Beating one of the harder difficulties in a game is often designed to challenge the best of players. Most players don’t start out being the best though and you’ll need to learn and practice if you want to be the best.
In Attack On Titan Revolution, one of the more challenging levels is the Supremacy where you have to fight difficult Titans. If you’re not careful and don’t have the right build, you might not clear this level even after hours of trying.
In this guide, we’ll show you the easiest ways to beat Supremacy in the game. We’ll go through the best builds as well as the best ways to handle those pesky Titans. Now, let’s see what we’ll need to do to beat this one!
Best Guide To Beat Supremacy Easily
If you want to get the Crown that increases your luck in Attack of Titan Revolution, then you’ll need to beat Supremacy. That’s easier said than done because you’ll be fighting some tough enemies like crawlers and aberrant Titans. Here are some great tips to make things easier for you!
SIDE NOTE: Do you need Titan Serum in the game? Check out our Best Way to Farm Titan Serum Guide for more details!
Best Supremacy Build
One of the main things you’ll need to set up if you want to beat Supremacy is your skill trees. With that, you’ll want to maximize the left-side tank tree since it will increase your survivability in the game. It will give you both Survivalist 1 and 2 which will make it easier to get out of grabs.

Another great skill tree to maximize is the left-side support tree since it’ll give you a lot of health regeneration. If you get too damaged while doing Supremacy, you can just stand back and regenerate back to full health.
Meanwhile, another tree you’ll want to maximize is the Standard Left Side Damage tree. This will help you deal enough damage to one-shot any Titan when you attack them on the nape. This is important if you’re dealing with multiple Titans as it saves your resources as well.

In terms of the Family perks, the best one for Supremacy is of course the Ackerman Family due to its massive bonuses. If you can’t get that family, then the next best thing is the Leonhart Family for the bonus damage.

Titan Killing Methods
Now that you have the proper build to kill Titans efficiently, we’ll go through the best ways to do it. One of the main enemies you’ll fight in Supremacy are crawler Titans which can be a bit tricky to defeat.
The best way to deal with them is to go directly above them, aim for their Nape, and then boost down and slice at them. Be sure to double-tap the S-key, so that you can boost away from them after you attack.

Another enemy you’ll encounter is the Aberrants and these are a bit harder to defeat. The most efficient way to target their nape is similar to the technique above.
Boost into the Air until the Titan is right below you then aim for their nape. As you go down, angle your camera to their Nape while holding either the A or D key to position yourself behind it. Then, boost downwards to attack and then double-tap S to escape.

It’ll take a bit of practice, so make sure that you try these techniques on single Titans at first. Don’t worry about being grabbed since you can easily get out of that with the build.
SIDE NOTE: Are you wondering if Prestige is worth it in the game? Check out our Is Prestige Worth It? Guide for more details!
Beating Supremacy – Wall Tactic
Dealing with single Titans is good but you’ll need to defeat a lot of them to complete Supremacy. There are a lot of different tactics you can do to beat this game and the first one is the Wall Tactic.
This is often done with friends or a group where most of them will go on top of the walls. One player will then act as bait and will attract 1–3 Titans into the wall. The rest of the group can then easily drop and boost down to defeat them.

Make sure that the bait doesn’t attract too much of them and keep it to a maximum of 3. Having more Titans will increase the risk of getting grabbed or damaged.
Beating Supremacy – Divide And Conquer
The next tactic is where you go around the map and aggro one or two Titans at a time. When you boost to a Titan, you increase your Aggro range so keep that in mind. Move around the map, attract 1 Titan, and then lure it away from the group to dispatch them.

In this method, a boosted attack to the nape is preferable so that you don’t have to waste resources boosting up and then down. It is a bit riskier, so if you’re not so sure, then just go with the normal ways of defeating them as shown before.
With these tips, you can easily beat Supremacy in Attack On Titan Revolution. Now, go out there and try to do this yourself! Want to get the best perks in the game? Check out our Best Method to Farm & Craft Legendary Perks Guide for some tips!