When you start MMORPGs, you will be going in completely blind and unaware of the things that the game doesn’t tell you until it’s too late.
Most MMOs have that same issue, and it’s why a lot of players quit most of the time. But those who stuck around for it, know what to do now. So they can start all over again from scratch to avoid the mistakes they first made. What’s even better is that they share that knowledge with everyone on the internet.
In this guide, we will show you a beginner’s guide for PvP.
PvP Beginner’s Guide – Albion Online

You can choose from five different PvP game modes: Arena, Corrupted Dungeon, Hellgate, Faction Warfare, and Crystal League. In each of these PvP game modes, the main focus is PvP, which means you will be battling it out with other players.
But all of the game modes do not function the same as they are all different from each other:
#1 Arena – In Arena, you will be fighting 5v5 against an enemy team with other players. The main goal for this game mode is to bring the points to 0, as you and the enemy team will start with 150.
You can queue up by yourself, or you can queue up with another group.
Winning an Arena battle will reward you with rewards, but please remember that you can only win rewards up to 3 times a day.
#2 Corrupted Dungeon – Corrupted Dungeon has you go through a dungeon by yourself. You will face mobs in the game and collecting loot at the same time.
However, the catch here is that any player can invade you and kill you for rewards. You will have to fight off invading forces while you struggle to complete the dungeon by yourself. However, you can also invade other people that are doing Corrupted Dungeon as well.
#3 Hellgate – Hellgate is a tough but rewarding PvP game mode that you can use to get some sweet rewards. It functions the same as Corrupted Dungeon where you can fight enemy mobs and tough bosses.
Enemy players can also come in. However, instead of having a 1v1 PvP fight, you can have 2v2, 5v5, and 10v10.
#4 Faction Warfare – If you are in a Faction, then you need to do Faction Warfare as soon as possible. It is the most fun way to play PvP.
If you have played Chivalry or Mordhau, then you will get the same experience, except from a top-to-bottom point of view.
#5 Crystal League – If you think you are a good Albion Online player, then try your hand at Crystal League. You will have the ability to choose between 5v5 and 20v20.
This is for those who are competitive players who treat Albion Online like a lifestyle.
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