
Baldur’s Gate 3: Free Counsellor Florrick Guide

Hurry up! And take the invisibility potion with you!

Baldur's Gate 3: Free Counsellor Florrick Guide

Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you lots of opportunities go on fun and challenging adventures as you progress. There are many tasks you’ll need to complete in order to achieve a certain objective or a mission goal. Some require you to fight opponents, while some want to be sneaky and win.

Freeing Counsellor Florrick is one of the missions that you’ll want to do in Baldur’s Gate 3. She is a city official who has been imprisoned and is in need of your help. In this guide, we will show you how to free her and complete the mission.

Free Counsellor Florrick Guide

First, in the W’yrms Rock Fortress, you’ll want to get to the passageway and go through it. By interacting with it, you can teleport to the prison. In the image down below, you’ll be able to see the exact location of the passageway.

Baldur's Gate 3 Map

Once you’re in the prison, you’ll want to keep going forward. However, you’ll want to lockpick the front gate to be able to get it. You can also choose some of the buffs to increase your chances of successfully conducting a lockpick.

Baldur's Gate 3 Prison

Then, you can keep going deeper inside the area. As you go, you will encounter a prison guard that you will need to lie or fight. It is recommended for you to choose the first option and try to deceive the prison guard. After that, you can keep going to the end of the prison.

Baldur's Gate 3 Guard

Once you have made your way to the end of the area, look to your left. That is the cell of Counsellor Florrick who you need to rescue. Just like last time, you will want to select lockpick and try to open the door. Then, you can have a conversation with her.

Baldur's Gate 3 Cell

As you talk to her, you will want to persuade her to escape the prison with you. You can do this by selecting the first option when the dialogues pop up. Once she accepts your request, you will be able to move on to the next step.

Baldur's Gate 3 Persuasion

Near where you stand, you will be able to see a prison guard moving back and forth around the prison area. You will want to go into turn-based mode and use a stealth ability. Then, you’ll want to pickpocket the prison guard to get the silver key.

Baldur's Gate 3 Key

Next, you’ll want to prepare yourself an invisible potion. This will allow you and Counsellor Florrick to get out of the prison area safely. From your inventory, select one invisibility potion and throw it towards her, then she will turn invisible.

Baldur's Gate 3 Potion

Keep walking with her and lead her to outside of the prison. Then, you’ll see the last dialogue in which she thanks you for helping her get out of the area. She’ll also thank you for encouraging her when she’d all but run out.

Baldur's Gate 3 Last Dialogue

That is how you are able to free Counsellor Florrick in Baldur’s Gate 3. Overall, this quest relies mostly on your ability to lockpick, pickpocket and deceive prison guards. Being sneaky is also an important thing since you will need an invisibility potion to help her get out safely.

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