Starting in a new game can be difficult especially if you’re just learning the ropes. There are a lot of things you’ll need to learn and there’s a high chance that you’ll be inefficient at the start. If you don’t want that then don’t worry, since veterans have already charted out the efficient ways of doing it!
In Bee Swarm Simulator, there are a lot of different bees that you can go to your Hive. Each one of them has their stats and bonuses and in the early game, you can’t get the best ones.
In this guide, we’ll show you what the best early game bees are for your hive for those who are starting. We’ll go through the bees you’ll want to place in the hive, so that you know what to work towards!
Best Early Game Hive Guide
There are a lot of bees in the bee Swarm Simulator and some of them need a lot of resources to get. That’s why you’ll want to know what the best ones are for the early game since resources are scarce at that point. Here is a great Early Game Hive to help you out!
General Tips
The hive build that we’re going to here will maximize your pollen from Blue, Red, and White. Even though it says below that all bees are at Level 9, don’t use all of your honey all at once. You might struggle getting items and such, so only level them up when you can afford it.
Below is an image of the whole hive and the bees used. We’ll be going through the notable bees that you need for the build. The other slots can be used for gifted bees or Mythic bees if you’re lucky enough to get them!

Blue Bees
The first bees we’ll be going through are the Blue Bees. We’ll have the two Frosty Bees, Bucko Bee, and Cool Bee, so that we can get a boost for tokens. The Bubble Bees are there to help pollinate flowers if you don’t have a good sprinkler. If you do have a good sprinkler, switch one of the Bubble Bees to a Diamond Bee.
- Frosty Bee
- Bucko Bee
- 2x Bubble Bee
- 2x Frosty Bee
- Bumble Bee
- Cool Bee
- Cobalt Bee
Red Bees
Now that we’re done with the Blue bees, we’ll be going with the Red ones. We have 2 Shy Bees for Boost Tokens. The Crimson Bee will be equipped with a Toy Horn to help the Music Bees in the hive.
- 2x Shy Bees
- Rad Bee
- Rascal Bee
- Riley Bee
- Crimson Bee – Equipped With Toy Horn
Colorless Bees
For the Colorless Bees, we have 3 Music Bees to have a constant Melody Token drop, same with Baby Bees with their token. The Carpenter Bees are there to help with Pollen Marks and Honey Marks. A Gifted Shocked bee with Haste will help with Haste Tokens as well as Photon Bee and Bear Bee. You’ll also want the Basic Bee for the Gifted ability.
- 3x Music Bees
- 3x Baby Bees
- 4x Carpenter Bees
- Shocked Bee – Gifted and Haste
- Photon Bee – Gifted
- Bear Bee
- Basic Bee – Gifted
- Bomber Bee – Gifted
- Tabby Bee – Gifted
SIDE NOTE: If you need help with trying to get Gifted Bees, check out our How To Get More Gifted Bees Guide for more details!
Event Bees
Some of the bees listed above are event bees and most of the time, you’ll have to buy them. Make sure that you buy the Photon Bee first, then the Tabby, and then finally the Cobalt or Crimson Bees.
That’s all of the notable bees you’ll need for the Best Early Game Hive in Bee Swarm Simulator. Now, go out there and try it out yourself! If you get to the end game try and get the best mythic eggs in the game. Check out our Best Mythic Egg Guide for more details!