BEST Yoru Flashes For Ascent Attack | Radiant Valorant Guide

BEST Yoru Flashes For Ascent Attack | Radiant Valorant Guide

David Mickov
4 Min Read

Everyone has their own strategies for certain types of skills in Valorant. In this guide, we will tell you the best Flashes For Ascent attacks that you can do with Yoru. Blind everyone and then wipe them out!

Radiant Valorant Guide – BEST Yoru Flashes For Ascent Attack

You will need to come to this location. Point at the edge of this roof and you will need to hit the corner of it directly. It is going to bounce and hit the floor underneath it. The result, flashing everyone that’s where without even knowing it.

Source: Demra

Now once you have cleared all of A Main, keep going and pushing. You will get to this location where you’ll also be seeing an edge of a roof. Hit the flash again in this position as last time and it will flash everyone behind the doors. This will blind all of A site.

Source: Demra

Let’s assume that you have control of A site now. Defenders are on their way coming from the higher level. You will climb on the boxes and hit this flash in this small corner. You will flash everyone that’s on top without blinding yourself.

Source: Demra

Now we come to Mid. You will hold this position and flash directly as shown in the circled area. It will bounce high up in the air and flash everyone on the other side. Make sure to turn just in time so you don’t get blinded as well.

Source: Demra

So, this one is for Short. Let’s say you have enemies on the right side in the corner and on the left side behind the door. Pop this flash in this angle and you’ll blind them both in no time. It’s a very good position because they won’t even have time to turn around.

Source: Demra

What are the Best Yoru Flashes For Ascent Attack in Valorant?

This one is after you clear the short. You will be in Mid. This is a classic, you can basically do this on every wall and map. Bounce it from the wall and flash everyone on the left while turning and not getting blinded yourself.

Source: Demra

For holding Mid at the hard location where everyone is passing, get to this position and simply bounce the flash while looking under you. It will result in a mini flash for you but for a full flash that will go over this wall.

Source: Demra

This one is for B Main. Very nice flash which is completely unexpected. Aim at head level or a little bit below and just bounce the flash so it’s gonna hit the entrance. You will need to turn around again in order not to get blinded yourself of course.

Source: Demra

This will flash everyone holding B Main which makes it fantastic to use.

To conclude, these are the most important flashes that you’ll need to win a game on this map. Big thank you and credit goes to Demra from YouTube. You can check out his channel here.

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This bearded looking fellow on our left is David and he is a 26 year old passionate gamer. He has been an active member of the gaming community from a very young age, specifically from 2003 when he first played Warcraft 3 and discovered tachycardia from how enjoyable and relaxing it was. Gaming for him has been, and still is a way of life style. He loves delving deep into whatever it is he is playing, losing himself into countless of hours discovering everything there is that created that video game. He learns about the backstories, about the development, the creators, fan theories and boy oh boy he's open for discussions about what makes a game great and what doesn't. He can play everything from small Indie games , to big triple A titles. His theory about games is this : small details make big games. So that is why whatever it is that he is playing, he is the guy who discovers 99% of the maps with every little side quest or trophy to be found. That is why his favourite genre is RPG. Having the big explorable created world at your fingertips, where everything from a scary bloodsucking demon to a friendly talking goat can be found and interacted with, as well as immersing yourself into the roleplay game you are playing, is fascinating for him. He is a laid back type of gamer, after a rich history of getting his ass kicked in competitive games. He is very passionate about writing blogs and articles about games, as it is soothing and meditating for him.
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