When Elden Ring came out it was one of the biggest releases this year, and I mean that figuratively and literally. The game was an open-world souls-like game and it had a huge a world for players to explore. First time players left the starting area thinking of how big the game is compared to games like Dark Souls, but then were even more surprised when they learn that was just one part of a bigger map. Imagine their added surprise when they learn there were even massive underground sections in the game. The game is huge, and it’s filled with all sorts of monsters and loot for you to find. In this guide we’ll show you where to find the Uchigatana in the game.
Uchigatana – Katana Location In Elden Ring
If you just started Elden Ring and wanted to get this weapon as fast as possible then you’d be happy to know that the weapon is close to the starting area. Just head to the northern parts near the starting area following the marked image below.
There you’ll see on the cliff face a doorway that has a campfir- I mean Site of Grace inside.

Once you get the site of grace, go down the stairs and head left down another set of stairs. Go down some more and turn right and go forward until you’re in a room with a lever. Pull the lever and head outside of the room, going straight back to the stairs you came from.
Once up the stairs turn left and left again into a narrow passageway, then turn left to find a corpse. The corpse has the Uchigatana!

Congratulations you now know where to find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring, now go out there and try it on the enemies nearby!
Many thanks to No-Nonsense Guides for showing everyone how to get this weapon, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Elden Ring Uchigatana – Katana Location – YouTube
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