In Baldur’s Gate 3, there are some items you’ll come across that feels like they were meant to be used by a specific character in your party. We’re not talking about generic rapiers or scale mails that only give you a disadvantage on stealth checks. We’re talking legendary items like Shar’s Spear of Evening.
We say that it’s meant to be used by a specific character since this is part of Shadowheart’s side quest. You’ll have to progress further into the game while reading this guide if you want the legendary weapon to fall into your pocket though!
How to Get Shar’s Spear of Evening Legendary
Getting Shar’s Spear of Evening will take you all the way to Act 2 in the Silent Library. You have to choose whether to kill or spare the Nightsong to obtain the weapon. Here’s a pro tip: You have to kill the Nightsong using Spear of Night that you’ll get from the Silent Library to get the weapon. This will however, affect Shadowheart’s morals.
You can get more information about the Nightsong by talking to Halsin after you rescue him from the Goblin Camp in Act 1. Another person you can talk to will be Liam, go to the Shattered Sanctum instead of you wish to get the info from him.

To get to the lower levels at X:-743, Y:-757 without popping your kneecaps, go ahead and use Misty Step. You’ll get Silenced the moment you go through the door so prepare to get creative and clear out the Nightweavers on the other side.

From the doorway you just entered, head over to the right side of the room. You’ll see two bookcases here, both of them are booby-trapped and the only way for you to spot these is by passing a Perception check. Feel free to reload a save if you dice didn’t make the cut. Go ahead, we won’t judge, maybe.
Go for the one on the left first and be ready to roll a DC of 14 for a dexterity check in order to unlock it. Snag the Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger book and proceed to the shelf on the right. Take the Tome of the Self-Step Trial next and proceed to the Iron Portcullis I the center of the room.

The portcullis has a Dexterity DC of 21. You can easily surpass that if you have enough bonuses or spare inspiration. Insert the Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger into the Riddle of the Night once you gain access to the room. This will give you access to the Treasure Room where the Spear of Night lies in wait.

Give that spear to Shadowheart and head down to the central area of Shadowfell. Shadowheart will want to kill the Nightsong. And that’s exactly what you need to happen to get Shar’s Spear of Evening. Choosing this outcome however will kill everyone in the Last Light Inn. This includes key character tied to quests that you may or may have not finished yet.
You can spare the Nightsong instead by trying to pass a 30 DC Persuasion check. This will definitely help with your fight against General Thorm later on. That and you spare everyone in the Last Light Inn.

And that’s how you get the legendary spear in Baldur’s Gate 3. There are other legendary items that you can get that won’t leave you feeling guilty afterwards. Items like the Gloves of Soul Catching, something that we too, have a guide for!
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