Deceive Inc. – Larcin Guide | How To Play Larcin

Elijah Hernandez
7 Min Read

In the newest PvP game to hit the streets, Deceive Inc., we take control of characters who have their own strengths that allows them to “deceive” the other players in a battle of spy vs spy. One of the characters that you can play is Larcin, a French spy that you can play in Deceive Inc. In this guide, we wills show you the ins and outs on how to play as the French spy, Larcin. If you are looking for a guide that helps you understand the character, then this guide is for you.

How To Play Larcin – Deceive Inc.

Larcin, the Scoundrel

Larcin in English actually means larceny, or theft. This perfectly describes Larcin’s playstyle as he uses invisibility to go around the map unseen, allowing him to steal the case from right under the enemy players nose, or even kill them before they even know he’s there. His invisibility is also a great way to retreat or escape in case things get too hairy.

Like the other agents, Larcin has a Weapon, Expertise, and a Passive:


  • Adieu – When activated, Larcin will immediately become invisible to the enemy. When you activate this with your allies close by, they become Amped Up. Larcin being invisible means that he cannot take damage at all, and he cannot be found by any tool of detection. However, his invisibility means that he cannot do much interaction outside of opening doors.
  • Grande Finale – While Adieu makes Larcin invisible, Grande Finale creates a zone of smoke that will affect all enemies’ vision. When the smoke pops up, any of your allies that are within vicinity of the smoke will turn invisible, as will you. And just like with Adieu, you will not be able to do anything except open doors.
  • Tour Du Monde – While the previous two focused on Larcin being completely invisible to enemy players, Tour Du Monde has a bit of a con. Larcin becomes invisible and Amped Up at the same time, but he has a visible trail that follows him wherever he goes. However, he retains the ability to take no damage after turning invisible while simultaneously giving allies the Amped Up effect on activation. Again, Larcin is restricted to only opening doors.


  • Silence – This is a throwable pocket pistol, in which Larcin will literally throw the pistol at his enemies when the gun has no ammo (he apparently keeps a lot of them in his pockets, considering he pulls out a lot). It has a very fast rate of fire, along with reload speed. However, it only does decent damage and only efficient at close range. Considering the invisible nature of Larcin, this weapon is perfect for him.
  • Cadence – A variation of the pocket pistol Larcin carries, this weapon features a 2 round burst whenever you fire. It naturally has high fire rate, coupled with a good damage and high efficiency withing close range. Just like Silence, he also throws this weapon upon the magazine is empty.
  • Violence – This one is for all the blade lovers out there. The Violence weapon shares some similarities with the Silence; fast rate of fire, fast reload, decent damage and very efficient at close range. It does, however, have one cool little thing about it, and it is the blade that is attached to the gun. With the blade attached, throwing the weapon will do more damage compared to the Silence and Cadence varations.


  • Merci Beaucoup! – With such a stealthy and invisible character, it’s natural to think that Larcin may be a master stealer, and he is! With the Merci Beaucoup! passive, Larcin’s melee attacks will steal items from enemies. The top priority when he steals something is the Package, at all times. If the enemy player does not have a package, he will then steal the highest value item on the enemy player. If the player has no item or Package, then Intel will be stolen instead.
  • Souffre-Douleur – If you want to focus on being a thief for high value items instead of focusing on the Package, then you can use this passive to make enemy players drop their highest value item when you attack them. However, this attack must blow their cover in order for this passive to work. Another con is that the Package will not drop once.
  • Pickpocket – If you want to be more stealthy, then Pickpocket is your go to passive. While in cover, you can steal items from enemies when you melee attack them. They won’t deal damage and it will not break your cover, so it’s a very stealthy approach.

Every spy needs to have gadgets, and Larcin has a unique set of gadgets to use. As always, there are the four types of gadgets: Defense, Traps, Deception, and Recon. Each category does what they are labeled as, but Larcin is a bit different. While the gadgets are all great by their own accord, Traps are by far Larcin’s best.

Larcin is a stealthy character, and stealthy characters tend to disappear when caught. Larcin’s trap gadgets can simultaneously trap an enemy and help him escape. Like his Good Pod gadget, which slows down anyone who steps foot on it. This will help for a faster disappearance.

His other gadgets are great, and they all have their own advantage, but not all of them are going to work if you are playing a certain way. Try out each gadget and see what goes well with your playstyle.

ALSO READ: Deceive Inc. – How To Get Loot Boxes

Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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