Albion Online is a sandbox MMO game made by Sandbox Interactive. Albion Online offers a wide-array of content. Most of the time you are required to have friends to back you up or just hunt with you. But what if you don’t want to have friends, or perhaps you just want to ride alone? This is where we come in.
Best Solo Builds – Albion Online
Riding alone in the Red/Black Zones can be treated as foolish by many, but surprisingly, a lot of AO players roam the dangerous lands alone. It may be hard compared to having a team, but it surely isn’t possible. If you want to join the ranks of these vagabonds and make a name for yourself, then check these builds out.
One-Hand Spear Build

The Spear has been a mainstay in the PVP-game for a long time. It is not only utilized in small gang-fights, but in blob fights/ZvZ fights as well. As such, this shows the versatility of the weapon and the variety of situations the players can use the said weapon.
Weapon Skill-explanation
Forest of Spears (W1)
-Efficient ability for clearing mobs.
Impaler (W5)
-Upgrade to this ability after getting enough fame points for the spear since comparing it to Forest of Spears, Impaler deals more damage and applies an AoE slow against enemies.
Deflecting Spin (W4)
-If you are already experienced in the ways of the pointy sticks, you can opt for this skill. Bear in mind that in PVP, these are usually rendered useless against experienced players as they will simply wait for your skill effect to expire.
Harpoon (W6)
-Gap-closer/ CC to pull-in far away enemies. You can use this to pull unsuspecting mobs and finish them quickly in a distance.
Reckless Charge
-Signature ability of the spear which provides outstanding damage & mobility.
Gear explanation
-Bonus attack-speed, Cooldown reduction
Hunter Hood
Mercenary Jacket, Thetford Cape, Soldier Boots
-Survivability and Mobility
Healing Potion, Roasted Pork
Battle Bracers Solo Build

Battle-bracers are part of the gauntlet weapons recently included in the game. The weapon provides an endless outplay potential only limited by those who wield it. Be prepared to dash around and kick enemies afar with this weapon.
Weapon Skill-explanation
Dragon Leap (Q1), Triple Kick (W1)
-Your go-to skills whenever using gauntlets.
Falcon Smash
-Signature ability. First-toggle levitates you in the air, next toggle you lunge towards the cursor in a Superman-esque manner.
Gear Explanation
Hunter Hood ,Assassin Jacket, Thetford Cape
-Damage, Utility, Mobility.
Hunter Shoes
-Cooldown reduction
Resistance Potion
Roast Pork
-Survivability, Sustain
Bloodletter Solo Build

Ah, the Bloodletter. The weapon that lots of new players died to. You’re happily swiping away at mobs then a hostile player suddenly all-ins on you and bam, gone. This is understandable since this weapon, greatly favored by PVP-ers, is one of the strongest in the game. However, regardless of its PVP-oriented content nature, the Bloodletter is a very versatile weapon for different kinds of content.
Weapon Skill-explanation
Deadly Swipe (Q2)
-Mobility, Damage
Chain Slash (W5)
-Aoe Damage, Mob-clearing, PVP (Requires Level 85 Mastery)
Throwing Blades (W2)
-Damage (placeholder while you grind for Level 85 Mastery)
Dash (W3)
Warbow Solo Build

Solo-ing in the dangerous PvP-areas of Albion as a ranged-weapon user is hard due to the bruiser-oriented meta of the game. In order to excel as a ranged-weapon user, one must have an edge on survivability and kiting. Warbows provide the kiting, and it is glorious.
Weapon Skill-explanation
Multishot (Q2), Poisoned Arrow (Q3)
-Bread-&-Butter skills. Multishot for PVP, Poisoned Arrow for PVE
Ray of Light (W1)
-Kiting, Disables
Frost Shot (W2)
-Crowd Control, Mobility
Magic Arrow
-Signature ability, finishing/starting attack. Damage scales on how far the enemy is.
Gear Explanation
Mage Cowl
-Extra Damage-over-Time Damage
Assassin Jacket, Hunter Shoes
-Cooldown Reduction, Mobility
Thetford Cape
Resistance Potion
-Survivability (due to your squishy nature)
Pork Omelette
-Damage, Cooldown Reduction
That would be the 4 best starting builds for aspiring solo players of Albion. As much as you enjoy riding alone, keep in mind that friendship is the best thing to build in the game.
What are you waiting for? Start grinding for fame!
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