There are so many characters to choose from when it comes to playing Deceive Inc. Finding just one character that is the best and better than the rest is simply not possible. All of them have their own unique feel and game style that will eventually come off as useful. In this guide, however, we will show you the best “Solo” character that can hold their ground in almost any situation. Let’s get started.
Best Solo Character – Deceive Inc.
In our opinion, Cavaliere is the best Solo character that you can go for when it comes to playing Deceive Inc. She is the most adaptable, the fastest, deals a heck lot of damage and in no matter what combat situation she finds herself in, you will be able to somehow get out of it or simply come out as the victor.
She comes off as one of the strongest tracking ability characters. You can find a lot of small details and players hiding from you while at the same time being able to maneuver easily across them thanks to your speed and passive.
The damage output she can do is very good and although not dealing a lot of damage as some other characters, you can combine it with your fast movements and environment to be able to defeat multiple enemies at the same time at some cases.
The best tactic that you need to use with her is to track out and focus on singular targets. You can be the predator stalking its prey and when you come close and near them and get the upper hand, there’s not a single character that will be able to outdo Cavaliere.
You can use any type of gadget with her and you will completely change her playstyle, which makes her also a very good Solo character. You need to make sure that you get the most amount of intel at the beginning of the game so that you’ll be useful and able to solo your way to victory.
In almost any gunfight, when you completely master the shooting of hers, you will become the victor. So do not worry about that in the end, simply focus on tracking and getting intel from all around and you will do a very good job in the end-game.
It does take some time to fully master her, but once you do, Cavalievere is easily the best solo character in the game. Give her a try and you won’t regret it!
We hope that this guide has answered your question about which is the best solo in Decieve Inc. Still, it all comes down to personal preference so just try to play what is your favorite and suitable playstyle. Have fun!