Reaching the level cap for Prestige in Demonfall can take a long while without a proper leveling method, but there’s one method players use that’s widely known as the best way to level up fast as of Update 5.
If you get help from a player who has access to Raids and private servers, they can boost your levels without requiring effort on your end. You just have to sit back and let the experience roll in, making it extremely easy for you to hit the level cap and keep Prestiging!
Now, let’s dive into how the Prestige system works in this game and explain the best method possible to level up as fast as possible.
Levelling Guide for Demonfall | Best Way To Prestige Fast in Update 5
How to Prestige | The Basics

To be able to Prestige, you need to reach the level cap and talk to Murata at Kamakura Village. While you’re still at Prestige 0, the level cap is simply 50. Each time you Prestige, the level cap increases by 5 but the required experience per level is also reduced by 20%. These bonuses stack with each new Prestige, too!
There are a total of 10 Prestige levels currently in the game, which means you can raise the level cap all the way up to 100. This is how the Prestige bonuses stack with each Prestige level:
- Prestige 1 – Level Cap 55, -20% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 2 – Level Cap 60, -40% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 3 – Level Cap 65, -60% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 4 – Level Cap 70, -80% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 5 – Level Cap 75, -100% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 6 – Level Cap 80, -120% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 7 – Level Cap 85, -140% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 8 – Level Cap 90, -160% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 9 – Level Cap 95, -180% EXP required per level.
- Prestige 10 – Level Cap 100, -200% EXP required per level.
In addition to the leveling changes, you will also completely reset your character. You will lose everything other than your current Family and inventory. However, you’ll also get 3 Family rerolls as a bonus, but these don’t stack across multiple Prestige levels. If you want them, use them up before you Prestige again!
Ultimately, to Prestige fast you will simply need to level up as fast as possible. We’ve already covered the best ways to use standard leveling up methods in other guides, such as bosses. However, there’s an even better method currently using Raids.
Fastest Way to Prestige | Leveling Using the Raids Exploit
Full Disclaimer About the Exploit

Now, before we fully describe this leveling method, we want to be clear that it is considered an exploit. Sure, you’re extremely unlikely to get banned for using it, as there’s no way for the developers to know you used it. But we can’t guarantee that it’s safe, so use it at your own risk!
On top of all of that, since this is an exploit, it’s possible that it will be patched out in later updates. If you do wanna use it, make sure to get on it as soon as possible. That said, this exploit has been around since before Update 5 launched for Demonfall and lots of players use it for leveling to Prestige fast. Despite that, it wasn’t patched out once Update 5 was released, as we covered in our full Update 5 guide.

Nonetheless, it’s important that you understand all of this before you decide to use the exploit or not. If you would rather avoid it and just level up normally, check out our previous leveling guide. It explains all the standard leveling methods and how to make the most of them without any exploits!
Don’t forget to check out our guide on how to get the Flower Breathing technique, as well. It’s not at the top of our Breathing Style tier list, but it’s pretty easy to get and fairly unique.
Anyway, read on for the detailed exploit method if you do want to use it. It’s much simpler than you might imagine!
Explaining the Raids Exploit Method

To be able to use the Raids exploit for fast leveling and Prestige, you’ll need help from another player who’s at Prestige 5 and owns the Gamepass. This is because Prestige 5 is required to start Raids, and the Gamepass is required to host a private server.
Basically, the Prestige 5 player will cause a glitch that will result in a server-wide Raid. All players will be able to join without any requirements, and they’ll get loads of experience just from being on the private server!
You can ask for help from Prestige 5 or higher players in-game or through the game’s official Discord server.

Now, the Prestige 5+ player has to start a Raid by speaking to Shinazugawa at Kamakura Village. Once they see a loading screen, they have to quickly leave the game before it finishes loading. This will send them to the main menu screen.

Next, they have to click on “Generate” in the top right corner of the screen. This creates a randomized code that others can use to join the glitched private server. Just ask the Prestige 5 player to share the code with you!

Type in the code they give you in the top right corner of the screen and click join. Now all that’s left is for the Prestige 5+ player to complete the Raid while you wait! You’ll get a massive amount of experience, making this by far the best way to Prestige fast in Demonfall as of Update 5.
You can return the favor and help others once you hit Prestige 5 yourself, too.
The only hard part of this leveling exploit will be getting another player to help. As we mentioned before, though, you can find players willing to help in the #help-request channel of the game’s official Discord server.