Dune: Spice Wars is an interesting resource-based game. You are in the world of Arrakis and you need to fight over other factions or tribes in order to get Spice.
In this little guide, I’ll try to explain how to increase your Spice income. Let’s get started.
How To Make Spice – Dune: Spice Wars
When you start your game, the first thing you need to do is scout around you. You will see villages around you and you just have to make sure it has Spices inside. Build a Spice Harvester and start collecting it. Be careful with Sandworms when collecting. Make sure that all your slots in the Harvester are full in order to get the full amount.

If you want to make even more Spice, you will need to invest in the research. Go for the economy tab and invest in the Arrakis Secrets that will allow you to build Spico Silos. These will increase the harvest of the region by 20%. Keep researching the other economy techs as they will increase your Spice intake by 10% each. With time your Spice income should be good.
My favorite way in getting Spice is through Ornithopters. Just keep on scouting and keep exploring the map. You might set it to auto scout but manually works fine too.

Every once in a while, with those scouting Ornihopters you’ll find Crashed Shuttles. These always contain some required resources that you might need. It can be maybe Solari, Plastcrete, or Spice. Sometimes the amounts found with these can come up to a lot with time.
Some Sietches that you will meet will be open for trading for Spice. In some cases, you can trade water for Spice and get a whole lot of it this way. Trading with other factions works too sometimes. Just make sure you make the Spice Tax satisfactory.
Keep an eye out on the slider too. The purple side is for putting more into your stockpile. This way you will have much more Spice for trading or maybe using for the Spice Tax. Lot’s of people forget about this option too.

I hope this helped and got you into your own Spice riches! Good luck!
ALSO READ: Dune: Spice Wars – Complete Beginner’s Guide