Starting a new game can be a challenge since you don’t have any idea how to build your character, specially in MMORPGs. That’s why you’ll want to have at least an idea on what kind of character you want and what are the things you can get as a new player. A lot of people like playing games blind but most of us need a guiding hand to get started, and in Albion the game’s not really that much into hand-holding. In this guide we’ll show you some of the best builds for beginners in the game so that you can know what to work towards to!
Best Builds for Beginners In Albion Online
Abilities and spells in Albion Online works different than most MMOs. You actually get your abilities and spells from the items you equip, and each one of them has different passives and spells to choose from. When you’re looking at the builds you might notice that it also has “3rd Spell, 1st Passive” on it, that means you have to choose the 3rd spell ability and the 1st passive ability on that item when you equip it.
Main weapons like Staves and Daggers have multiple spells, so keep that in mind. Now let’s see what the builds are.
General Build
- Assassin’s Hood (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Hunter Jacket (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Hunter Shoes (2nd Spell, 2nd Passive)
- 1 Handed Dagger (2nd Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Passive)
- Adept’s Torch
- Adept’s Cape
- Poison Potions
- Beef Stew or Cabbage Soup or Pork Omelette
The main combo for this build is to use your E ability to buff your auto attack while using the R Ability to increase your attack speed. Then once those abilities are done, use your D Ability to refresh the skills and do it again, this can easily burst down enemies in PVP. That ability combo as well as the others work well in PVE as well making this a great general build.
PVE Build
- Adept’s Great Fire Staff (2nd Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Passive)
- Adept’s Scholar Cowl (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Mercenary Jacket (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Hunter’s Shoes (2nd Spell, 2nd Passive)
- Adept’s Cape
- Poison Potions
- Beef Stew or Cabbage Soup or Pork Omelette
This build is simple and reliable for boss fights. You can just use your Q ability on the boss and dodge and repeat. If you’re getting damaged, drop your Q ability and activate the R Ability, and start doing auto-attacks. The W and E abilities can also be woven around the Q ability when you’re running around dodging attacks. The build uses a lot of energy so remember to use your D ability to get some energy back.
PVP Build
- Adept’s Mage Cowl (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Mercenary Jacket (3rd Spell, 1st Passive)
- Soldier Boots (3rd Spell, 2nd Passive)
- Adept’s Bow (1st Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Spell, 1st Passive)
- Gigantify Potion
The combo for this build is W – E – D and start doing auto-attacks. When you need healing use the R Ability, while also using the Gigantify Potion to increase your HP. If the enemy starts running use the F Ability to run after them, you’ll start slow at first but will accelerate as the ability goes by. Use the Q ability as your main spam ability but also to interrupt spells.
Congratulations you now know some of the great beginner builds in Albion Online, now go out there and try to get these items!