There’s always an overabundance of activities to keep you moving when it comes to playing Black Desert Online, but a true penny pincher would do well to hold back on any of these affairs until they earn a decent amount of coin! Yes there is a chance of you losing your goods as you go from town to town, it’s still better than spending hours of your life in a dreary dungeon however. There’s no losing in this guide though, we’ll walk you through the ups and downs of Imperial Trading and get you those Golden Seals in no time!
Beginners Imperial Trading Guide | Black Desert Online
Trading in Black Desert Online is as simple as buying a trade good from one NPC at a low price and selling it to the other at a loss because you didn’t go to the farthest corner of the map on your first try. You can avoid this with imperial trading as you only buy goods from a select few NPC’s and only need to have them delivered to specific regions requested by an Imperial Delivery NPC for more money. These deliveries are an easy way of acquiring Golden Seals.

Go to your Trade Info from the Life tab in your menu, here you will see all the trade goods needed and who’s requesting them. At the top you can see the movement of any large merchant guilds in a random region, they usually sell their trade goods at a slightly higher value to any active Trade Manager. Below will be every trade good that’s being requested for each region that you can sell for more silver the further you go.

Imperial trade routes can be linked together which allows a trade cycle like with normal trading, all of the nodes being used for trade must be connected to net you the most money. So that’s taking a look at the trade info, choosing a good you wish to trade, and heading over to the NPC last to seal the deal.

To get the most from Imperial Trading, make sure you wear the proper horse training gear while travelling, and don’t forget to switch out to the trading gear to level your horses for imperial horse deliveries faster.
When turning in the goods, there is a small chance of getting a Golden Seal. You’ll have to do a couple of more runs before you get your first one but the rewards are well worth your time, so long as you keep saving them.
You can go to Shamhain at the Stonetail Horse Club to exchange 10 seals for a Rainbow Gem Fruit if you ever want to make an attempt at getting a Dream Horse, or you can sell it for 50,000 silver.
Lamiro Iadans will give you a High-Quality Merchant/Noble Wagon Part Set for 20 to 30 seals respectively. If you bring him 100 seals then you can get a Piece of Image Material Box as well.

Now if you’re interested in bigger things, you can save all the way up to 3000 seals to get the Epheria Sailboat if you ever had any plans of wanting to start Bartering. 10000 seals will get you the Forest Path Wagon and a whopping 12000 for a Frigate, a term that’s been passed around back and forth carelessly whenever wooden vessels become a part of a conversation.
A slow burn but definitely worth it if time is on your side, remember to give the bandits who try to loot your goods no quarter by checking your map for any signs of activity on the routes you have planned. Why? Because they drop Golden Seals as well, so going out of your way to put them down gets you even closer to that wagon you’re saving up for!
ALSO READ: Black Desert Online: How To Get A Epheria Sailboat