Maintaining a hive in Bee Swarm Simulator will always be expensive, especially when you have to go out of your way most of the time to look for bees. But the end result is always worth it given that the Red Hive has the highest overall attack as well. In this guide, we’ll show you what you need to put together in order to complete your red hive. Stick around and find out more, and don’t forget to get rid of that Gummy Bee you have lying around!
Red Hive Complete Guide
First, let’s start off with the bees. What most people run with consist of 12 Precise Bees, 10 Spicy Bees, 6 Vector Bees, and 2 Tadpole Bees. If you don’t have what you need within the list then be sure to have a few Royal Jellies at the ready. The rest would be the following:
- 2 Baby Bees
- 4 Carpenter Bees
- 4 Event Bees
- Photon Bee
- Tabby Bee
- Bear Bee
- Crimson Bee
- Digital Bee
- Festive Bee
- Commander Bee
- Shy Bee

For Epic and Rare Bees, here’s what you’ll need:
- Rage Bee
- Riley Bee
- Brave Bee
- Hasty Bee
- Music Bee
With that out of the way, we can discuss your Beequips next! For starters, you’re going to want to have at least two Thumbtacks on your Precise Bees. Having this will give you a 2% hive increase to your Red Beed Attack. You’d also want a Kazoo on your Riley Bee for the Melody Ability. Another item needed would be three Poinsettias, make sure they have the +4% Red Pollen bonus too. Toy horns should be put on your Rage and Crimson Bees.
A few more items include a Toy Drum which you will have to put on your Brave Bees to benefit from haste. Then you have a Festive Wreath and Paper Angel that goes on your Photon Bee, and a Charm Bracelet on a Carpenter Bee.

This is what you’ll need for your SSA. You don’t need pollen from bees as they’re useless for a red hive. You’ll also need the new Diamond Cog Amulet and Supreme Ant Amulet as it clearly has better stats.

And that’s what you’ll need to have the best Red hive in Bee Swarm Simulator! Be sure to read our other guides if you’re looking for more farmable resources!
ALSO READ: Bee Swarm Simulator – How to Get Purple Potions Fast