
Anime World Tower Defense: Esper City Raid Solo Guide

Let’s tackle the Esper City Raid at its hardest!

Featured Esper Raid in Anime World Tower Defense
Time to defend the heck out of this place!

If you’re looking for a Tower Defense title you can really sink your teeth into, then Roblox is pretty much your go-to platform. It has everything you could possibly want, with Anime World Tower Defense being one of the very best titles on the platform.

Not only does it have extremely polished mechanics, but it also features many of our favorite characters from the most popular anime around (as well as a few underrated gems). That said, one of the biggest challenges right now has to be the Esper City Raid. What if I told you, it was possible to tackle this solo? Let’s have a look at the Esper City Raid Solo Guide, shall we?

Esper City Raid Solo Guide

As of the moment, not a lot of players have managed to deal with this exceptionally difficult stage. Typically, players band together to take on many of the challenges of Anime World Tower Defense. However, what if you want an even bigger challenge? What if you want to deal with the insane difficulty of Esper City Raid solo?

It seems like a tall order (and it is), but I’m here to help ensure that everything goes smoothly. I’m going to lay everything out to ensure that things go according to plan, but it’s going to be a rather involved process, okay? If you’re having difficulty following the instructions, I’ll also have many images to help you visualize what needs doing.

Building Your Team

Okay, while there are likely many different team compositions that players will discover as we go along, my setup is extremely specific. That means even if there are other units that can get the job done, you likely won’t be able to finish this raid solo without my team.

So, let’s get started with the team you’ll need to take this event down solo.

Frozen Night Queen (Esdeath)

Hailing from Akame Ga Kill we have Frozen Night Queen, who I’ll call Esdeath from here on out. One reason why she’s incredibly useful has to do with her powerful Ice Meteor AoE attack. She also has Frost Break, which is a powerful skill that deals 200% damage to Frozen Enemies.

You’ll want Esdeath on your side as she makes an invaluable part of this team. Of course, we’ll get into more specifics as we tackle the Esper City Raid, but know that she makes the perfect Lead for this team. Her Lead Category is Frozen Heart, which is ATK +100% and DOT DMG +100%. Naturally, the units well be using will benefit from Esdeath’s Leader Skill.

Blue Rose Knight

This unit is a must for anyone looking to run Esdeath’s team on any raid. As part of the Frozen Heart category, this unit benefits from increased damage. As if that wasn’t enough, this unit is often considered broken due to his extremely high stats and Freeze ability.

Considering that Blue Rose Knight can freeze opponents, it also plays off with Esdeath as she deals more damage to frozen enemies. All in all, a pretty straightforward character, and one that you can expect to deal plenty of damage.

While he’s not a part of this team, you might also want to look at SR ++ Gon in this game!

The Frozen Moon (Doma)

If you’re a Demon Slayer fan you’ll love this, as The Frozen Moon is none other than Doma (I’ll just call him that so it’s not always such a mouthful). You’re probably sensing a pattern with this, especially if you’re an avid player of the game.

All of these units have the capability to Freeze, which is very important as the Raid can get extremely tricky in the latter stages. Overall, a very powerful unit, and you’ll definitely see just how powerful Doma can be when we use him.

I’m also going to recommend another unit, though not in this particular raid — having a look at this LR Hidan guide is never a bad idea!

Peem (Shoko Teiri)

Now, the reason why we have Peem over here (I’m just going to keep calling her Peem because it’s cute) is because of her ability to remove debuffs. It’s called the Reverse Curse, and it’ll come in extremely handy, as the enemies have a habit of stunning your units.

Stun can be quite annoying to deal with, so we’ll have Peem deal with that whenever possible.

Denis (Denji)

You might think that I’d call this one Denji, but no, I prefer to call him Denis because that’s hilarious. The last two units we’ll have in the team are the ones that will deal with money. That’s pretty much the long and short of it, though Denis (heh) certainly is quite good at what he does.

You’ll see that during the Raid, we’ll have Denis try to gather as much cash as possible.

Since I’m a firm believe in preparing for all modes, I’m also going to recommend this Deidara guide.

Shining Star Idol (Ai Hoshino)

Similar to Denis, Idol is a unit that you’ll primarily be using to gather money for your team. Of course, I don’t have to talk about the importance of money because you have to use money to do anything in this game. Of course, aside from gathering cash, Idol will also give everyone a nifty Attack Boost.

Last but certainly not least, I’m just going to place the guide on the best units in the game in general!

Making Your Preparations

Okay! So, we’ve got our team, and now we’re ready to start dealing with the Esper City Raid on our own. Everything might be confusing at first, but thankfully you have useful lines guiding you to the most crucial parts of the stage.

The first thing I want you to do is to find the spot where the two lines intersect. No worries, because I’ll show you where it is right here:

Getting ready in Anime World Tower Defense

Pretty easy right? It’s where the green and red arrows intersect. Do you see that taxi right there? I want you to place Esdeath right where the taxi is.

Placing Esdeath in Anime World Tower Defense

Now that we’ve got that done, the next thing you have to do is to gather enough units that you can make money while simultaneously keeping them out of harm’s way. It seems rather complicated, but the only thing I want you to do is place three Denis units right here:

Placing Denis in Anime World Tower Defense

One thing you’ll notice when you start placing these units is a tree immediately pops up where Denis is. Don’t worry about that, since it’s the money tree, and it’ll keep you sustained.

Another to remember with this run is you’re going to want to keep Auto Skip Off so that the Denis units can make as much money as possible. Other than that, you can place it at x2 Speed or even x3 Speed, depending on your preference.

SIDE NOTE: The Valentine Update in Anime World Tower Defense is awesome. Why not have a look?

Esper City Raid Solo Guide, Ready, Set, Go!

Now that we’ve got all of that done, simply hit Ready to get started, and let’s finish this Raid, shall we? As soon as you get started, you’ll notice your money will begin to rise again, thanks to Denis. What you’ll want to do is wait for the cash to reach 2200, because then you can immediately summon your Doma.

As far as where you’ll want to place him, it will be right next to Esdeath.

Placing Doma in Anime World Tower Defense

Now that you’ve got your Doma set up, they should begin to fight the enemies that are starting to make their way through the Spawn Points. It’s not that big a deal, as the first wave can be handled with relative ease.

Now, what I want you to do with the money you earn at this point is to level up your Denis units once. That means all three Denis units should have one level each so that they can earn you more money. Just so we’re clear, it’s 1700 each upgrade for Denis, so you’ll have to wait until you have enough money to do so.

It should be pretty easy to upgrade all of the Denis units you have. Right after that, the next thing I want you to do with your money is to summon yet another Doma. This time, you’ll want to place him to the other side of Esdeath, like so:

Placing 2nd Doma in Anime World Tower Defense

By the way, good job keeping up so far! We’ve got Esdeath, Doma x2, and Denis x3. That’s pretty much the starting lineup, and they’ll do a good job. The next thing you should do is upgrade the Denis units again. It’ll be the same as last time, one upgrade each.

You’ll need 2550 to upgrade the Denis units, but you’ll also find that money is coming a little quicker.

Upgrading Denis in Anime World Tower Defense

Now that you’ve got the Denis units upgraded, it’s time to place our Idol unit and continue to build the overall setup. At this point you should have already reached the 2nd wave of the Raid, which is good! We’ve got 13 waves all in all. As far as where to place Idol, all you have to do is place her close to the second Doma, which is right here:

Placing Idol in Anime World Tower Defense

Pretty easy so far, right? Now, the next thing you need to do is to upgrade the Denis units to max. Technically, you only need to upgrade them each one more time. While you’re doing this, it’s also important that we buy food.

As far as how much food to buy, I usually go with stacks of 50. For those who aren’t too familiar with this game, it’s a little odd how you need to feed the units, but it is how it is, right? Everyone’s gotta eat at one point, especially in this Esper City Raid Solo Guide.

Buying food in Anime World Tower Defense

The next step of the process is to give Esdeath her deadly Meteor Attack. You can do this by upgrading her until she reaches Upgrade [4].

Along the same vein, you’re also going to want to level Idol up until she reaches max level. This is going to take some time, but with your Denis units doing their best to earn cash, you’ll get there sooner rather than later.

Upgrading Idol in Anime World Tower Defense

Oh by the way, make sure you are regularly buying food while doing this. Keep in mind that your units will die if they don’t eat, so buy another stack of 50 when you find yourself running out. At this point in time, you should be at wave 4.

The next step of this rather drawn out process is to start leveling your Domas. Level each Doma three times, so that they reach Upgrade Level [4], just like Esdeath.

The Middle of the Road

Now that you’ve upgraded both of your Domas, the next step is to summon Peem. If you want the safest place for this unit, right next to Esdeath is typically a good spot.

Placing Peem in Anime World Tower Defense

Now, the trick with Peem is pretty easy, and you don’t have to do anything with her after this. All you have to do is upgrade her until you get her ability. This is at Upgrade [6], and it’s the Reverse Curse ability. Once you’ve done so, click on the Auto Ability right on top of the Ability screen. That way, you won’t have to worry about micromanaging Peem.

Auto ability in Anime World Tower Defense

The next part of the process just involves maxing out your Doma units. It’s pretty straightforward — just wait until you have enough money, and hit upgrade until you get max. Do this with both Doma units, but also be sure to watch that you don’t run out of food.

Okay! Now that we’ve got this entire part of the map setup, you don’t need to do much, at least not in this area. You basically have all of your units benefiting from each other, which is great. So now, it’s time to move forward (but not so far that it goes beyond Idol’s range) and place another Doma. You’ll want to place it right next to this bus like so:

Placing the 3rd Doma in Anime World Tower Defense

Of course, that Doma isn’t going to be useful unless you max him out, so go ahead and do that. At this point you’ve likely already reached wave 6.

Oh right! We’ve forgotten one of the members of the team! Well then, let’s start making use of the Blue Rose Knight. At this point, the best thing to do is to place three of these units right in front of the bus, like so:

The Blue Rose Knight setup in Anime World Tower Defense

I don’t know about you, but this trio of Blue Rose Knights cracks me up for some reason. They just look like they’re ready to start wreaking havoc. Of course, as I said earlier, no unit at this point will be useful to you unless they’re maxed out (except Peem and Esdeath, leave them as is).

As such, the next order of business is to spend all of your cash maxing out this lovely trio. I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but make sure you’re feeding your units! I keep forgetting myself, which often results in me losing this Raid as a result.

Tackling the Later Stage of the Raid

Okay, remember what I said about leaving Esdeath as is? Well, after you’ve fully maxed out your trio of Blue Rose Knights, the next step is to level Esdeath to Upgrade [11]. The reason for this is it unlocks her most powerful AoE move.

Once you’ve done this, all you have to do now is to turn on Auto Skip.

Turning on Auto Skip in Anime World Tower Defense

This is pretty much how everything should look so far. At this point you can relax a bit, but at the same time you should always keep your units fed.

While we wait, you’ve probably already reached wave 13. At this point, you’ll come across the boss, which has likely ended many Raid attempts of many, many players — especially at this difficulty. Now, you see your cash continue to rise, right? Spend that on the final upgrade for Esdeath.

The Last Level in Anime World Tower Defense

It’s been a rather long road, but all you have to do now is to just wait for things to finish up. With Esdeath at max, even the boss won’t be able to handle your team setup. Oh right, while Peem technically doesn’t need to be leveled up, if you’re feeling bored you can do that.

Raid Difficulty and Recap

This is probably one of the hardest Raids in the game, especially if you’re trying to do it Solo. However, as I showed with this Esper City Raid Solo Guide, you only need a smart team setup to get the job done. Once you’ve gotten everything set, there really isn’t anything to worry about. Oh, you might also be interested in this UR+ Minato guide!

In fact, I wouldn’t even call this particularly difficult if you have the right units. That being said, here’s the recap:

  1. Place Esdeath
  2. Place 3 Denis
  3. Turn Off Autoskip
  4. Hit Ready
  5. Place Doma
  6. Level up all Denis once
  7. Place 2nd Doma
  8. Level up all Denis once
  9. Place Idol
  10. Max all Denis
  11. Esdeath Upgrade [4]
  12. Place Peem
  13. Max both Domas
  14. Place 3rd Doma (max him)
  15. Place Blue Rose Knight trio
  16. Esdeath Upgrade [11]
  17. Turn On Autoskip
  18. Esdeath Max

During this whole process, make sure that you keep feeding your units, okay? Yeah, that’s the last time I’m going to mention the food (You’re welcome). That’s about it for the Esper City Raid Solo Guide! You might also want to look at the full Update 14 guide! Happy defending!

Hey, while you’re here: Have you seen Killua in this game? He’s nuts! Here’s a guide on Killua if you’re interested!


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