Jon Suan

An aspiring Game Journalist and Fiction writer.
2606 Articles

Find A Way Through The Tunnels – The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto protocol released recently with some mixed reviews. A lot of…

Jon Suan

Keep Moving To The Hangar – The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol didn’t have the best release to put it lightly.…

Jon Suan

Predecessor ITEMS Guide: Crests, Upgrades, Tiers & Builds Explained

MOBA may not be an exact science, or a science at all…

Jon Suan

Predecessor: Dekker Complete Guide | Support

MOBA games is still standing strong as a genre within the gaming…

Jon Suan

Predecessor: Muriel Complete Guide | Support

The MOBA scene has been a part of gaming culture for a…

Jon Suan

COD DMZ: Open Any Door Without Keys

Call of Duty has been one of those big triple A games…

Jon Suan

Darktide: How To Get Cosmetics For Free | Warhammer

Warhammer 40k Darktide has recently released and despite some players experiencing performance…

Jon Suan

Fortnite: Faulty Splits Flag Capture | Chapter 4

Fortnite stirred up a storm when it first came out with its…

Jon Suan

Callisto Protocol: Locate The Medical Facility Guide

The Callisto Protocol released recently with some mixed reviews from players. Reports…

Jon Suan

Callisto Protocol: Reach The Utility Hatch Guide

The spiritual successor of the Dead Space games has recently released and…

Jon Suan

How To Play Fluttering Footsteps In The Fields Web Event | Wanderer Experience – Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is one of those big gacha games that is still…

Jon Suan

Update Xbox Controller Firmware on Windows

We all know how annoying updates are in form of electronic media.…

Jon Suan

Golden Potato Secret Code | Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is one of those farm life simulation games like…

Jon Suan

NFS: Unbound – BEST Optimization Guide | Best Settings & Max Performance

A new racing game is out and it’s Need for Speed Unbound,…

Jon Suan

The Callisto Protocol: All Chapter 8 Collectible Locations (All Data-Bios)

There’s a new game on the block and it’s Callisto Protocol, a…

Jon Suan