Deceive Inc. has a lot of playstyle and characters to choose from which will give you a different feel and perspective of the game. If you want to go for a supportive and sneaky type of gadget character, Yumi is your best choice. In this guide, we will show you how to play Yumi and make the best build. Let’s get started.
Yumi Guide | How To Play Yumi – Deceive Inc.
Yu-Mi is a disruptor kind of character. This means that she is very efficient and able to control the space area around her. You are going to be very strong in disturbing the flow of flights or any possible combination ideas that your enemies might be thinking about making.
Her skills are basically active abilities and tools that can slow down enemies and destroy enemy gadgets, while at the same time making their vision of theirs more obscure and hard to use. It is a side sort of character that helps out a lot in almost any type of situation.
She does require a little more skill and time to master but overall she is a fantastic character that can fit both in aggressive and passive plays.

There are a total of 3ability options that you can go for.
For the first option, you have the classic EMP field by using her slingshot and it will explode and expand as a bubble based on where you decide to shoot it. This will slow down your enemies while also revealing their cover for all else to see. Any gadgets that are inside this bubble will be instantly destroyed too.
It’s also an amazing play to use if you get inside a room and you feel that an enemy might be using a mimic. You can easily find out if they’re hiding. Just keep in mind that using it will also reveal your cover too.
The second ability is the Healing Field. This works just on contrary to the first one. It will heal you and your allies when they walk inside of it. It is a fantastic choice to go for and very useful even in combat situations.

The third option is the EMP Flock which is very identical to the first variation of EMP only that you are going to be able to shoot up to 3 slightly smaller bubbles and EMP fields. It is fantastic when you’re dealing with a lot of enemies and you can easily combine your cooldowns to shoot the fields whenever you want.

The Experimental Slingshot is the first type of weapon that you are going to be using. It isn’t the best and very effective since it isn’t a fast or precise tool. It works basically as an arrow would in any other game. You just have to time the movement and speed of your enemies to be able to hit them efficiently.
Once you keep going with it, you will get the Heavy Slingshot which is slower but deals a whole lot more damage. It is very situational and useful only if you master the slingshot weapon.

The best passive that you need to use for Yumi is the Quick Fix. This is the ultimate passive to go for because it gives you the ability to put down gadgets and use them constantly against enemies in areas and battles that work well in almost any situation.
The other passives, like the Booby traps for example, don’t come as close to Quick Fix because they are very situational, like lowering CD and finding specific types of gadgets.

You are going to want to use gadgets that can be destroyed or used in a wide variety of options and situations to be able to work well with Yumi’s passive. One of our best suggestions are:
- Turret
- Trip Wire
- Bullet Shield
- Mimic
You might not have access to some of these gadgets early on, so we recommend sticking with the Mimic which will allow you to have the upper hand in most of the fights.
Field Upgrades

This is ultimately up to your choice and playstyle. All of them are useful so just choose whatever suits the best for you. If you are a strategic player following the playing tips from this guide, your best option to go for is the Reduced Intel Leak.
ALSO READ: Deceive Inc. – Best Solo Character