“Galebreathe” is an Attunement in Roblox Deepwoken that grants the user the ability to control the wind. Galebreathe has a number of Mantras or abilities that players can use in battle.
With more training, you can increase your Galebreathe level to unlock more abilities. In this article, we will show you a Tier List of the best Mantras for Galebreathe.
Best Galebreathe Tier List

S Tier
Abilities in the S Tier are abilities that are useful in most situations and that you should prioritize bringing into battle.
- Astral Wind: This is a three-star Mantra that lets you rapidly slash your enemies. You are also able to receive an invincibility effect to avoid damage.
- Rising Wind: Uses wind to uppercut and launch yourself into the air. This ability provides I-Frames and you can also pair it with other abilities to create combos.
- Gale Lunge: Lunge forward with your weapon coated with wind, dealing moderate damage.
- Champion’s Whirlthrow: Grab your target before spinning them 360 degrees and then tossing them. This ability deals high damage and can block break.
- Wind Passage: Rush forward toward the direction you’re facing. This is a great mobility tool.
A Tier
Mantras in the A Tier are great skills you can bring to support your damage. They are useful abilities that can work in many situations. When it comes to damage, some of the abilities can be really decent.
- Gale Punch: Forms wind and releases it to knock opponents away from you.
- Tornado: Creates a Tornado around your character, this Tornado will deal damage to enemies nearby. Overall, this is a great way to protect your character.
- Gale Wisp: This is a support Mantra that provides your character with a buff. It will grant 30% fall damage resistance and many other effects Haunted Gale requires one less perfect cast to activate (3 to 2).
B Tier
Mantras in the B Tier are used for a few situations. They may not work in all situations but there are times they can be really useful. Depending on what you need, consider bringing these abilities so you can achieve your objectives more easily.
- Heavenly Wind: Leap high into the air before diving down, striking any targeted opponent.
- Wind Gun: Fire a penetrating bullet of wind. The bullet also applies the Suffocate effect.
- Pillars of Erisia: Release a huge volley of wind. It requires you to have 20 Strength to use it. The ability deals potentially high damage and can also provide the Hyperarmor effect.
- Wind Forge: Create 4 homing projectiles and send them chasing at your opponents. If your opponent is extremely mobile, this can be really useful to catch them.
C Tier
- Galetrap: Deploy a small green landmine at your cursor’s location. When someone steps on it, the mine will explode, dealing damage. The mine is pretty hard to land on players, so it may not work for all situations.
- Air Force: Shoots an airblast that deals damage.
- Wind Carve: Creates a small wind AoE in front of your character.
D Tier
- Wind Blade: The ability lets you release a projectile that flies in the desired direction, dealing low damage.
- Tornado Kick: Jumps up in the air and kicks to release 3 AoE projectiles. Deals moderate-high damage. The animation is quite slow and the projectiles are not very easy for you to land.
Also, if you’re looking for a similar tier list but for the best Oaths in Deepwoken, make sure to check out our article on that as well!
That’s our Tier List for the best Galebreathe in Roblox Deepwoken. The Galebreathe Attunement is great if you are someone who loves using the wind element!
Keep in mind that you can upgrade the Mantras even further to increase your damage! Some skills require you to reach a certain level, so EXP Farms can be extremely important.
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