
Baldur’s Gate 3: Can You Remove Custom Co-Op Characters From Party?

Why won’t you leave the party!

Baldur's Gate 3 Coop

There are only a few games out there that can match the hype that Baldur’s Gate 3 made from a non-triple A game. The last part is important because the term Triple A has some mixed messages these days. As much as the game’s been in Early Access for a while now and how there’s only a few bugs here and there, some big ones can still be seen. One of which is about removing custom co-op characters.

Some players have reported that custom co-op characters can’t be removed, and that they’re stuck with them in the party when not in co-op. Is there a way to remove them from the game? Let’s see what we can do to remedy this.

Can You Remove Custom Co-Op Characters From Party?

Playing Co-op with friends is always fun regardless of if the game is great or not. And with a good one like Baldur’s Gate 3, a lot of people play multiplayer. The problem lies when some players want to remove those characters from the campaign. There’s a lot of reasons, from the friend not being interested to some players just want to go solo temporarily. What they soon notice though is you can’t remove them!

As of now there is no way of removing these custom co-op characters. We’ve tried with fiddling with Session settings and even trying to kill the character in the game. No dice as the characters are always there, pun very much intended.

Baldur's Gate 3 Playing Cards

This problem seems to happen when you join an already existing campaign. Even with a full party the game removes one of the party members and sends them back to camp. The connecting player then is forced to a character creation screen. Some players even report it happening for co-op campaigns that start from the beginning with both the host and co-op members making their own characters.

For now, the only fix is to avoid doing co-op, if you don’t want to commit to that save being a co-op game. Another ‘fix’ is to regrettably just start a new campaign and don’t do co-op. What I suggest is to have a solo campaign save and a co-op campaign save. And be careful to not mix up the two!

That’s all the information we have on removing custom co-op characters in Baldur’s Gate 3. Hopefully they fix this problem soon with a future patch. Go check out our guide on how to find the Blood of Lathander Legendary if you haven’t already!

ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: Find Zevlor Guide


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