The new World of Warcraft Dragonflight is out and with it came new players and old players returning to the game. That’s right, the expansion is actually being well received by the players, a nice break from what Blizzard’s been experiencing all year around. The new expansion adds a whole new zone to explore, new quests to do and even a new race as well as new dragon flight mechanics. This is one of the bigger expansions Blizzard released and it shows. Since the expansion has a new area it can get quite tricky when it comes to finding certain things, in this guide we’ll show you where to find Volcanic Geodes that you need to excavate for a quest.
Volcanic Geodes Excavated | WoW Dragonflight
There’s a lot of quests in the new expansion and if you’re looking to doing most of them you can get a bit lost just because of how much there is. There’s a quest in the expansion called “Quality Assurance” and you’ll be given the task of excavating Volcanic geodes in an area. These geodes can be difficult to find because they blend so well with the environment, so we’ll show you where they are.

Right outside of the Wingrest Embassy to the west you can follow the road and there you’ll see a couple of the geodes next to the path going to a cave. Inside the cave are two additional volcanic geodes.

Go outside the cave and head northwest and you’ll see the last two geodes there.
Congratulations you now know how to do this quest in World of Warcraft, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this quest, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Volcanic Geodes excavated WoW Quest – YouTube
ALSO READ: Dragonflight: Enchanting Trainer Location | WoW Dragon Isles