A new patch in Dead by Daylight means that all of your favorite builds will be changed! Well, whenever that happens we will be here and coming up with brand newer and better ones! In this guide, we will be talking about the reworded Pig Build and its perks. This is what you should be doing.
Best REWORKED Pig Build | Pig Guide – Dead By Daylight
Pig got changed since the newest and latest patch that got introduced to Dead By Daylight. A lot of the things that have been working for Pig are now basically useful or very bad. That is why players have been coming up with new strategies.
The most important thing about you playing a Pig will be choosing your Perks. These are the Perks that you will need to select as Pig in Dead by Daylight:
Perk 1 – Corrupt Intervention

Corrupt Intervention will lock 3 generators for 2 minutes. That is the big change about this perk. The biggest change and nerf almost is that when you down some of the survivors, the Corruport Intervention effect will actually end.
So that is why this time you will have to think about when you will be using it. As Pig, you will need time to set up and place her Reverse Bear Traps. You want an RBT before the first generator.
The biggest strength of this perk is that Pig will actually stop survivors spawning on the generators. This also makes the survivors move around the map very early on too. Making them easier targets from the very start.
Just time this Perk correctly so that you can set up your traps first and then hunt them down. You will also be able to move faster while crouched.
Perk 2 – Save The Best For Last

This is the MVP of this build. It has been buffed since the last patch. You will get 1 token when you strike a survivor. You will lose 2 tokens when hitting obsession. Each of these tokens is actually worth 5% of the successful hit cooldown for a total of 8%. This is an amazing stat.
It cannot go to 50% as some people would think because there are some debuffs to consider as well. But anyhow, the Save the best for Last is absolutely crucial when playing Pig. Always choose it as your perk!
It works very well on Pig mainly because with your second hit you can save your stacks. The cooldown of it is also 2.7 seconds. The tokens will apply after that too.
This perk will literally win you a lot of games! Highly recommended!
Perk 3 – Deadlock

Whenever a generator is complete the next and closest generator will be locked for 30 seconds. That is the new change to this perk. This is an automated slowing down of the survivors in the game in a way.
The locking of the generators will also offer a little bit of information about its area. This way you can find any hiding and pesky survivors. It is a very good early game because of how much slower it will make the survivors be.
Deadlock will be the tank of your new Pig build. It deals a lot of damage and plus it slows down the survivors making it easier for you to kill them.
Perk 4 – No Way Out

For every survivor that you have hooked, you will add 12 seconds to the door for a combined total of 60 seconds! Amazing! This perk might not be the greatest in the early game, but as the game becomes longer and longer you will see how it will affect you.
It is an extremely good late game. It is arguably one of the harder perks to work with, but when combined with the rest it is fairly well. You can close hatches with 3 stacks at the end game which will make the survivor 100% die.
Give it a try and work it in combination with the rest of the perks.
That is it! We hope that these perks will give you the win rate of Pig that you’ve always wanted! A big thank you to CMWinter from YouTube. You can check him out here.
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