There are lots of endings that you can get in Easiest Game on Roblox. However, as you may know – Some of them can really be a pain in the head to get. That’s why you’re here, and of course, I’m here to help you out. In this guide, I’ll show you everything that you’ll need to know in order to collect all the badges and get all the endings in Easier Game on Roblox!
How To Get All Endings
There are more than 30 endings in Easiest Game on Roblox – And they all have different objectives and requirements to be acquired. I’ve provided a Table of Contents below, so that you can easily navigate to whichever ending you need help with. Feel free to use it!
- Glitched Ending
- Globe Ending
- Rainbow Ending
- Beam & Abduction Ending
- Swarmed Ending
- Rock Ending
- Lost Ending
- Ablaze Ending
- Forest Fire Ending
- Gift Ending
- Annihilation Ending
- Button Ending
- Little Cheese Ending
- Big Cheese Ending
- R.I.P. Ending
- Skeleton Ending
- Revived Ending
- Spiky Ending
- Burger Ending
- Destruction Ending
- Broken Ending
- Mirror Ending
- Overloaded Ending
- Lockdown Ending
- Sad & Rubber Ducky Ending
- Restuck Ending
- Black Hole Ending
- Invisible Ending
- Diamond Ending
- Angry Ending
- Acrophobia Ending
- Vault Ending
- Deforestation Ending
- Caught Ending
- Dance Moves Ending
- Gold Bar Ending
- Golden Apple Ending
- Dominus Ending
- Graveyard Ending
Glitched Ending
Getting this ending will take some time so buckle up for the ride. To get the Glitched Ending, you first need to get the Lockdown Ending. If you are not familiar with the Lockdown Ending, then do not worry as I will guide you through that as well.
Getting The Lockdown Ending
As you start up the game, you spawn in the Normal World with the Yellow Ball.

What you need to do right now is to go to the Cheese World. If you have not done that before, it is pretty simple. You just have to push the Yellow Ball into the gap up ahead.

Once the Yellow Ball falls down, the area beneath will start to glow. Quickly jump down when the area is still glowing (if you jump down when the area below gets black, you will get the Fell Ending). The Yellow Ball spawns again if you miss your chance to jump on time.

Cheese World
Once you jump down, you will be instantly teleported to the Cheese World.

You will notice a Giant Floating Cheese in front of you. Make your way towards it.

Once you are close enough, click on Giant Floating Cheese multiple times to get Cheese from it.

When you get the Cheese, put it away. Now, go to the Yellow Ball and push it towards the edge shown in the image above. Make sure you do not approach the Yellow Ball with the Cheese in hand as that will give you the Consumed Ending.

Once you push the Yellow Ball to the edge, jump on it to reach the top of the edge.
TIP: If having trouble, jump on the middle area of the Yellow Ball as that gives you a boost when close to the edge.

Upon reaching the top of the edge, go down the small hole shown in the image above. This will take you to the Underground Area.
Underground Area
As you get down to the Underground Area, you will notice a Rat with a Key in a corner. If you simply try to take the Key, the Rat will literally pull out a sword and you will receive the Rat Attack Ending. To safely get the Key from the Rat, you need to feed it Cheese you got earlier.

Equip your Cheese and get close to the Rat. After eating the Cheese, the Rat will make a noise and fall asleep. You will notice Zzz…Zzz coming from the Rat showing it is asleep.

When the Rat is in this condition, pick up the Key. Now on the other side of the Underground Area, there is a cell with an NPC called Keith. Go towards the cell door and give the Key to Keith so he can unlock the door from his side. Press Backspace to give the Key.

After receiving the Key, Keith will unlock the door and go to the surface. Enter the cell where Keith was standing and you will notice a green colored cheese near the trash towards your left.

Do not try to get it directly as you will fall in the green liquid below which will give you the Toxic Ending and you would have to start all over again. Go into the Black Wall and then make your way to the green cheese.

Pick up the Rotten Cheese and then get out from the cell through the door which Keith unlocked earlier. Put the Rotten Cheese away for now. Go back to the Cheese World by climbing the steel pillar in the middle.

Cheese World (2nd Time)
Once you get back up again, you need to push the Yellow Ball to the center of the Spawn Area. After touching the center, the Yellow Ball will fall inside it. This will allow you to go inside the Spawn Area as well.

There is a Hidden Switch beneath the Spawn Area which you need to press. There are two ways to do this. You can position your camera in such a way that the Hidden Switch becomes visible to you. Or you can just go down into the Spawn Area and land on top of the Yellow Ball.
Note: If you end up missing the Yellow Ball and land on the White Area beneath without pressing the Hidden Switch first, you will be teleported to the wrong area.

Either way, click on the Red part of the Hidden Switch and it will turn Green. Once the Hidden Switch has turned Green, go down and fall on the White Area below. This will take you to the Broken Trophy World.
Broken Trophy World
You will notice that the Trophy is lying on the ground and the area beneath the Trophy Area is exposed.

Make your way to the Trophy Area and position yourself as shown in the image below.

Once you are standing in this position, equip the Rotten Cheese. Your goal here is to make Keith fall in the hole.

When you equip the Rotten Cheese, Keith will start following you. When Keith falls down below, jump down after him and put the Rotten Cheese away as you do not want to accidentally feed him.

Once you get down below, you will notice a Wooden Chair. You need to use the Rotten Cheese to make Keith sit on the Wooden Chair.
Note: Be careful not to touch the Wooden Chair yourself or you will get the Stuck Ending. In which case you will have to start from scratch.

Once you are successful in tricking Keith to sit on the Wooden Chair, he will be taken down. After a few seconds, go down where Keith was taken.
Underground Vault

As you get down, you will come across a Safe with a digital passcode system. The steps that will come after this are very important so pay close attention.
Press 0 and then press the Green Button. Do this Ten Times. The display on the Safe will tell you how many attempts are left. When it reads 0 Attempts Left, quickly make your way back to the corridor leading to the safe.
There are 2 Light Strips on the roof. Each Light Strip has 2 Lights of its own meaning there are a total of 4 Lights. After both the Light Strips turn on at the same time, those 4 Lights will turn on in random order one by one. You need to memorize the order in which they light up. The Lights have been numbered in the image below for your convenience.
Tip: You can use the Record Screen function of Roblox to record the sequence of the Lights. Just make sure to point your cameras towards the roof when you are recording.

In my case, the 4 Lights flashed 14 times but the sequence of the flashes will be random for every player. Once the sequence is over, both the Light Strips will turn on at the same time and you will get the Lockdown Ending.

Click on Retry so we can solve the final puzzle of getting the Glitched Ending.
Glitched Ending
Congratulations on making it this far. The next step is pretty simple. You need to jump on the 4 corners of the Spawn Area in the same sequence the 4 Lights flashed for you earlier. The corners have been numbered in the image below in the same way the 4 Lights were numbered.
For Example: If the sequence of the 4 Lights was such that 1st Light, then 3rd Light, then 2nd Light and so on. Then you need to jump on the 1st Corner, then 3rd Corner, then 2nd Corner and so on until the whole sequence is finished.

Once you jump on the Corners of the Spawn Area in the correct sequence, the world around you will get glitched on the last jump.

You will notice a Glitched Trophy in front of you. Go inside this Glitched Trophy and you will get the Glitched Ending.

I have to say the Glitched Ending was pretty long because you had to get the Lockdown Ending as well. Pat yourself on the back for getting the Glitched Ending.
Globe Ending
Before we begin, you will need to prepare a few things within the Roblox client itself. Basically, you have to get a bunch of free hats from the Marketplace. Specifically, you need to get the following stuff:
- 1. International Fedora – France
- 2. International Fedora – Germany
- 3. International Fedora – Russia
- 4. International Fedora – Poland
- 5. International Fedora – Japan
Just add all of them to cart and “buy” them. They are all completely free, so you don’t have to worry about purchasing and paying any Robux!

Setting Up for the Ending
Now that you have all five of the fedoras in your personal catalog, you have to prepare to equip them in a certain order throughout the process of getting the ending in the game.
First, if you are on PC, you should open a new window or tab with your Roblox avatar page open. This will let you switch accessories without having to close the game over and over again. If you’re on mobile, you will just have to keep reopening it, unfortunately.
Now that you are all set up and have all of the hats ready in your inventory, hop into the Easiest Game on Roblox and don’t do anything just yet.

From the moment you start the game, you will have to get used to following a certain pattern up until you get to the very end. First, once the game loads, you must immediately reset your character.
Step #1. The French Greeting
Don’t do anything until the Retry button shows up on your screen. Once it does, equip the International Fedora – France before you rejoin the game by either clicking on Retry or restarting the game itself.
When you spawn back in, your character should be wearing the hat on their head. Walk over to the yellow ball, but be very careful not to push it into the chasm.
When you are close enough to the yellow ball, bring up the chat box and type “hi”. If you are wearing the correct hat, the ball will respond with “bonjour”.
After that, reset your character once more, but do not click on Retry yet. Are you starting to notice the pattern yet? Keep reading!

Step #2. The German Greeting
Before you re-enter the game, equip the International Fedora – Germany. Once you have confirmed that your avatar is wearing it, click Retry or reopen the game itself.
When you spawn back in, the German hat should be on your head. Get close to the yellow ball once more and say “hi” again.
It will respond with “bonjour”, which is the wrong language! What you have to do is say “hi” again, and it should respond with “guten tag”. This is the correct greeting.
Once again, reset your character and wait for the Retry button to show up. You probably know where this is going.

Step #3. The Russian Greeting
Next hat you have to equip is the International Fedora – Russia. Like before, make sure that it is properly equipped before you rejoin the game once more!
Again, walk up to the yellow ball and start saying “hi” to it a couple of times. After the third time, it will respond with “privet”, which is the correct greeting this time around.
As you would expect, you now have to reset your character and wait for the button to pop up before proceeding to the next, predictable step.

Step #4. The Polish Greeting
Next up, you must put on the International Fedora – Poland before restarting the game or clicking on the Retry button. It’s the red one with the white middle stripe, not to be confused with the Japanese one for later that has a very similar color scheme!
For the fourth time, you have to go up to the yellow ball and say “hi” for a total of four times. After the fourth greeting, it will respond with “dzien dobry”, which means “goodday” in Polish.
Reset your character once more. You’re getting really close to the end, so you don’t have to keep doing this for longer, we promise!

Step #5. The Japanese Greeting
For this penultimate step, equip the International Fedora – Japan before you click on the Retry button or reopen the game. You’re almost done with these, so make sure you get it right so you don’t have to repeat everything!
For your final string of greetings, say “hi” to the yellow ball for a total of five times. After going through all the different languages from earlier, it will respond with a ”konnichiwa” on the fifth hello.
When that happens, you can now reset your character for the last time. You don’t need to take off the hat at this point, though feel free to do so if you are sick of seeing a fedora over your character’s head.

Step #6. The Grand Finale
Once you are done with all of these greetings, click on Retry one last time and you will notice that the world has slightly changed in color. The trophy on the other side of the bridge has become a giant globe.
Simply run up to the giant globe and touch it to receive the Globe ending, and you never have to see another fedora ever again (hopefully)!

Rainbow Ending
To get the Rainbow Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to go through the following steps:
- Equip your Avatar with the Rainbow Colors
- Go to the ‘ilovepaint’ World in Easiest Game on Roblox
- Type the Code for the Rainbow Ending to open a secret door
- Go to the Yellow Area and get into the Stuck Area
- Touch the door to open the Rainbow Area and get the Rainbow Ending!
The Rainbow Ending is certainly very elaborate because of some very specific steps. Some more elaborate endings that you might want to watch out for are the Beam and Abduction endings.
Equip Rainbow Colors On Your Avatar
Before you attempt to get the Rainbow Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to fulfill certain criteria. You’ll need to equip some specific colors for your Avatar. Without this, the Rainbow Ending is not possible.
To change your Avatar Colors, you need to first go to the Roblox client home page. Select the drop down menu or options (depending on the platform), and you’ll see a variety of options there.
Select the Avatar option from this menu to go into the Avatar Editor.

In the Avatar Editor, select the Body tab and click on the Skin Tone option. Doing so will give you some color options.

Scroll all the way down and click on the Advanced options tab that is on the bottom left hand side. Doing so will give you even more color options to choose from.

Here, you will be able to select the Colors you need for your Avatar.
You need to select the following colors along with the exact body part:
- Head – Green
- Left Arm – Yellow
- Torso – Blue
- Right Arm – White
- Left Leg – Dark Pink
- Right Leg – Black.
If you are having trouble with the exact color tone, the image below shows which ones you should select. Just make sure they match the body parts that we have mentioned above.
Once that’s taken care of, you’re ready for the next step for the Rainbow Ending!

Go to ‘ilovepaint’ World (Rainbow Code)
Log into the game and you’ll arrive at the spawn world in Easiest Game on Roblox. The first thing you need to do for the Rainbow Ending is head to the ‘illovepaint’ world in the game.
You can do this pretty easily by typing ‘ilovepaint’ into the chat box. After that, you’ll automatically be teleported there.

When you’re in this world, you’ll need to type in the code that opens up the Rainbow Ending. You will also need to do this in the chat box.
Type the following code in the chatbox: RainbowLeaveTheEyeOfThisWorld
Keep in mind that this code is case sensitive. So keep an eye out on the capitalization when you’re typing it. After that, enter it into the chat box. You won’t get a notification or anything for doing this.
However, as you’ll see later, it’ll change quite a few things.

Once that’s taken care of, head into the Paintbrush in the ‘ilovepaint’ world. Touching it will give you the Painting ending and spawn you back to the start.

Go to Stuck Area
Once you spawn to the start, you’ll need to go to the Stuck Area. If you’ve done quite a few endings, you’ll know exactly how to get to this area. However, if not, we’ve got you covered.
Starting off, you’ll need to get a hold of the yellow ball. Push the yellow ball into the gap to turn it yellow. After that jump into the gap and you’ll arrive in the Yellow area. This is the same area with the Giant Cheese.

After that, take any ball and push it towards the Spawn Square area. When you push it inside, it will go through.

Once the ball is in, jump into the middle of the square. You’ll land on the ball that you pushed inside. While standing on the ball, zoom your camera inward so that you can look inside the small area you’re standing in.
You should be able to see a red lever on one of the walls. Click on the wall to pull on it.
After that, jump into the gap below. You’ll automatically be teleported into the Stuck World.

Open Rainbow Door (Rainbow Ending)
Once you spawn in the Stuck World, make your way to the other end. You’ll see a hole that goes down, where the Trophy and Giant Cheese are normally. Jump down this hole and you’ll arrive in the Stuck Area.
Once you’re in the Stuck Area, you’ll notice a closed door. Approach this door and simply touch it.

Touching the door will open it, revealing the Rainbow inside! Now all you need to do is approach the Rainbow and touch it. Doing so will give you the Rainbow Ending!
You’ll also get a badge for your efforts!

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Rainbow Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox. We weren’t kidding when we told you it was such a complicated ending to get!
Beam & Abduction Ending
To get the Beam and Abduction Ending in the Easiest Game on Roblox, you will need to follow the following steps:
- Press all the hidden red buttons in order by going through multiple endings
- Spawn the Button Area in the game
- Click on all the buttons to summon the Beam
- Go into the White Beam to get the Beam Ending!
- Follow the Spaceship and go into the Green Beam for the Abduction Ending.
Free Keith
In essence, your goal is to get to the Button area by clicking on all the hidden buttons in order. There are a total of 10 hidden buttons that you’ll need to hit. Additionally, it will need to be in the proper order across multiple endings.
The first thing you need to do to get the Beam and Abduction Ending is to reach the Vault area. We have a detailed guide which will show you how to get there as part of the Vault Ending.
However, we will still provide you with an outline of how you can get there. Starting up, we’ll be freeing Keith.
You can skip going to the Red Area for the Code from the Apple. This is because you will not want to get access to the Vault with the Beam and Abduction ending. All you will need to do is simply get access to the area.
Start by going to the Yellow Area of Easiest Game on Roblox with the Cheese. You can do this by dropping the yellow ball into the gap and jumping inside.

Make your way to the Giant Cheese and click on it. Doing so will allow you to get some Cheese in your inventory.

Next, you need to drop down to the Sewer area. To do this, you’ll need to use the ball to jump to the ledge indicated below.

After that, drop down into the corner and you’ll land in the Sewer.

Once you’re in the Sewer, look into a corner. You’ll be able to make out a Rat and a Key. Take the piece of cheese in your hand and feed it to the Rat. After that, pick up the key and head to the other end of the sewer.

Here, you’ll find Keith, who is trapped behind a locked cell door. Use the key to open the door and free Keith. After that, enter the cell and grab the cheese that is next to some garbage bags.

Go to Vault Area (First Button)
Next up, you’ll be attempting to get into the Vault area. To do this, first make your way out of the sewers by climbing up the metal pole with Keith.
Once you’re up, you’ll need to get the red ball to spawn. You can do this by throwing it into the gap until it appears. After that, push the red ball into the spawn square.

Jump into the spawn square as well, making sure to stand on the red ball. Now move the camera around until you are able to see the lever inside the spawn square. Click on it and then fall down in the gap below.

You’ll respawn in a new location that looks similar to the original spawn area. However, instead of the Trophy, there will be a large gap there. Navigate to the gap as Keith continues to follow you. Make sure that he does not fall when crossing the bridge.

After that, jump down with Keith into the gap and you’ll find yourself in the Stuck area. Here, you’ll see a chair next to one of the walls. Your goal is to get Keith into the chair. You can do this by using the Cheese to lure him onto it.

Once he’s in the chair, he will slowly be pulled down with a hatch closing above him. No need to panic as you can let the hatch close. Wait for it to open up again and drop down into the gap.
Congrats you’re in the Vault area now! Go towards the Vault and turn towards the sleeping guard near a table. Move the camera around so that you’re looking under the table. Here, you’ll see the first hidden button. Click on the red button.
After that, you can reset your character.

Free Keith Again (Second Button)
Next, you’ll be freeing Keith again like you did previously. However, when you’re going to open his cell, you’ll be clicking on a hidden red button.
Just before his cell door, move the camera around until you’re looking under the small bridge. You’ll be able to see a red button underneath. Click on it before proceeding to free Keith.

After you’ve freed Keith, make sure to grab the skull at the back of his cell. Now escape the Sewers with Keith by climbing up the metal pole.

Go to Clock Area (Third Button)
Once you’re back up, you’ll be heading to the Clock Area located in the Yellow Area. You can find the entrance by heading towards the end of the gap, where you normally jump inside. Go to this location and you’ll be able to make out a small opening.

Jump towards the opening, making sure not to fall into the gap. You’ll find yourself in a small room with a large clock at one end. Turn around and look above the opening you just came from. You’ll be able to spot a red button there. Click on it.

Next, click on the Clock to return to the yellow area.

Go to the Caves (Fourth Button)
Once you’re in the Yellow Area with the Cheese, it is time to head towards the Caves. If you’re familiar with the Spiky Ending, you’ll know exactly how to get to the caves.
All you need to do is push the yellow ball to the back of the yellow area. You’ll need to push it across the bridge and make it touch the hidden doorway at the back. Once it touches this doorway, the cave opening will open and you can enter inside.

When you’re in the cave, you’ll see a bunch of crystals around you. Look for the Cyan colored crystal that is right above you. Move your camera around if you’re struggling to find it. Here, you’ll be able to make out another button that you should press.
After that, leave the Caves area by typing ‘ilovepaint’ in the chat box.

Go to Stuck Area (Fifth Button)
Next you’ll be going towards the Stuck area again as you did when you were going to the Vault. However, this time you will not be interacting with the chair. Instead, you’ll be opening the door that can be found in this area.

Use the key to open the door and enter inside. After that, look towards the edge of the doors that just opened. Click on the red button that you see on the back of the doors.
After that, rejoin the game again to reset.

Get the Lost Ending
After you’re back in the game, you’ll be working to get the Lost Ending. We’ve already got an entire guide for the Lost Ending as well.
This ending is very similar to the Vault ending. Repeat the steps that you did for the Vault Area part of this guide until you’ve lured Keith into the chair.
However, instead of letting the hatch close, jump inside as Keith is lowered into the ground. Doing so will allow you to get the Lost Ending. A few more steps until you have the Beam and Abduction Ending!

Go to the Fourth Obby (Sixth Button)
Next, you’ll be heading to the Fourth Obby. To get there, you’ll need to first climb up the ledges that are indicated below.

After that, go into the corner shown in the image below. Reset your character when you are in this position. Doing so will spawn you directly into the First Obby.

Navigate through the First Obby by jumping around and avoiding all the red blocks. Once you cross the line, it will turn green. Now, you can return to the same corner and reset your character. Doing so will allow you to go through the second Obby.

Go through all the Obbys until you reach the Fourth One. In this area, you want to navigate to the area shown in the image below. Here, you want to click on the Red Button.

Go to the Edge of the Map (Seventh Button)
From the Fourth Obby, you can immediately jump onto the green hedges on the side of the map. From here, drop further down to the ledge that is right next to the bottom of the map. Move your camera around and you should be able to make out another red button.
Click on the red button that is shown in the image below.

Go to the Cloud Area (Eighth Button)
Once you get this button, you will need to jump onto the tree in the original spawn area. You can do this easily by using one of the balls to climb on top of it. After that, jump up and you’ll start climbing an invisible ladder.

Use this ladder to go all the way to the top of the map. When you reach the top, you’ll arrive in the Cloud Area. You can actually get the Invisible Ending here if you haven’t gotten it already. In this area, click on the red button that is indicated below.

Go to Red Area (Ninth Button)
Return to the red area by pushing the red ball into the gap and jumping inside. Once you’re in the Red Area, zoom the camera out and move it around.
You’ll be able to find a red button on the top of the map. Click on the button, as shown in the image below.

Go to Yellow Area (Tenth Button)
Just one more button left for the Beam and Abduction Endings! Return to the Yellow area and go to the corner where you entered the sewer. Zoom out your camera and move it around a bit. You should see a red button in this corner.
Press it and you will be teleported to the Buttons Area. The entire map will be replaced with many buttons! You’ve almost got the Beam Ending!

Press All The Buttons
For the Beam Ending, you will need to press every single button in this area. That’s right. Every. Single. Button.
So, move around your camera and press every button that you can see. You’ll know you’ve pressed all the buttons when they start to turn white.

Enter The Beam (Beam Ending)
Once all the buttons are pressed, you’ll just need to wait for the beam to appear. There will be a large beam of light that will appear on the map. All you need to do is enter the Beam to get the ending.
You’ll also receive the Beam Ending badge for your efforts.
Next, we’ll be moving onto the Abduction Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox.

Follow the Spaceship (Abduction Ending)
After the Beam Ending, you’ll spawn back into the map with a bunch of aliens and spaceships in the area. Some new interstellar friends for you to interact with!
To get the Abduction Ending, all you’ll need to do is follow the spaceship that is hovering up in the air. You can zoom out the camera and simply follow it wherever it goes.

Keep following the spaceships and at one point the spaceship will stop and drop down a green beam. This is your opportunity to catch a ride.
Go up to the green beam and jump inside. You will slowly start floating and go into the spaceship.

Here, you will be met with an alien who’ll welcome you aboard. All you need to do is wait a little and let him talk. After a bit you will receive the Abduction Ending.
Additionally, you will also receive the badge for the Abduction Ending! If you’re interested, here’s a dedicated guide for both the Abduction & Beam ending!

Swarmed Ending
There are a bunch of other requirements that you need to meet before you can get this ending, and it will take a lot of work, so strap in for a potentially long gaming session.
Before you proceed with the rest of this article, check out our guide on how to get the Beam ending first. It will involve a ton of running and puzzle solving, so go ahead and read that for the more detailed step-by-step process.
Simply put, you need to do the following steps first before you can get Swarmed:
- Find and press ten different buttons hidden throughout the many worlds.
- Get teleported to the world full of buttons.
- Push every single one of the buttons (this gets you the Beam ending).

After the Beam Ending
Upon receiving the Beam ending, you should now have aliens hanging out in every world. This is your opportunity to get various other endings, but for this guide, we’ll focus only on the Swarmed one.
Just in case you did other alien-related endings first, there is a button you can press to the right of spawn. This will signal the aliens to come back upon your next character reset.
Once you have aliens all around you, make your way to the sewer. You should know how to do this by now, but in case you don’t, just push the ball to the ledge to the left of spawn.
Use the ball as a platform to get on top of the ledge and jump into the hole in the corner. This will teleport you to the sewer area.

Getting the Sword
Once you reach the sewers, immediately grab the key off the ground. After a few seconds, the rat will call you out for stealing his key and eventually whip out a sword.
When this happens, very quickly click on the sword to steal yet another thing from the rat. With the sword on hand, climb back up through the metal pillar in front of Keith’s cell.

A Fight You Should Throw
Now that you have a sword with you, start attacking the aliens until at least one of them dies. Upon your first successful kill, the other aliens will start attacking you.
Instead of trying to win this fight, you have to lose on purpose. If you fight back and beat them all, you’ll get the Annihilation ending instead, which isn’t what we want!
Let them swarm all over you and chip away at your health. Eventually you will simply crumble into pieces from all the aliens ganging up on your sorry hide.
When they finally defeat you, the Swarmed ending should now be yours! Just be wary of any bugs that you might encounter. Try to hit every alien a couple of times to see if any of them will die, because they sometimes don’t take damage from your hits.

Rock Ending
To get this ending, you will need to do the following steps:
- Get the ball across the planks;
- Push it against the wall;
- Push the ball around the corner;
- Push it into the hole and follow it;
- Approach the rock to get the “Rock” ending.
When starting the game, you will need to get this ball across the planks and onto the other side of the area. Keep rolling it until you reach the dirt wall.

When you make it to the dirt wall (to the right of the trophy), push the ball against the dirt wall and a new path will open. Continue pushing the ball through the new path.

Once you are through, you will spawn in a new cave area. This next part will require being careful. You will need to push the ball around the corner, so you will need to be slow and careful, as pushing the ball over the edge means you need to start from the beginning.

Before you get past the red crystal, stop it and look to your right. There will be a hole there. Push the ball into the hole and jump in after it.

When you land, you will be back at the starting area, but now things are different. Everything now has a rocky texture, and the trophy is now just a rock. Approach the rock and you will get the “Rock” ending.

Lost Ending
Before you can get the Burger ending, you have to achieve the Lost one first. In order to do this, you must first push the ball down into the chasm. After doing that, fall in after it.

This will teleport you into a different area that is yellow-themed. In the other side of the bridge, you will see a giant block of cheese. Walk up to it and pick it up to get a piece of cheese in your inventory.
After that, go back across the bridge and push the ball. This time, push it towards the ledge to the left the spawn point. Use the ball to jump onto the ledge and fall into the hole at the edge, highlighted below.

Freeing Keith From the Sewers
This will teleport you into a sewer. Immediately turn around and pick up the key on the ground.Turn back around and use the key to free Keith (the NPC with the default “Noob” character model).
Grab the rotten cheese inside the cell he was trapped in and follow him up as he climbs the metal column just outside where he was being kept.

Luring Keith to the Abyss (Lost Ending)
Once you are back outside, push the ball into the square platform in the middle of the starting area. It will fall inside, allowing you to rotate the camera into the square and flip a lever inside.
After flipping the lever, jump into the platform. This will teleport you into a different area again. Don’t forget to flip the lever first before you fall into the platform!

In this new area, walk across the bridge and hold the cheese. This will cause Keith to start following you. Lead him into the hole on the other side of the map, so he falls into it.

Once he is down there, you will be stuck in a cave with a chair inside. Use the cheese to lure Keith into the chair. When he sits down on the chair, jump on top of him and watch as the chair descends into the unknown.
Get on him quickly, as the floor will close once the chair gets low enough. After a few seconds, you and Keith will be teleported into a pitch black area, and you will eventually get the Lost ending.

Ablaze Ending
First of all, similar to most of the other endings in the game, you must push the yellow ball into the chasm. After that, jump after it to enter a new area.
Once you are in the new area, cross the bridge and click on the giant floating chunk of cheese to grab a slice. Now go back across the bridge and push the yellow ball onto the ledge highlighted below:

Use the ball to get up on the ledge and jump down into the hole in the corner. This will bring you to the sewers. Grab the key on the ground and walk up to the cell door keeping Keith captive.
Do not use the key to open the door. Instead, press the backspace button to drop the key inside the cell. Keith will grab the key and open it himself. Walk through the black wall inside and grab the skull before you climb back out with him.

Finding the Secret Room
Once you are back in the yellow world, you must hold the skull and jump into the chasm. This will let you access a secret room with a clock at the end.
Click on the clock and the game will reset into night time. Do that one more time so that the world will skip back to day time.

Once it is bright outside once more, jump into the spawn platform right behind where you just teleported. This will teleport you into a new area, this time with normal green grass.
You will notice that the object across the bridge is now a sun. You must push the yellow ball into the sun. This will cause it to start burning, which is exactly what we need!

All you have to do now is push the burning yellow ball into the chasm and jump after it while holding the skull. Don’t forget to hold the skull, this is essential to the process!
After that, you will be teleported into a black zone that is burning all around. Simply walk across the bridge and touch the giant trophy to get the Ablaze ending!
Forest Fire Ending
At the beginning of the game, as with most of the other endings, the first thing you have to do is push the yellow ball down the chasm. After that, jump in to get teleported to the next zone.
Walk across the bridge and click on the giant cheese so that you can have a slice in your inventory. After that, go back to the spawn and push the yellow ball to the ledge so that you can reach the hole highlighted below:

Going Down the Sewers
Once you jump down the hole, you will be teleported into the sewers. Here, immediately grab the key on the ground and open the door to free Keith.
Before you climb up after him, go inside where he was being kept captive and grab the rotten cheese hidden beside some garbage bags. This will replace the one in your inventory.

After climbing back up from the sewers and returning to the previous zone, push the yellow ball towards the platform that you spawn in. It will fall through, but don’t jump after it!
Stand beside the platform and turn your camera in a way that you can see under it. If you zoom out enough, you should be able to see a lever. Click on it to flip it and then you can jump in to reach the next area.
In this next zone, which will have green grass, you will have to lure Keith and eventually get the Lost ending. We actually have a guide on how you can get the Lost ending, so check that out for the rest of the steps!

Running it Back Once More
After getting the Lost ending, you will have to repeat all of the previous steps until you open the cell door in the sewers. This time, Keith won’t be around anymore as you left him lost in the abyss.
Walk through the black wall and grab the skull on the ground. After that, climb back out of the sewer and do the thing where you push the ball down the platform and pull the lever before jumping to the next zone.
Once you are there, walk across the bridge and jump down into the hole where you previously lured Keith for the Lost ending.

Down the hole, you will see a metal door that you can go through. After doing that, press the Backspace button to drop the skull in front of the purple portal entity.
After dropping the skull, the portal should disappear. Once you do that, reset your character. Don’t forgetto drop the skull, this is an important part of the process, otherwise you might get the wrong ending.

Respawning Yet Another Time
Once your character respawns, the skull will now be beside the platform. Pick it back up and push the ball over to the ledge so you can enter the sewers for a third time this run.
After jumping down into the sewers, pick up the key and just stand there. After a few seconds, the rat will call you out for stealing his key and whip out a sword.
Very quickly click on the sword to grab it. After doing that, you can now climb back out into the main world. Sorry, Keith, we aren’t going to be freeing you this time around.

With the sword on hand, you will now have to use it to cut down the tree to the right of the spawn platform. This will turn it into a green ball. You will have to push this into the yellow one.

Getting The Forest Fire Ending
Now, while holding the skull, you must jump into the chasm and enter a secret room at the edge where you will find a clock. Upon clicking on the clock, you will respawn, but this time, it will be night time.
Hold the skull and go over to the clock once more and click on it to reset the time again. Now that it is bright outside, you will notice that the object on the other side of the bridge is now a sun.
All you have to do now is push the green ball into the sun. This will cause it to start burning. Finally, simply shove the burning green ball into the chasm and jump right after it while holding the skull.

After being teleported into the next zone, you will now be surrounded by several trees. Unfortunately, they will immediately start burning. Touch the tree on the other side of the bridge to get the Forest Fire ending!
Gift Ending

To be able to get the Gift ending, you’ll first need to make Aliens appear in your world. Similar to other endings, such as Abducted and Annihilation, that means you’ll first need to get the Beam ending.
Getting the Beam ending alone is a long and arduous process, requiring you to hunt down a series of tricky hidden buttons.
Nonetheless, it’s mandatory to get that ending first before the Gift ending becomes available! Things are always complicated in the Easiest Game on Roblox, after all.
Fret not, though, we aren’t going to leave you hanging. We also have a step-by-step guide on how to achieve the Beam ending. Feel free to check it out!
Now, once that’s done, it’s time to actually dive into how to get the Gift ending itself.
Getting the Items

Now, you have to get 4 different items: the Cheese, the Sword, the Plank, and the Skull. You’ll be offering them to the Aliens as a gift.
You should’ve acquired all four of these items already as part of the Beam ending, but we’ll give you a refresher for each one!
Keep in mind that you can only get the Cheese, Sword, and Plank at the same time. The Skull will require a Reset, since you need to use up the Cheese to reach it.
So, even if you’ve obtained these items before, we recommend that you follow our guide for the exact order. Anyway, let’s dive right into it!

First, get the Cheese from the yellow area. You can get there by pushing the yellow ball in the starting area into the pit.

The darkness from the pit will glow yellow when the ball falls, so jump right in.

In the yellow area, just walk up to the giant piece of Cheese on the opposite end of the starting point and click on it repeatedly. You’ll get the Cheese item automatically.

With the Cheese in your hand, position yourself some distance away from one of the planks in the middle of the area.
You have to drop the Cheese onto the tip of the planks so that one of them breaks, but without the Cheese falling into the pit.
It can be tricky to find the right spot, but the image above should give you an idea!
Once you’re in position, press Backspace on your keyboard to drop the Cheese. You’ll instantly get the Plank item, and the Cheese should be on the ground. Just approach it to pick it up again!
Make sure to put the Cheese away once you pick it up, though, or the ball will eat it. Just click on the Cheese in your taskbar to put it away safely.

Now, for the final item, you have to drop down into the Sewer.

Push the ball toward the ledge next to the starting point, like in the image above.

Then jump onto the ball to reach the ledge and you’ll find a hole leading to the Sewer. Just jump down into the hole!

Once you land, turn around to find a rat with a key. Approach it and pick up the Key to anger the rat.

In its anger, the rat will draw a sword and try to attack you once its dialogue finishes. Quickly click on the Sword as soon as the rat draws it to steal it!
Failing to do it in time will give you the Rat Attack ending, but it will also reset you…

Nonetheless, you now have all of the first set of required gift items! Head on back to the surface by climbing the ladder out of the Sewer.
Giving the First Three Gifts to the Aliens

It’s now time to give them to the Aliens, though you can’t just give them to random Aliens!
To start, push the ball toward the tree in the area. Once you manage to get the ball close to the tree, jump onto the ball and then onto the tree. It can be tricky, but keep at it and you’ll get it eventually.

Once you’re on the tree, approach its center to climb an invisible ladder, then use it to jump out onto the area’s outer rim.

There will be an Alien next to you as soon as you jump into the rim, give him the Cheese. You just need to have the Cheese in your hand when you walk up to him to give it away automatically.

Then, keep walking past the first Alien to find one asking for a Wooden Plank. Just like before, equip the Plank and walk up to him to give him what he wants.

Finally, drop-down back to the ground level and approach the lone Alien behind the Big Cheese. He asks for the Sword, so give it to him just like with the previous Aliens!

With these first three gifts done, it’s time to go get the Skull.
How to Get & Gift the Skull

To get the Skull, first drop the yellow ball in the starting area into the pit, then jump down into the pit when it’s yellow.
You’ll be back in the area with the Big Cheese goal again. Just like before, click on it a bunch of times until you receive the Cheese item. Remember to unequip it before approaching the ball!
Then, push the ball next to the cliff to reach the hole for the Sewer, just like you did before.

Now, equip the Cheese again and approach the rat. It should grab the Cheese, eat it, and then seemingly fall asleep after a a second or two. This allows you to pick up the Key easily!

With the Key in hand, go to the opposite end of the sewer to find a dude named Keith in some sort of jail cell. Get close to the cell and press Backspace to give the Key to Keith, allowing him to escape.

Now, go into the dark part of Keith’s cell yourself and you’ll find the Skull on the ground in front of you. Pick it up and then head back out of the Sewer by climbing the ladder.

Back on the surface, cross the gap leading to the Big Cheese and approach the lone Alien directly to your right.

He doesn’t say much, but you just have to bump into him with the Skull in hand to give it to him!
Unlocking the Gift Ending

With all the four Gifts given to their respective Aliens, you now just have to pause and Reset your character. Keep doing it until the Aliens leave the world.
Now, the goal at the start will be replaced with a Gift instead of the usual trophy. The Aliens left it as a thank you for all the gifts you got them, which is pretty nice!

At long last, just walk into the Gift and you’ll see the pop-up saying that you’ve obtained the Gift ending. It sure required a lot of work to get, but it’s a sweet ending…
Annihilation Ending

Before you can set out on your quest for the Annihilation ending, you must first get the Beam ending.
We have a separate guide on how to get the Beam ending, so feel free to check it out for a step-by-step of the process!
The Beam ending will require you to hunt down 10 extremely well-hidden buttons, making it a long and arduous process. Nonetheless, it’s required to do it before Annihilation.
Getting the Annihilation Ending

Anyway, once you’ve obtained the Beam ending you will notice that a bunch of Aliens have spawned in the world. Your goal now is to kill every single one of these Aliens.
Kinda mean, considering they’re just chilling about, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

First of all, push the yellow ball in the starting area to the ledge directly to your left. It should look like the picture above.

Jump on the ball and then jump over to the ledge and you should find the hole that leads to the sewer area. You should already be familiar with it from the Beam ending.

Here, just take the key from the rat near your landing point. It will get mad at you and attack you with a sword as soon as it finishes talking.

As soon as the rat draws the sword, click on it to steal the sword for yourself!
With your new weapon in hand, climb the ladder out of the sewer to return to the starting point of the Easiest Game on Roblox.

Now, just draw your sword and use it to attack and kill one of the Aliens. The rest will rush in and try to attack you, but you can easily smite them all by just clicking repeatedly on them.
If the Aliens manage to kill you, you’ll get the Swarmed ending instead of Annihilation. Keep that in mind!

Once you kill the last Alien, wait a couple of seconds and you’ll receive the Annihilation ending! Well, we hope it was worth it…
Button Ending

To get the Button Ending you’ll need to hunt down and push 10 different buttons across multiple resets.
Let’s be real here, it’s going to require a lot of patience!
Also, as a pre-requisite, you need to have completed the Lost Ending first. You can’t reach all the buttons unless you’ve done it at least once before!
Considering how long the process is and how many buttons you have to push, we’ll be splitting this guide into individual sections for every button.
It’s highly recommended that you pay attention to the instructions for Button 1 in particular.
We’ll detail a lot of the setup that you’ll need to repeat later for some of the other buttons, such as how to get Cheese and access the Sewers!
Anyway, with all that said, let’s go into how to find each pesky button for this ending.
Button 1 – Part 1

As soon as you spawn in, push the yellow ball in front of you into the pit in the middle of the area. You’ll notice that the pit turns yellow, giving you access to a new area!

Jump down into the pit once it’s glowing yellow.

You’ll now be in an area nearly identical to the starting one, but yellow. You’ll also notice a massive piece of cheese right across from you.

Walk up to the big cheese and click on it a couple dozen times to get the Cheese item.
Before you proceed, make sure to unequip it by pressing 1 or the Cheese icon on the taskbar! You’ll automatically give it to the ball if you approach it with the Cheese in hand.

Now, go back across the pit and approach the ball. Push it to the unique nearby ledge, as shown in the image.

When the ball is close to the ledge, jump on top of it and then jump onto the ledge. You should spot a hole, that leads to the Sewer area.
Drop into the hole to access the Sewer and turn around to find a rat with a Key. Equip your Cheese now!
Approach the rat while holding the Cheese and wait a couple of seconds for it to fall asleep. Then, pick up the Key the rat was protecting.

Turn around to face the opposite side of the Sewer and you’ll spot a man named Keith inside some sort of cell. Get close to him while holding the Key.
When you’re right in front of the cell, press Backspace to drop the Key for Keith. Or should we call him Keyth now? Anyway, Keith will open the cell and run away.
Button 1 – Continued

Go into the dark part of Keith’s cell and find the Green Cheese. Pick it up, and then unequip it.

Now, climb the ladder-like structure in the middle of the Sewer all the way to the top to return to the surface.

Back at the top, push the yellow ball onto the spawn point plate. You know, the gray one with the circular black icon, as shown above.

The ball will phase through the plate. Once it does, stand near the plate yourself and then move your camera so that you’re looking under the ground.

At this point, you should notice a lever inside the shaft the ball fell into. Click on its tip to flip it!

Once that’s done, walk into the spawn plate yourself and you’ll fall through as well, returning to the starting area. However, the goal will now be flipped over, leaving a hole in the ground!

Now, you have to make Keith fall into this new hole. You can use the Green Cheese to draw him toward you, just make sure he falls into the hole before he touches you.
Once Keith drops down into the hole, walk along the path leading to the hole. You’ll hear a notification sound after a few seconds.

After you hear the sound, drop down into the same hole where Keith fell to reach the Stuck area. You’ll see Keith being pulled into some sort of trapdoor.
When Keith disappears, drop down into the trapdoor to reach the Vault area.

Lastly, approach the Vault itself to find a sleeping dude named Antonio. Look under the table Antonio is sitting at to find the first button. Click on it and then press Escape and Reset your character!
Button 2

Phew, the first one sure took a while, huh? Well, things should be a tad simple from now on, at least. After all, you now know the basics of how to reach key items and areas!
With that said, your first goal after your previous reset will be to head straight to the Sewer from the starting area. Just push the ball to the ledge and jump into the hole, as before.

Now, get close to the ladder in the middle of the area, next to Keith’s cell. Move the camera around to look below the bridge you’re standing on.
You’ll spot the second button there, so just click it and then take the ladder back up!
There’s no need to reset, just go on to find the next button.
Button 3

As soon as you’re back to the surface, repeat the entire process of getting the Cheese and freeing Keith. Then, once again, walk into the dark part of his cell.
This time, don’t pick up the Green Cheese, though. Instead, you want to pick up the Skull in the corner of the cell.
With the Skull in hand, climb the ladder to exit the Sewer and return to the surface.

Now, make sure that you have the Skull on hand, then drop down into the pit. You won’t die as long as you keep the Skull equipped!

This will allow you to enter a secret room with a Clock on a wall.

As soon as you go in, though, turn around and look at the archway above you to find the third button. Then click the Clock to return to the surface.
Button 4

For this one, you’ll need to push the ball toward the darkened wall next to the goal. It can be a tad hard to notice, but it’s the one encircled in the image above.

Once the ball touches the darkened wall, the wall will disappear and reveal a cave. Invite yourself in to reach the Mine area.
Inside the Mine, turn to your right to spot a red crystal.

Walk toward the red crystal, then turn to your right again to find a blue crystal in the ceiling. Stand somewhere under the blue crystal then turn around.

You’ll find the button close to the ceiling, near the blue crystal.
Click on it and then either jump into the nearby hole to get the Spiky Ending or simply Reset.
Button 5
First of all, type “ilovepaint” into the chat (without quotations) and send it. You’ll end up in a red area right away, no need to push balls into the pit or anything.
Now, just push the nearby ball into the spawn plate and then look under the plate to pull the lever. It’s the same process you did to reach the Stuck area for the first button.

Just like back then, jump into the spawn plate once you pull the lever and fall down to the starting area. Then, just jump down into the hole opposite the spawn plate to reach the Stuck area again.

This time, just look around for the nearby door and click on it a couple dozen times.

It takes a bit of clicking, but the door will eventually open!

Once the door opens, enter the new room and then turn around. You’ll find the button on the door’s corner on the inner side. Click on it and Reset.
Button 6

If you aren’t a fan of Roblox obstacle courses, or “obbies”, you’re in for a bad time. Yup, this button in the Easiest Game of Roblox will require you to go through multiple obbies!
This experience’s title really is a lie, huh…

To start, push the ball close to the centermost ledge near the spawn. It’s the one left of the one leading to the Sewer.

Jump onto the ball and the ledge, then follow the path forward until you reach the far corner. Stand in the corner and Reset.

You’ll appear in a small obby in the sky. Your goal here is to jump across the course without touching the red squares, then reach the finish line.
When you cross the finish line and it turns green, do not step on the goal. Instead, jump down back to the starting area.
Go back to the corner from before and Reset again to be in a second obby. Then complete this obby as well and drop down again. As before, go back to the same corner from the start, and Reset.

Repeat this process until you reach the 4th obby, which you’ll recognize by its cross shape.

Once you spawn in the fourth obby, turn around and jump across the platforms to reach a column with a hole. This can be very tricky, though, so good luck!

When you reach the column with the hole, jump up into the hole and reach the other side of the column.
Then, turn around to find the button. Click on it and then proceed to the next button.
Button 7

Right after clicking on the 6th button, drop down to the rim of the starting area. Try to land on the spot marked in the image above.

Next, look below to find yet another ledge you can drop down to. Try to be careful so that you don’t overshoot the fall!

When you finally land on the ledge, position your camera so that you’re looking at the underside of the ledge. You’ll spot the button on one of the corners at the bottom.
Click on it and then Reset or jump off the ledge!
Button 8

After the previous Reset, you’ll be back to the starting area. Your goal now is to push a ball next to the one tree in the area.
This can be done with any type of ball, but it can be easier with the larger red balls. Just keep pushing yellow balls into the pit in the middle and you’ll eventually get a red one to spawn.

Once you’ve got the ball next to the tree, jump until you reach the top of the tree. Then walk around the middle to start climbing an invisible ladder.
Keep going all the way up and through the clouds to reach the Cloud area.

Now just walk toward the Cloud-shaped goal and look at the base of the pedestal. You’ll spot the button on one of the corners, as shown above.

Then you can just walk into the Cloud goal to get the Cloud Ending if you don’t have it yet, or simply Reset if you want.
Button 9

This button is surprisingly simple. To get it, simply push a red ball into the pit in the center of the starting area and then drop down.
You’ll now be in a red recolor of the starting area, with an apple-shaped goal.

All you have to do here is to zoom out as far as possible and look around the top part of the area’s outer rim. Make sure that you’re facing toward the goal to make it easier.
You’ll find the button on a ledge along the rim, as shown in the image above. Extremely easy one to get considering how far in we are, huh?
Click on it and then continue on, no need to Reset.
Button 10 – Achieving the Ending

At long last, the 10th and final button required for the Button Ending. It’s been quite a journey, huh?
To get this one, simply drop a yellow ball into the central pit and then jump down when it glows yellow. You’ll be back in the Cheese area, as usual.

Approach the ledge that leads to the Sewer and move your camera around while looking into the Sewer’s entrance. You’ll spot the final button there.
Press it and the area will instantly turn red, with dozens of huge buttons appearing around you. To get the Button Ending, simply ignore the buttons and walk toward the goal.

Step onto the goal and you’re all done here!
Alternatively, you can push every single one of the buttons to make a light appear, which will get you the Beam Ending. You can only get one of these endings at a time, though…
If you want to get the other ending, you’ll need to hunt down all 10 buttons over again… oof! Nonetheless, now you know everything you need to know to get the Button Ending in the Easiest Game on Roblox.
Little Cheese Ending
First, we’re going to make use of the yellow ball. Roll it to this edge here so you can climb up the ledge, then drop down to the sewer. Find this small hole in the corner and try to fit in.
You’ll drop immediately in front of a key. Grab that key, listen to the skull talk, then grab the sword.
Want to know how to get the “Big Cheese” ending instead? Check out this guide for the Big Cheese ending!

To get out of the sewer, climb the only metal pole inside.
Once you’re up, it’s time to go to Cheese Realm. To go to Cheese Realm, just roll the same yellow ball and drop it down to the gap. It’ll glow yellow, which means you can now enter the Cheese Realm.
Jump down and head to the platform with the floating giant cheese. Slash the cheese with your sword until there’s only one small piece of cheese is left.
And there you go, that’s how you get the “Little Cheese” ending in Easiest Game on Roblox!

Big Cheese Ending
Luckily, the big cheese ending is one of the easier endings in the game. You can get this ending without breaking a sweat. To get the “Big Cheese” ending, here are the things you need to do:
- Go to the cheese realm.
- Grab the cheese.
- Drop the cheese on the bigger cheese for the Big Cheese endings.
Let’s go to a detailed explanation on how to acquire these tasks.
Here’s what you need to do to enter the cheese realm. Look around for a big yellow ball with a smiley face. Head toward the ball and push it into the big crack in the ground.

The ball will insist that you stop pushing him, but you can ignore him. (He doesn’t want you to get the Big Cheese ending). When the ball falls into the pit, the pit turns from darkness to an opening filled with yellow liquid that resembles cheese! (Whoops. Rest In Peace, Yellow ball)

Now, it’s time to jump into this pit and you’ll be transported into another location. This new location looks exactly like the first one, except everything is yellow.

In the distance, you will see a massive cheese and a platform for you to walk over there toward the cheese.
Next, you’ll see that the cheese is too big to grab. But when you try grabbing it, you’ll get a tiny little cheese with you in your hand. You can grab it by pressing spam.

Now, the object is to drop the tiny cheese onto the big cheese trophy. If you’re on the PC, you can use Backspace to execute this task and if you’re on the mobile, you can use the drop button.
Once you did this right, this should appear on your screen:

Which means, you did it! You got the Big Cheese ending. Now, head back to the game and collect all the other endings.
R.I.P. Ending
For this one, you will have to get two different endings first. More specifically, you must get the Lost and Skeleton endings before you can achieve this one.
A safe bet is to do the Skeleton ending first. We have a guide on how to get the Skeleton ending, which shouldn’t take too long. After that, we also have a guide for getting the Lost ending, which is another quick one.
If you did the two endings correctly, you will notice that the skeleton is actually just chilling on the other side of the bridge. This is one way to tell if you are on the right path.

Path to the R.I.P. Ending
Now that the game has reset once more, push the yellow ball into the chasm and jump after it to enter the next area where you can grab a slice of cheese. You should be familiar with this by now, since you had to do it for the Lost ending.
One difference is that there will be a purple ball. After grabbing a slice of cheese, push that ball down the chasm. After a few seconds, the yellow ball will show up again, and you can use this to reach the sewers.

Jumping In the Sewers & the Hole
Before you take the key from the ground, hold the cheese and click on the rat to give it to him. Then, use the key to open the cell on the other side of the sewer and pick up the skull behind the black wall.

Climb back out and push the yellow ball into the spawn platform. After that, pull the lever inside and jump in, just like you did for the Lost ending.
This time, however, we aren’t going to be luring Keith into the hole. Instead, jump in the hole and you will see a metal door with a purple portal behind it.
Walk beside the portal and press the backspace button while holding the skull to drop it on the ground. Both the skull and the portal should disappear shortly after. When this happens, reset your character.

After the Reset
Upon resetting, the skull and portal will now appear beside the spawn platform. Also, you will notice that the skeleton on the other side of the bridge is now sitting near the edge. This is an indication that you are still on the right path!

From here, take the skull and repeat the previous steps up until you get the key in the sewers. Instead of opening the cell door, just walk up to it and drop the key so that Keith will open it himself.
After Keith opens the cell door, pick up the skull that is behind the black wall, just like you did earlier. The only difference is that Keith did not have to die for this run!
If you did everything correctly up to this point, you should have two skulls in your inventory. This is where things get even sillier.
After climbing back out into the main world, hold one of the skulls and then reset your character. This will turn you into a ghost for a few seconds (fifteen seconds, to be exact).
When this happens, quickly hold the other skull (which is the only one you have now) and jump into the chasm. Make sure to hold the skull before you fall, or else you will have to do everything all over again!

The Wait Begins (and Ends)
If you followed our steps correctly, you should now be in a dark and red zone with no more skulls in your possession. In addition to that, the skeleton will now be sitting in front of a gravestone.
From this point, all you have to do is cross the bridge and click on the skeleton. After a pretty long wait, the skeleton will start to panic and slowly descend into the ground.
After that, the gravestone will suddenly have the letters “R.I.P” on it, and the RIP ending should pop up soon after.

Collapse Ending
You start out in the Normal World as default. To get the Collapse Ending, you need to enter the Secret Cave which is present in the Normal World. To do so, push the Yellow Ball to the other side of the map.

You will notice that there is an odd colored cutout of a cave on the wall. Simply push the Yellow Ball towards the cutout.

As soon as the Yellow Ball touches the odd colored area in the wall, the entrance to the Secret Cave will open.

Go inside the Secret Cave. You will land on a Red Button which will immediately turn to Black when you land on it. Speaking of the cave, you can also get the Spiky Ending in the area!

The button is connected to a Bomb. When you landed on the button, the Timer of the Bomb started.

The Bomb’s Timer is set to 120 by default which means you have to wait 2 minutes for it to go down and get the Collapse Ending. Simply wait for the Timer to reach 0.

When the Timer reaches 0, the Bomb will explode and you will get the Collapsed Ending.

The cave is closed in so the explosion of the Bomb caused it to collapse in on itself and that is why it is called the Collapse Ending (quite a fitting name).
Skeleton Ending
We first start in the Normal World but to get the Skeleton Ending, we need to go to the Cheese World. To get to the Cheese World, push the Yellow Ball in the chasm.

As the Yellow Ball falls down, the area beneath will turn yellow and glow. If you wait too long, the area beneath will turn black again so jump down quickly when the area is still glowing yellow to get to the Cheese World.

As you jump down, you will be instantly transported to the Cheese World.

Now, simply make your way towards the Giant Floating Cheese where the red arrow is marked but make sure not to get too close to the Giant Floating Cheese.

Tap or click on the Giant Floating Cheese to get cheese. If a single tap or click does not give you cheese right away, then tap or click multiple times until you get it. After getting the cheese, put it away.

Now approach the Yellow Ball (without having the cheese equipped) and push it towards the area marked.

Now jump on the Yellow Ball to get to the area marked. If you are having trouble getting there, try jumping on the center of the Yellow Ball.

When you get to the top, you will notice a small gap. Walk towards this gap and fall down.

You will end up in the Underground Area. Turn around and you will see a Key and a Rat.
Do not pick the key yet.
Take out the cheese you got earlier and feed it to the Rat.

You will notice that the Rat makes some noise after eating the cheese. Now, it is safe to pick the Key.

After picking up the Key, head towards Keith (the guy trapped behind bars on the other side). Give the key to Keith so he can unlock the door from his side.

Skull Hidden Area for Skeleton Ending
After Keith unlocks the door and heads out, go into the dark wall behind where he was standing before. You will come across a hidden area where you will find a Skull lying on the ground. Pick the Skull up.

Now head back to the Cheese World by climbing the marked area.

When you get back up to the Cheese World, push the Yellow Ball towards the Secret Cave area.

When the Yellow Ball touches the dark colored area of the wall, the entrance to the Secret Cave will open. Go inside the Secret Cave.

You will land on a button which will start the timer of a bomb lying nearby. You now have 2 minutes before the bomb explodes. Hurry downwards where the arrow is marked.

As you go down, you will notice an empty area towards the right side of the wall. This is where the Body of the Skeleton is lying.

Go inside the area to find the Skeleton’s Body.

Place the Skull which you got from the Underground Area at the top of the Skeleton’s Body.

After placing the Skull, the Skeleton will come back to life and start walking.

After expressing his joy for life again, the Skeleton will ascend towards the surface. And the Skeleton Ending is complete.

Revived Ending
So, on today’s agenda, we have to raise a skeleton back to life but not with the power of necromancy. What we need is cheese and not just any cheese will do.
We need the magical cheese to raise the skeleton back to life and get the Revive Ending. Keep reading to find out more. To get the Revive Ending, we first need to get the Skeleton Ending.
Skeleton Ending
In order to get the Skeleton ending first, follow these steps: As you start out in the Normal World, proceed towards the Cheese World.
Normal World
Get to the Cheese World by pushing the Yellow Ball in to the gap as shown in the image below.

When the Yellow World hits the bottom, the area will start glowing yellow. Jump down when the area below is still glowing.

When you hit the bottom, you will end up in the Cheese World.
Cheese World

The next steps require you to get the cheese. To do so, proceed towards the Huge Magical Cheese and click (or tap) to get the cheese.

If a single click (or tap) does not give you the cheese, then click (or tap) multiple times. Once you get the cheese, put it away.

Now you have to push the Yellow Ball towards the marked area. Be careful not to touch the cheese with the Yellow Ball as it will trigger another ending.

After pushing the Yellow Ball to the edge, jump on it to get to the top. We found it helpful to jump on the center of the Yellow Ball.

After getting to the top, jump down in the hidden gap. This will take you to the Underground Area.

Underground Area
Once you get to the Underground Area, turn around to find the Key. Do not pick the key YET. First equip the cheese you got earlier and give it to the Rat. The Rat will make some noise (of eating the cheese).

Once the Rat is done, pick up the Key.

Once you get the Key, make your way towards Keith (the plain looking guy trapped behind bars on the other side of the map). The lock to the door is on Keith’s side, so give the Key to him.

Keith will use the Key to unlock the door and get out. There is a Hidden Area behind where Keith was first standing. To access the Hidden Area, go inside the black wall.

Once you are inside the Hidden Area, you will notice a Skull lying on the ground, pick it up. After picking up the Skull, make you way towards the top again by climbing the marked area.

When you get back up to the Cheese World again, You need to go to the Secret Cave. Simply push the Yellow Ball towards the dark colored square area visible in the wall.

Upon contact of the Yellow Ball with the wall, the entrance to the Secret Cave will be open. Make you way inside the Secret Cave.

Secret Cave
You will fall and end up on a giant red button which will turn black. The button will start the timer of a bomb attached to it. The bomb is set to explode in 120 seconds. Go below where the arrow is marked.

As you fall down, go straight. On the right side, you will notice an empty area inside the wall.

The body of the Skeleton is lying inside. Make you way towards it.

Equip the Skull which you got from the Underground Area. Place the Skull at the top of the Skeleton’s Body.

When the Skull is in place, the Skeleton will get up and start walking.

The Skeleton will ascend towards the surface and the Skeleton Ending of Easiest Game On Roblox is complete. Now, click on Retry, so we can start working on how to get the Revive Ending.

Getting Revive Ending After Skeleton Ending
Now, go back to the Cheese World by pushing the Yellow Ball into the chasm.

Jump downwards to get teleported to the Cheese World.

Once you arrive in the Cheese World, go towards the Giant Floating Cheese (but do not get too close) and tap or click on it to get cheese.

After getting cheese, put it away.

Now go towards the Red Ball (without having cheese equipped). Push the Red Ball towards the corner where the arrow is marked.

Once the Red Ball is in position. Equip the cheese you got earlier and feed it to the Red Ball.

As soon as you feed the cheese to the Red Ball. Make your way towards the other side of the map and do it fast because the Red Ball will start expanding now and you do not want to get caught in its expansion.

Once you reach the safety area, simply wait for the Red Ball to finish its expansion.

After the Red Ball is finished expanding. Head back to the place where you fed it cheese. You will notice that the cheese you fed it has now turned into Magical Cheese and appears to be glowing.

Pick up the Magical Cheese and head towards the Skeleton which is lying nearby on the ground.

Feed the Magical Cheese to the Skeleton.

After eating the Magical Cheese, the Skeleton will revive back to its original body. And this completes the Revived Ending.

Congratulations on getting the Revived Ending. The Skeleton Ending was very long on its own but now combined with Revived Ending, it is much longer now.
Spiky Ending
To get the Spiky Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to do the following steps:
- Push the ball across the map and hit the dirt wall
- Enter inside the secret cave
- Drop down the hole in the corner to touch the spikes for Spiky Ending.
Opening the Secret Cave
Starting off, to get the Spiky Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to use the yellow ball. Push the ball all the way across to the other side of the map across the bridge. Be careful here, as you do not want to drop it into the gap.

After the ball is across, take it all the way to the border at the end – where the dirt walls are. If you look closely, you can make out a passage in front of one of the dirt walls. It will be a bit towards the right.
Push the ball to this dirt passage and make sure it touches the wall once.

After a few seconds, the passage will open up, revealing the secret cave. Enter inside this cave! The Spiky Ending is almost in your sights!

Drop Down the Hidden Hole (Spiky Ending)
Once you’re inside the cave, you’ll drop down on a button automatically. No need to worry if you do. Instead, turn to the right and round the wall that’s there.
After you do that, look into the corner and you’ll see that there is a hidden hole there. Simply walk up to the hole and jump inside. You’ll fall down a great distance before hitting the spikes and watching as your body falls apart! You’ll also see the Collapse Ending in the corner.

A grim ending indeed – but hey, at least you got the Spiky Ending! Doing so will also give you one of the easiest badges in Easiest Game on Roblox.

Burger Ending
After you get the Lost ending, click on the retry button. Now that the previous one is out of the way, you can now get the Burger ending.
Repeat all of the steps earlier up until the point where you have to free Keith. This time, you should notice that Keith is not in the cell. Use the key to open it and walk past the “we lost keith” note on the ground.
Your character should go through the black wall. Pick up the skull on the ground. Don’t forget to pick up the rotten cheese on the way out just like before!

From here, repeat the same steps from earlier up until you jump into the hole, this time without having to lure Keith, cause he’s dead now.
In the hole, you will notice that you are no longer stuck. There will be a door down there that you can open and walk through.

Inside, hold the skull and reset your character. Do not step into the glowing purple circle on the ground. After resetting your character while holding the skull, your screen should turn black and white.
A burger will appear on top of where the glowing purple circle was, and a timer will appear on the top stating that you have 15 seconds of life left. Quickly jump on the burger to get the Burger ending.

Destruction Ending
To get the Destruction Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to do the following steps:
- Use the ball to climb up on the tree;
- Navigate to the side of the map and locate the Red Button;
- Keep pressing the Red Button until it turns Green;
- Step on the green button to activate the Destruction Ending!
Climbing Up Tree (Using Yellow Ball)
The first thing you want to do for the Destruction Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox is to immediately turn your attention to the yellow ball. Push the yellow ball towards the tree that is in the right corner of the map.

Position the ball next to the tree. Make sure that it is stable so that you can jump on the ball without it moving away from the tree. After that, jump onto it and use it to get on top of the tree.

Once you’re on top of the tree, jump again to start climbing the invisible ladder that’s there. Keep climbing until you’ve gained considerable height. You are going to use this height to jump onto the side border of the map.

Once you believe you’ve climbed enough, jump onto the hedge on the side.

Locate the Red Button
Once you’re on the side of the map, keep following the border. While doing so, angle your camera to the side so that you can look at what’s below. What you’re looking for is a Red Button on the edge of a small ledge.
An image of this button is shown below. The Destruction ending for Easiest Game on Roblox is in sight. You might also want to check out the how to get Graveyard Ending guide.

Use Green Button (Destruction Ending)
Once you locate the Red Button, turn your attention towards the ledge that is on the edge. You’ll need to land on it, which may be difficult considering it is very narrow. However, there is no other way and you’ll need to get your landing right.

After you land on the ledge, carefully walk towards the Red Button. Once you’re near the button, start clicking on it multiple times. Keep doing so until the button turns Green.
When the button is Green, stop the clicking and step on the button. This is when the destruction will begin!

The whole map around you will slowly start crumbling and fall apart. Within a few seconds, everything will have fallen into the abyss below. You’ll be left all alone on a very small spot staring into the emptiness. After a few seconds, you’ll get the Destruction Ending – which also includes a badge!

Broken Ending
First, you will be in the Normal Realm. You will want to push the yellow ball in the direction we have drawn until it falls into the valley.

You will now be in the Cheese Realm. Next, pick up the cheese by clicking on it.

After that, push the red ball towards the very back of the map.

Then, jump on top of the ball and you will be able to jump into this small hole.

Inside, there will be a key that you can collect. To get back up, use the ladders.

Next, you’ll want to push the red ball towards the spawn location.

Then, jump inside it and flick the lever. This will activate the bottom platform under you. The white portal will let you go back to the Normal Realm.

Once you’re back to the normal realm, walk to the end and jump down.

Inside, you will be able to open a door with the key that you have obtained earlier. Then, use the cheese and place it inside the purple portal.

You will now unlock the Reset ending. What you’ll want to do next is to Rejoin.

After rejoining, you will now be in the Normal Realm. Next to your spawn location, you will be able to pick up the cheese from the purple portal.
Next, push the yellow ball into the valley and enter the Cheese Realm. There, you can repeat the steps and obtain your second piece of cheese.
After that, head back to the spawn location and enter the Normal Realm again. Then, feed both cheese to the yellow ball. When you have done all the steps, go behind the Trophy just like in the image below.
After a while, the game will spawn a lightning that hits you. You will then receive the Broken Ending.

Mirror Ending
This specific ending is actually pretty simple, but it will take you a couple of minutes of repetitive tasks. First, push the ball until it is beside the tree to the right of the spawn platform.
Once the ball is close enough, jump on it and get on the tree. While you’re on the tree, you will notice that you can climb up an invisible ladder. Do this until you get teleported into a new zone.

Upon getting teleported into a white-themed zone, do the exact same thing you did in the previous one. Push the ball beside the tree again and start climbing until you are teleported once more.

Repeat this process four more times. After the fourth climb, you will be in a zone that is full of reflective surfaces. On the other side of the bridge, you will see a mirror with purple particle effects coming out of it.
All you have to do now is to approach the mirror and walk right into it. This will result in you getting the Mirror ending.

Overloaded Ending
At the start of a fresh new game, push the ball into the chasm and jump after it to get teleported into a new zone that has a bright yellow theme.

In this new area, go across the bridge and click on the giant cheese to get a piece of it in your inventory. Then, go back to the spawn area and push the ball into the ledge to the side.
Once the ball is close enough, jump on top of it and get on the ledge. After that, walk into the hole in the corner highlighted by the red box in the image below. You will fall in and be teleported elsewhere.

Freeing the Prisoner in the Sewer
Upon being teleported into the sewer, immediately grab the key on the ground right beside you. With this key, you can free the NPC locked behind the cell in the opposite corner of the room.

After freeing the prisoner, grab the rotten cheese inside his cell and climb up the long metal column right outside the enclosure (the NPC will climb up before you as well).
Once you reach the ceiling, you will be teleported back into the yellow themed location. From here, push the ball into the platform in the middle of the area where you spawn in. It should fall in.
When the ball falls into the platform, it will become passable. Get close to the platform but do not fall into it! Instead, point your camera in a way that you can see inside. There will be a lever that you need to click on under the platform.

Reaching the Next Zone
After clicking on the lever, you can now jump into the platform and get teleported into a new area along with the NPC. Walk across the bridge while holding the rotten cheese.
As you do this, the NPC will follow the scent of the cheese. Jump over the hole on the other side to lure the NPC into the pit. Once he falls down the hole, you can go ahead and jump after him.

Revealing a Secret Location
Down in the hole, lure the NPC using the cheese once more. This time, have him walk over to the chair. When he sits on the chair, make sure to stay away from him as it will descend.
If you accidentally descend down with him, you’re going to get the Lost ending instead. What you need to do is wait for the ground to close and then open back up again.

Once the ground under the “you’re stuck” sign opens up, you can now safely jump down the hole. There, you will find a secret room with a vault door inside. Walk into this new location.

Upon reaching the vault door, start pressing the “1” button on the upper left corner. Keep doing this until the display panel on the left side says “error”. Eventually, the message will display “System overloaded”, and you will get the corresponding ending after a few seconds.
And that is everything you need to know in order to get the Overloaded ending in Easiest Game on Roblox!

Lockdown Ending
Upon spawning into the game, the first thing you need to do is push the ball into the chasm. This will make it glow yellow. Jump into the chasm to get teleported into a yellow themed zone.

Once you are in this new area, walk across the bridge and then click on the giant cheese to get a small piece of it in your inventory.
After picking up the cheese, go back across the bridge and start pushing the ball until it is beside the ledge near the spawn platform. Use the ball to get up on the ledge and fall into the hole in the corner.

Rescuing Keith from the Sewers
When you jump into the hole, you will be teleported into the sewers. Immediately grab the key in front of you and turn around. Use the key to open the cell holding the NPC named Keith.
Upon opening his cell, Keith will start climbing up the column to the left. Before you follow him up there, make sure to go inside the cell and grab the rotten cheese in the corner.

Getting Into the Next Zone
Once you have the rotten cheese and have climbed up to return to the yellow themed zone, push the ball into the spawn platform in the center of the area you are in. It should fall through the platform.
Do not jump into the platform just yet. Instead, turn your camera until you can see under the platform. There, you will see a lever. Click on the lever and then jump into the platform. You and Keith will be teleported elsewhere.

Once you are in the next zone, hold the rotten cheese and make your way across the bridge. Keith will be following you as long as you are holding the stinky block of cheese.
Once you are on the other side, walk around or jump over the hole so that Keith falls into it. Once he is down there, jump in after him to find yourself stuck in a small cave.

Down there, you have to lure Keith into the chair under the “you’re stuck” sign on the wall. Once he sits down on it, stay away from him as the chair descends into the unknown.
A metal trapdoor will eventually block the way. Make sure that you are not under it, otherwise you will find yourself in the Lost ending with Keith beside you instead.

After a few seconds, the trapdoor will open. You can now safely jump down there, revealing a secret room with a vault door inside. Simply approach this vault door.
From there, all you have to do is start inputting random numbers and pressing the green button on the keypad. Eventually, you will run out of attempts, which will trigger a lockdown.
This commotion will also cause the NPC sitting in the side to wake up and call you out for trying to open the vault. After a few seconds, the Lockdown ending should pop up on your screen.

Sad & Rubber Ducky Ending
Upon spawning into a fresh new game, push the ball to the ledge just to the left of where you first spawned. Use the ball to get onto the ledge and jump into the hole in the corner highlighted below.

You will then be teleported into the sewer. Grab the key on the ground right in front of you and then click on the mouse that is standing right beside it. When he whips out a sword, click on him again to take it for yourself.

With the sword on hand, turn around and start climbing the metal column right in front of the cell holding Keith. We won’t need to free him in this one, so don’t worry about him.
Once you touch the ceiling, you will be teleported back into the previous zone. While holding the sword, approach the giant ball and click on it to cut it into two pieces, one of which will be blue.

Now that the ball has been split, push the sad blue one into the chasm. This will make the chasm glow blue. The next thing you have to do is jump into it to get teleported into a blue themed area.

Getting The Sad Ending
Upon being teleported into the sad zone, you will see a large frowning blue ball on the opposite side of the bridge. Cross the bridge and touch the ball to get the Sad ending.
After that, you have to click on the Retry button. Upon returning to the game, you will notice that it is now raining in the starting area.

Road to the Rubber Ducky Ending
The reason you had to get the Sad ending first is because you need this rain. Unfortunately, once is not enough. You will need to repeat all the previous steps two more times.
This means getting the Sad ending twice more. After that, you will notice that the yellow ball will say “IT’S FLOODING”, and the chasm will be full of water. When this happens, you can stop trying to get the Sad ending.
Instead, push the ball beside the tree to the right of the spawn platform. Then, get on top of the ball and jump onto the tree. From there, you can climb up an invisible ladder.

As you climb the seemingly endless invisible ladder, you will eventually hit your head on a cloud. Once you are forced to stop, the flood will start rising up until just before your feet.
After a few seconds, rubber duckies will start to appear on the water all around you. When enough of them show up, the Rubber Ducky ending will pop up on your screen.

Restuck Ending
First things first, you need to push the big yellow ball into the gap and jump after it too.

After that, head to the sewers and take Keith out of there. In order to do this, first pass the bridge and take a piece of cheese on the platform.

Then, use the ball to get on top of the little mountain behind the spawn point. Check out the image below to see it more clearly.

There, you should walk into the wall to get to the sewers. Once you do that, you will fall right into the sewers.

Once you are at the sewers, exchange your cheese for a key. You don’t have to look around, it will be right beside the bar in front of you as soon as you fall down.

Now turn around and release Keith. Once you do that, he will get out and leave the sewers. You can get inside the little cell you opened and find a piece of cheese there.

After taking the piece of cheese, you can use the pipe in front of the cell to climb up and get out of the sewers.

Now that you are on the surface again, you should go back to the big yellow ball and push it into the platform with a symbol on it.

Next, set up your camera to look below the platform. You are going to see a handle there. Once you lower it down, jump inside, and you will spawn at the spawn point once more. This time, Keith will be there waiting for you.
You should pass the bridge, stand behind the open platform, and take your cheese out. Afterwards, Keith will follow you and fall right into it.

Now, jump after him and take out your cheese to make him come toward you. He will sit on the chair. Stay close to him, and both of you will go down, then go up.
Once Keith disappears into the sky, jump to the stuck area once again and sit on the chair. After that, you will get the Restuck Ending!

Black Hole Ending
In order to get the Black Hole Ending, you should first get the Lost Ending on the Easiest Game on Roblox. Once you get the Lost Ending, you can move on to get the Black Hole Ending as well.
First, push the big yellow ball into the gap and get your piece of cheese from the platform behind the bridge.

To get the key, use the yellow ball to get on top of the little mountain and walk into the wall to get to the sewers. You are going to exchange your cheese for a key right there.

Now turn around and use the key to open the door of the small cell there. There, walk to the wall and wait for your cheese to turn. Then, get out, and you will receive moldy cheese.
Next, push the ball into the spawn and feed him the moldy cheese.

After that, you will respawn in a new area. Get on top of the tree on your left as soon as you can and start using double jumps to get away from the yellow ball.

Now, once you are back on the ground, you will receive a sparkly cheese. Then, walk to the hole connected to the spawn point. Jump inside, and you are going to see a purple glow.
Hold the piece of cheese in your hands and get closer to the purple glow. Once you do that, you will clone your cheese and get the Reset Ending.

Now, you will spawn at the spawn point again. Take the cheese from the purple glow there and feed it to the yellow ball. It will eventually turn into a black hole, and you will get the Black Hole ending.

Invisible Ending
There are a lot of different endings that you can get in this game. Some of them are easy while others need a bit more effort. There are even some endings that need other endings to get them! Lucky for you this ending isn’t that hard, here’s how you can get it!
Going Up To The Sky
At the start of the game, you’ll want to look to the right of the spawn area. There, you’ll see a single tree, use the ball and roll it next to the tree to get on top of it.

On top of the tree is an invisible ladder that you can climb. Keep on climbing the ladder until you reach a new area in the clouds.

Once you’re in the new level on the clouds, do the same thing with the ball there. You’ll need to repeat the process over and over again. At first, it might look like nothing’s happening but just keep on going.

As you go further and further up, the level will become more and more transparent. Keep on going up until you get to the very top!

Getting The Invisible Ending
You’ll know you’re on the very top when you reach the clouds, and the level doesn’t have any textures at all. You’ll need to go forward and step on the purple lights. The level is still there, so you can still fall off the bridge.
To make things easier, you can go to the game’s Settings and then change the Movement Mode to “Click To Move.” You can then click forward, and it’ll automatically path the way across the invisible bridge.
Once you reach the purple lights, the game will end, and you’ll get the Invisible Ending as well as the badge!

Diamond Ending
Some of the endings in the game can be quite easy while the others need a bit more effort. The Diamond Cheese ending not only needs you to do another ending first, but you’ll also need to fight something. Here’s how you can do it!
Get The Lost Ending First
The first step in getting the Diamond Cheese ending is to first get the Lost Ending. Make sure to follow our guide on how to get the Lost Ending, so you know what to do!

A lot of endings will need you to do this first so make sure to complete it and get the badge!
Get The Two Cheeses And The Sword
Once you’ve obtained the Lost Ending, go back to the start and drop the yellow ball to the chasm. This will turn the chasm yellow, and you can jump down to get to the cheese area.

Once you’re in the cheese area, you’ll see the big cheese slice at the other end. Go there and click on the cheese a bunch of times to get a piece of cheese.

Go back to the side of the area where there’s the spawn and use the ball to go to the ledge to the left. Use the ball to get on top of it and then jump down the corner where there’s a small hole.

Once you fall, you’ll find yourself in the sewers. Go near the steel grates and you’ll see a rat with a key, give the cheese to the rat to get the key.

Use the key to open the door on the other side and then take the stinky cheese inside the cell. You can then use the metal pole inside the sewers to go back to the surface with the cheese.

Now that you’re on the surface, push the ball onto the spawn platform. The ball will go through the platform and then fall into a hole.

Go near the platform and angle your camera, so it clips through it. You’ll then need to find the lever inside and activate it. Once you’ve done that, drop into the spawn platform and onto the next area.

Dropping down the spawn platform will send you back to the green area where there’s the trophy. Go to the other side and jump down the hole there.

You’ll get to a room below that has a metal door. Open the metal door and then drop the cheese on the purple circle inside. If done correctly, the cheese and circle will disappear. You’ll then need to reset your character.

This will send you back to the start and the cheese will now be next to the spawn point. Take the cheese and roll the yellow ball down the chasm again to go to the cheese area. Take another piece of cheese from the slice there.

Follow the path again going down the sewers but instead of giving the cheese to the rat, take the key instead. This will make the rat take out a sword and take it from him as quickly as possible by clicking on it.

You should end up with two pieces of cheese and a sword in your inventory.
Defeat The Angry Ball & Get The Diamond Cheese
Once you’ve gotten the sword, go back to the surface and go to the ball. Feed the ball the two cheeses to make it angry.

As the ball talks, quickly go to the back of the spawn area and jump to the 3rd platform shown below. Go to the corner there and reset your character.

When you’ve reset your character, it will spawn you way above the area with a bridge and red bars. Jump over the red bars and go in the middle of the bridge.
When the ball turns into a red angry ball, jump down to it and start hitting it with your sword. After a while, it’ll die and fall to the ground into multiple red balls.

After you defeat the red angry ball, it will drop a Diamond Cheese. Get the cheese and eat it to get the Diamond Cheese ending!

Angry Ending
Some of the endings that you can get in the Easiest Game On Roblox can be quite easy thus the name. Others though can be a bit tricky and difficult. The Angry ending needs you to complete another ending first before you can try and get it. Here’s how you can get this one!
Get The Lost Ending First
For the Angry ending, you’ll first need to get another ending in the game and that is the Lost Ending. Be sure to follow our guide on how to get the Lost Ending, so that you know what to do!

The Lost Ending makes you save Keith and then make him sit an area and be lost to get the ending. After you’ve done that, you can now try to get the Angry Ending.
Taking Two Cheeses
Now that you have the Lost Ending done, we can try and get the Angry Ending. To do this, you’ll want to start the game again and push the yellow ball onto the chasm. Then, jump down and follow it to go to the cheese area.

Once in the cheese area, you’ll want to walk to the other side where there’s a big cheese slice. Click on it to get a piece of cheese and head back to the spawn area.

Use the ball and push it to the left wall of the spawn. There, you’ll find the ledge that you can go up to with the help of the ball. In the corner is a hole that you can then jump down.

Once you’ve jumped down and gotten into the sewers, you’ll see a rat and a key next to some metal grates. Give the rat the cheese and you can get the key.

Use the key to unlock the room on the other side of the sewers and then get the stinky cheese near the trash bags. You can then use the metal pole in the sewers to go up back to the surface.

When you get back to the surface, roll the ball onto the spawn area. The ball will go through the square and down a hole.

Go near the spawn area and then position your camera, so it clips through it. Look for the lever and then click on it to use it. You can then go through the spawn area and down the hole.

When you drop down the hole, you’ll go back to the green area. Go to the other side where the trophy is and jump down the hole.

You’ll go into a room where there’s a metal door. Open it, and then you’ll see a purple circle on the ground. Drop the cheese onto that circle, if done correctly the circle and the cheese will disappear.
Once you’ve placed the cheese there and it disappears, reset your character and go back to the start.

After you’ve started over, you’ll see the purple circle with the cheese next to the spawn point. Take the cheese and then make the yellow ball roll over the edge again to go to the cheese area.

When you get to the cheese area again, go take cheese from the big cheese slice. So, you now have two cheese!
Getting The Angry Ending
Now that you have two pieces of cheese, keep on rolling the ball off the edge and making it spawn again. Do it until the ball turns into a red one. Once that’s done, give the two cheeses to it.

The ball will turn into an Angry Ball and float high up in the sky. The ball will then shoot a laser and you’ll have to wait for it to kill you to get the Angry ending!
Acrophobia Ending
There are a ton of different endings that you can get in this game and one of them is the Acrophobia ending. To get this ending, you’ll need to do a couple of things first. This requires you to do everything shown below in the right order and for you to not miss anything.
Getting Keith Out
At the start of the game, push the ball down the chasm and it will turn yellow. You’ll then want to drop down into the chasm once it does that.

You’ll be transported to this yellow-colored area where on the other side of the chasm is a piece of cheese. Go up to the cheese get one and keep it in your hand.

You’ll then want to use the ball and roll it to the left side of the area away from the cheese. There, you’ll find a ledge that you can jump to with the help of the ball.

Once you’re on top of the ledge, you’ll see this small gap in the corner. Jump down to go to the jail area.

Once you’re down there, you’ll see a rat and a key next to it. Give the cheese to the rat and then take the key.

Use that key to open the door on the other side of the room to Keith’s cell. Take the smelly cheese next to the pile of trash inside Keith’s cell and follow him up using the metal pole.

Getting The Ending
Once you go up, you’ll be in the yellow area again. Push the ball to the platform shown below and then jump down there. You’ll see a lever on the wall – Interact with the lever, and then jump back up.

You’ll then be back to the green area. Now, lead Keith to the other side using the cheese of the chasm until he falls into the hole. Then, jump down and follow him.

Once you fall down the hole with Keith, you’ll see a chair. Go behind the chair and use the Stinky Cheese to lure him to sit there.
Once Keith is sitting on the chair, it will go down a hole. While he’s going down, give him the cheese and jump to where he is. After a while, the platform where you and Keith are standing will rise, stay on the platform till you get the Acrophobia ending!

Vault Ending
There are so many different endings in the Easiest Game On Roblox that it can get a bit confusing on how to get all of them. The Vault Ending requires you to do a little puzzle to get a code. You’ll then need to find the vault itself. Here’s how you can get this ending!
Obtaining The Code
At the start of the game, keep on pushing the ball onto the chasm until it resets into a red one. Once it’s red, push it down the chasm and it’ll turn red. Go down the chasm and follow it.

This is where the complexity of this ending starts. You’ll need to go across the chasm onto the apple and get the code there. When you click the apple, it’ll give you two random numbers, that’s not the code.
Instead, keep on clicking the apple and counting the clicks. When the apple shows 41-46 stop clicking and write down the number clicks.
For example: After clicking 4 times, the “41-46” appears, which means the first number is 4.

Do this 9 times counting the clicks, waiting for the 41-46, and then writing down the number of clicks. The code is different for each server, so it’ll be different for everyone. Do this until you have a 9-digit code.
Getting Keith Out
Once you’ve obtained the code, you’ll want to go back to the ball and push it into the chasm again to reset it. Do it until the ball turns yellow and push it off to make the chasm yellow. Then, jump down the chasm and go to the cheese area.
Once in the cheese area, head to the big cheese slice at the other side of the area and click on it to get some cheese.

Go back to the spawn area and then look to the left facing the cheese. Push your ball to the wall and use it to get on top of the ledge shown below. On top of that ledge is a corner that you can jump down to.

Once you land down the sewers, go to the metal grates nearby and you’ll see a rat with a key. Give the rat the cheese and then you can get the key.

Go to the other side of the area where you can see Keith locked up. Use the key to open the gate and free him. Go inside the cell and get the cheese next to the trash bags.

Follow Keith up the metal pole and back to the surface. You’ll then need to push the red ball to the spawn area where it will fall.

Getting To The Vault
Position yourself near the spawn square and move your camera until it clips down. Look for the lever under there and click on it. You’ll then need to jump down the square.

Jumping down will send you back to the green area where the trophy is. Use the cheese to lure Keith into the hole and then follow him down there.

You’ll be in a room where there’s a wooden chair. Go behind the chair and use the cheese to lure Keith into the chair, so he’ll sit there.

Keith will then go down a hole and it will be covered by a piece of metal. After a few seconds, the metal will be removed and you can jump down the hole to the vault.
You’ll then need to input the 9-digit password onto the keypad of the vault.

Once you’ve input the code the vault door will explode to show its content. Go inside the vault and you’ll get the Vault ending!
Deforestation Ending
The Deforestation Ending is exactly how it sounds. You’ll need to channel your inner lumberjack for this one, so let me explain in detail below.
Go To The Forest Area
To start, head to the Forest Area. You can do this by cutting the lone tree at the spawn and rolling the green portion into the yellow ball.

Once they collide, the yellow ball will merge into the green one. Now, roll it into this trench as shown in the image below.

Once the ball rolls in, you’ll be transported to an area filled with trees.
Cut Them Down!
Now that you’re here, use your sword and get to chopping. Cut them all down and you’ll receive the Deforestation Ending! There are approximately 20 trees to chop down!
So, this may take you a minute or two to clear. Once you’re done, you’ll automatically achieve the ending and can move on to the next. That’s pretty much how you get the Deforestation ending!
Caught Ending
You will need to go to the Vault Area and feed someone some Moldy Cheese to get this ending. It’s a random combination of events, so let’s get into it.
Get The Moldy Cheese
The Moldy Cheese can be found by using the yellow ball at the spawn and rolling it into the trench so jump into the trench too.

This will take you to a yellow room. At the end of it will be the cheese. Go and grab it and then return to the other end of the room. Use the same yellow ball and use it to bounce onto the ledges on that side of the room.
Go To The Vault
Go all the way to the top and you will glitch into the sewers. Now, take the key from the rat and free Keith. He’ll be locked up in the opposite end of the sewer.
Use the key and let him out of the sewer. With Keith in tow, climb up the beam, out of the sewers, and back into the yellow room where you got the cheese.
Now, push the yellow ball back into the spawn.

This will take you through an elevator and to another room spawn point. Cross the ledge and jump into the hole beside the trophy and blue box at the other end of the room.

You’ll want to make sure Keith falls into this hole first. To do this, jump over the hole first and make sure Keith follows. He’ll walk straight into the hole and then walk a bit forward. There’s another hole in that direction that Keith needs to fall through, so walking around 5 steps should be enough.
Once you’re sure that Keith has fallen through both holes, jump into the hole yourself.

The second hole (pictured above) is your ticket to the Vault Area. Jump into it after Keith does and follow the path deeper into the room. In the end, you will encounter Antonio!
He’ll be asleep, so talk to him to wake him up. Once you do, he’ll say you aren’t supposed to be in the Vault and the game will end. Congratulations! You got the Caught Ending.
Dance Moves Ending
There’s really not much to get the Dance Ending other than by busting a move! Well, this game isn’t called the Easiest Game On Roblox for nothing.
Free Keith
The first thing you’ll have to do is free Keith. The poor guy can be found in the sewers. What you have to do is push the red ball on the map toward the ledges at the north end of the map. It’s a small playable area, so you can’t miss it.

Once you reach the end, use the ball and bounce on it to get to the ledges. The game will glitch you inside the sewers once you get to this ledge (pictured below).

Yeah, it looks a little crazy, but I promise this is where you’re supposed to be. You’ll see a key on the ground. Pick it up and turn around. You’ll see Keith behind bars waiting to be saved.

Unlock the gate, free Keith from the sewer jail, and then climb up the beams to get back to the surface.

Once you make it to the surface world, just dance! You can do this by using the chatbox on the top left corner of the screen and typing “/e dance2” into the box. This will command your avatar to do a little boogie.
Just wait a few seconds and you should get the Dance Moves Ending badge. There you have it! One ending down, another several to go.
Gold Bar Ending
To get the Gold Bar Ending in the Easiest Game on Roblox, you will need to do the following steps:
- Pick up Cheese Gear in the Yellow Area;
- Get the Golden Apple in the Red Area;
- Feed Cheese to the Red Ball and climb the Invisible Ladder;
- Get the Golden Cheese and land on the Golden Apple;
- Touch the Gold Bar to get the ending.
Also, consider checking out our How To Get Caught Ending guide for Easiest Game on Roblox.
Get Cheese Gear and Go to the Red Area
The first thing you want to do for the Gold Bar Ending is get the cheese gear. The cheese gear is accessible in the Yellow Area only. So, you’ll first need to access this area by pushing the yellow ball into the gap.

Push the yellow ball into the gap and you’ll see that it will turn yellow. If the ball is any other color, you’ll need to reset it by throwing it into the gap. Once the gap is yellow, jump inside.

Doing so will take you into the Yellow Area. At the end of the area, you’ll see that there is a giant cheese. Walk up to the cheese and keep clicking on it repeatedly. Do this step until you have the yellow cheese gear in your hand.

Now, you will need to go to the Red Area. To do this, return to the place where the ball is. Here, you’ll need to keep throwing the ball into the gap until it turns red. You might need to repeat this step quite a few times so just be patient.

Once the ball is red, push it into the gap. When the gap turns red, jump inside and you’ll go to the red area of Easiest Game On Roblox.

Summon the Golden Apple
Once you reach the Red Area, you’ll see that there is a Red Apple at the end instead of the Giant Cheese. Make your way to the Red Apple and prepare yourself for the tricky part of the Gold Bar Ending.
When you click on the Red Apple, two numbers will appear above the apple. These numbers represent a range, for example, 13-18. For this part, you will need to wait for the number of seconds that are represented by the first number.
In our example, you will have to wait for 13 seconds, but the number range will likely be different for you.
Once the time has passed for the first number, you will need to click on the Red Apple again once. You only have five seconds to click on the apple again, otherwise you will fail the Gold Bar Ending. This part can be a bit tricky to count on your own, so we recommend that you use a timer to get it right.

You will need to do this part a total of 3 times.
If you have done it properly, the Red Apple will magically turn into the Golden Apple. However, the Gold Bar ending for Easiest Game on Roblox has not been achieved yet! While you’re here, you might also want to check out the Dance Moves Ending for the game too!

Use Ball To Climb Up on Tree (Invisible Ladder)
Things are only going to get more complicated for the Gold Bar Ending. Once the Golden Apple has been summoned, return to the area where the ball summons. Technically, you can use any ball for this part. However, we recommend that you reset the ball until you get the Red Ball.
The Red Ball is much bigger and will make this part much easier.

Once the Red Ball has been summoned, push it towards the tree that is in the corner of the Red Area. Position the ball in such a way that you can jump on it and get to the top of the tree.

Once it has been positioned, equip the cheese gear and feed it to the Red Ball.

Once the ball has been fed, jump onto it and get on top of the tree.

When you are on the tree, jump again and start climbing up on the invisible ladder. Keep climbing and do not stop! This is because the Red Ball will start to grow rapidly and will start chasing you down!

Climb all the way up but make sure that you do not reach the clouds. Just stay under the clouds as the red ball grows. Eventually the Red Ball will disappear.

You can jump down now and return to the Red Area.

Get Golden Cheese and Reset Character
Once you return to the Red Area, look at the ground where the Red Ball was. You’ll notice that there is a Golden Cheese. Approach it and pick it up. You are now getting close to the Gold Bar Ending!

Once you have the Golden Cheese, make your way to the corner with ridges. You’ll need to climb up on these ridges, as shown below in the image.

Climb up on the ridges and make your way to the corner indicated below. Once you’re there, reset your character. Doing so will take your character back to the main lobby of Easiest Game on Roblox.

Once you’re in the main lobby, navigate to the end of the platform area.

Go to Golden Area and Touch Gold Bar (Ending)
When you’re at the end of the lobby platform, you’ll need to position yourself in the way as shown below in the image. Essentially, you will be doing the following steps:
- Position yourself on the edge of the ledge so that you are right above the Golden Apple, which will be under you.
- Walk off the ledge and immediately eat the Golden Cheese in your hand
- Land on the top of the Golden Apple.

If you do these steps correctly, you’ll be teleported to the Golden Area. In this area, you can see that there is a Gold Bar at the end of the area. Approach the Gold Bar and touch it. Doing so will give you the Gold Bar Ending and Badge!

Golden Apple Ending
To get the Golden Apple Ending in Easiest Game on Roblox, you will need to go through the following steps:
- Go to the Red Area and click on the Red Apple;
- Finish the Red Apple Puzzle three times to summon Golden Apple;
- Touch the Golden Apple to get the ending.
The Golden Apple Ending can also be used as a means to get another in Easiest Game on Roblox – which is the Gold Bar Ending!
Go to the Red Area
Starting off, to get the Golden Apple ending, you’ll need to make your way to the Red Area of the Easiest Game on Roblox. To do this, you’ll need to get the Red Ball, which can be difficult to spawn. So, take the yellow ball and reset it by throwing it into the gap.
Keep doing so until the red ball spawns. You might need to do this a few times, but eventually the Red Ball should appear.

Once the Red Ball appears, push it into the gap. You’ll notice that the gap will turn red after you do so. Jump into the Red Gap and you will be teleported to the Red Area.

Complete Red Apple Puzzle (Golden Apple Ending)
Once you’re in the Red Area, you’ll notice that there is a Red Apple all the way on the other end. So, make your way to the Red Apple and click on it once. This is where things will get a bit tricky when you are trying to get the Golden Apple Ending.
When you click on the Red Apple, there will be two numbers that will appear. For example, 13-18. These numbers indicate seconds, and demonstrates the range in which you will need to click the Red Apple again.
So, in our example, you will need to wait 13 seconds before you should click the Apple again. You will need to make sure that you do not cross the 18 seconds mark. Otherwise, the challenge will fail and you will need to repeat the process.
In total, you will need to complete this process a total of 3 times. Keep in mind that the range will be different each time. We recommend that you use a timer if you’re having trouble with this part. It will make the process much more smoother and reliable.

If you manage to do the puzzle correctly, the Red Apple will magically turn Golden in front of your eyes!
Once the Golden Apple has been summoned, all you need to do is simply walk into it and touch it. Doing so will give you the Golden Apple Ending for Easiest Game on Roblox, You’ll also be awarded a badge for your efforts!

Dominus Ending
To get the Dominus Ending in the Easiest Game on Roblox, you’ll need to do the following steps:
- Click on all the items in the game only once;
- Return to the spawn area and click on the trophy;
- Touch the Dominus to get the ending.
You might also want to check out the Golden Apple Ending for Easiest Game on Roblox. It will also give you a badge for your efforts.
Use the Yellow Ball to Go Down the Corner Hole
The first thing that you want to do for the Dominus Ending is to go down to a secret place. You can do this by first pushing the yellow ball into a particular corner that is indicated below. Make sure that you position the ball right below the ledge.
After you do that, jump on the ball and then jump onto the platform.

Once you’re up, make your way to the corner of the platform. If you look closely, you can see that there is a hole that leads all the way down into a secret area. Jump inside this hole and go all the way down.

Click the Rat and Climb Back Up
At the bottom of this new section, look into the corner. You’ll see that there is a Rat next to a key. Click on the Rat only once.
Do not click on anything more than once while you’re trying to get the Dominus Ending. Otherwise, you’ll need to start all over again.

Once you click the Rat, make your way to the other end of the chamber. Here, you’ll see a metal pillar that goes all the way up. Jump on it and you’ll be able to climb all the way to the top like a ladder.
Eventually, you’ll be able to return back to the starting area. While you’re at it, you might also want to check out the Dance Moves ending, once you’re done with this one!

Go to the Yellow Area and Click on the Money Bag
The next thing you need to do for the Dominus Ending is to go to the Yellow Area in Easiest Game on Roblox. To do this, you’ll need to push the Yellow Ball in the gap. Make sure it is a yellow ball, otherwise you’ll need to reset it.

After you throw the Yellow Ball into the gap, it will turn yellow. Jump into the gap and you’ll teleport to the Yellow Area of the game.

After you arrive in the yellow area, make your way to the other side where the Giant Cheese is. Go to the left of the Cheese and angle your camera in a top down view while zooming out. Doing so will allow you to see the Money Bag that is on top of a platform high above.
Click on this Money Bag only once.

Click on the Yellow Ball, Cheese & Red Ball
Now you’ll need to click on the rest of the items in the Yellow Area. Starting off, return to the ball spawn area and make sure that the ball is yellow. Approach the ball and click on it only once.

After that, click on the Giant Cheese that can be found in the area. Make sure that you do this only once too.

Next, you’ll want to click on the Red Ball. To do this, you’ll need to first summon it by resetting the Yellow Ball. Keep throwing the Yellow Ball into the gap until the Red Ball finally appears. You might need to repeat this step quite a few times, but just be patient and you’ll have it in no time.

After that, click on the Red Ball only once.

Return to Spawn Area and Click on Trophy (Dominus Ending)
Once you’ve clicked everything necessary in the Yellow area of Easiest Game on Roblox, it’s time to return to the spawn area. You can do this by walking onto the platform that is shown below.

Doing so will drop you back to the spawn area. On the other side, you’ll see there is a trophy there. Approach the Trophy and click on it only once.

If you have completed all the steps properly, the Trophy will be replaced by a strange looking thing which is the Dominus. Approach the Dominus and touch it. Doing so will give you the Dominus ending, alongside the Dominus Badge!

Graveyard Ending
Most of the endings you will get in the Easiest Game on Roblox require you to get the Lost Ending first. This one is no different; you should obtain its badge to be able to unlock the Graveyard Ending.
If you unlock it, you can move on to get the Graveyard Ending. For this, you need to bring the skull to the portal. Start by pushing the yellow ball into the gap and getting a piece of cheese by passing the bridge.

After picking up the cheese, use the yellow ball to climb the small mountain and enter the wall to reach the sewers in order to obtain the key.

Afterward, turn around and enter the small cell there by using the key. Proceed to the wall and retrieve the skull from the ground there.
Then use the pipe in front of the cell and climb back to the surface. After that, push the yellow ball into the spawn, jump in with it, and pull the handle.

You will spawn back on the ground. Now, go straight, pass the bridge, and jump inside the hole there. Put the skull inside the purple portal there to get the Reset Ending.

Now that you are back, push the ball to the gap and jump too. Repeat every step until you get the skull again.
Once you get it, take the skull in your hands, reset your character, and jump inside the gap.

After that, you will respawn and see that you are in a place with a gravestone. Walk closer to it, then you will get the Graveyard Ending.

Other Resources
There you have it! I hope you find the guide helpful in getting all the endings in Easiest Game on Roblox. If you think we missed out on some ending/s and want us to cover it, let us know the comments section below. Moreover, make sure to check out our Roblox Forum for everything Roblox – Discussions, guides, trading and more!
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