoE Heal) and Spiritbloom (508% SP Heal) to aid your allies in battle. They are pretty much Fire Breath& Eternity Surge but you heal instead of dealing damage.

If you want decent mobility as a healer, this spec is designed for you.

There you have it. 13 classes with 38 specializations to choose from.

Do take note that there are a LOT of things you have to learn. This is by no means an absolute guide for you to win World of Warcraft. Again, lots to learn. But what matters is you enjoy the class you chose. You will slowly build up your own playstyle and the gameplay loops mentioned.

You may suddenly get bored with your current character and decide to create another character with a new class. That is ok. You can then come back to this guide to once again give an overview of what class to choose next.

Get ready to join the age-old, on-and-off fights of the Alliance and the Horde.

Each class has its own unique perks and resource to manage and it is up to you to completely learn and master them.  The rest is best to be discovered on your own. Just like I said, catching up is the fun part of WoW.

Here’s my own pro tip: Don’t stress about which class to choose! It’s trial and error. Most of us started off playing something completely different to what we main today. Plus, like I said, you’ll most likely have a few characters as you play along, it’s just the nature of things. WoW can be “alt-encouraging”. The term “alt” means alternative, as in an alternative character, a secondary one.

Good luck, adventurer. See you in Azeroth.

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