Dwarf Fortress has some very interesting mechanics that will require you to have a lot of items. Sometimes having a lot of items can be a nuisance since you need to place them somewhere on the ground. That’s where Quantum Stockpiles come along. In this guide, we shall show you how to build them in your world. Let’s get started.
Quantum Stockpiles Complete Guide – Dwarf Fortress
The point of Quantum Stockpiling is to have an easy way to organize a large number of items inside an infinite stack. This way you are able to actually save up on a lot of places and areas that you can use to place different sets of items or structures. This is somewhat of an exploit but it still is very helpful to know.

First of all, you will need to have a wooden mine cart. You will need to go to the carpenter’s shop and add a Minecart. You are going to need to build just one of them as it is all that you will need for this stockpile method to work.

Next up you will need to go into the construction setup and select a single track stop. You will need to select it to go to the right. You will also need to open up the maximum breaks turned on. Then just place it somewhere on the ground.
While that is being constructed, place a total of 2 stockpiles that are made out of wood. The one stockpile needs to have this one toggled on:

Then you will need to build a second one right next to it with just 1 block in the middle of them. The other one is not going to have the setting turned on as the other one does. Next up you shall need to place the track route.

You will place itas it is in the picture above and place the track route in the middle of them. You will want to add Wood or any type of items that you will want to move around. You can literally do this with any type of item in the game. Then select the stockpile to take from, which is the center button here:

You will select the right stockpile when doing this button. It will mean that anything from the right block will push out and move to the cart and then to the left pile.

The most important thing to know is to set it up to be kicked and to the left side. Follow all the things shown in the picture above. Then as the last step, just add the minecart to the system and you will see how the magic works.
That’s all that you need to know about getting this Quantum Stockpile to work. A big thank you to Blind from YouTube for providing all the necessary details for this to work. Have fun doing it yourself!
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