In Sea of Thieves coming out of a dangerous voyage with your head intact is always an impressive feat, especially during the days where people had to rely on the position of the sun for directions. Sometimes however, things don’t go your way and you just end up stuck, like that time you were in the Fort of the Damned and had no idea how to get through. That’s because you didn’t have the Skull of Destiny! We’ll make sure you to get you unstuck in this guide by helping you find that Skull, here’s hoping that your compass still works.
Sea Of Thieves | A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage Guide
The Skull of Destiny is known to light itself ablaze in six different ways, what do the colors mean? By finding the skull and bringing it to the Fort lies just the answer. You’ll have to accept the voyage first from a nearby shipwright if you want to know more!

As long as you’re already a Pirate Legend you’ll have no trouble whatsoever accessing the voyage for 100 Doubloons. You’ll be using the Wayfinder of Legends to track down the Skull of Destiny for the first half of the voyage. It’ll keep pointing towards where you need to go and will spin like crazy when you’re near your destination. Once you unearth the skull you can change the Flames of Fate that burn within by simply interacting with the object until the colors change.

You can use the flames to change the atmosphere around your ship by interacting with the lanterns, or progress the quest by bringing the skull over to the Fort of the Damned. Make sure the flames match the color of the lanterns before placing the skull inside of the ritual cage to start the fort. Get to the Vault underneath for a chance to get Reaper’s Chests along with other valuables that amounts to 50,000 gold, so long as you can get the Stronghold Key from the Skeleton Lord guarding it.
And that’s how you finished A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny. Say, maybe that compass of yours can also point to other kinds of treasure? Better hold on to it for a little while longer!
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