
F1 24: Imola Track Guide & Setup + Hotlap

On the home turf of the Italians!

F1 24 allows players to experience many of the iconic race tracks that we’ve had the pleasure of seeing in real life. With a range of simulated controls and setups, you can experience everything that racers go through. Each race track also offers its unique challenges.

One such track is the Imola Race Track. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the optimal race car setup for this race. Additionally, we’ll also go through a hot lap so you can see exactly how to get past the difficult corners. Now, let’s dive into it!

Imola Track Guide & Setup

Before we get into the guide, we recommend that you utilize certain controller settings for F1 24. This is because the default settings can sometimes cause poorer handling and control. Check out our Best Controller Settings Guide, so that you can utilize these settings.

With that said, let’s get into the Imola Track Guide. As part of this guide, we’ll be looking at 6 Corners or Main Turns that you’ll come across. These can be quite tricky, and we’ll go through the technique you should use to master them!

Before that, we’ll also look at the right setup you’ll need for your race car. Feel free to use the Table of Contents if there’s something specific you’re interested in!

Imola Track Race Car Setup

The setup we have employed for the Imola Track in F1 24 is one that will provide you with both stability and speed. You might have to vary it a bit if you’re only focused on time trials.


  • Front Wing Aero: 31
  • Rear Wing Aero: 22


  • Differential Adjustment On Throttle: 40%
  • Differential Adjustment Off Throttle: 50%
  • Engine Braking: 50%.

Suspension Geometry

  • Front Camber: -3.50
  • Rear Camber: -2.10
  • Front Toe-Out: 0.11
  • Rear Toe-In: 0.11


  • Front Suspension: 38
  • Rear Suspension: 7
  • Front Anti-Roll Bar: 13
  • Rear Anti-Roll Bar: 9
  • Front Ride Height: 26
  • Rear Ride Height: 56


  • Brake Pressure: 98%
  • Front Brake Bias: 54%


  • Front Right Tyre Pressure: 24.3psi
  • Front Left Tyre Pressure: 24.0psi
  • Rear Right Tyre Pressure: 22.2psi
  • Rear Left Tyre Pressure: 22.2psi

If you compare this setup with the Japan Track in F1 24, it differs by quite a lot. After all, the Japan Track has a lot more corners and a tighter design.

Check out our F1 24 Japan Track Guide if you’re struggling to deal with it.

Imola Track Suspension Setup in F1 24.

Imola Track Strategy

Next, let’s break down the strategy that you need to utilize for beating the Imola Track in F1 24. The Imola Track has a very unique anti-clockwise design, with really fast corners and slow chicanes! So, we’ll look at each of the 6 Corners that you’ll come across!

Imola Track Turn #1

For the approach to the first turn in the Imola Track in F1 24, you’ll want to go at maximum speed. When you’re near the first corner, you should be in 8th gear.

As you approach the corner, keep an eye on the right side. You’ll be using the 50m board as a guide for when you will start braking your car. 

50m board in F1 24.

At the same time, make sure you’re aligned with the right curb for maximum efficiency.

As you turn left, make sure that you keep your steering wheel flat. You will be attempting to turn at speed around gear 5, or at the highest speed you can maintain. Continue to maintain speed and turn right in the exact same way.

First Imola Track Corner in F1 24.

Imola Track Turn #2

The second Imola Track corner in F1 24 will work quite similarly to the previous turn. Again, you want to ensure that you are going into this corner at speed.

You’ll be using the 50m board on the right again as a guide for braking.

Braking near 50m board in F1 24.

When you brake, keep your steering wheel flat and turn it as little as possible. While maintaining speed, make sure that you are going from curb to curb for optimal efficiency.

Try to ensure that you are around gear 4 as you make both the turns here.

Going from curb to curb in F1 24.

Imola Track Turn #3

The third corner in the Imola Track will come up quite quickly from the previous one. Additionally, it differs a lot from the others as it is a very sharp corner that will force you to slow down.

Starting up, you’ll be using the 50m board as a marker for your braking. However, you’ll be braking right after it, delaying it slightly from the previous turns.

Breaking after 50m board in F1 24.

For this turn, you’ll be braking a lot harder, going all the way down to the second or third gear. As you continue to brake, you’ll be turning your steering wheel hard to the left. Do not do this too quickly or you’ll end up skidding.

After that, start speeding up once you start releasing the brakes.

If you’re finding this guide insightful, we have quite a few others for the other tracks in F1 24. Check out our F1 24 China Track Guide – to dominate the Shanghai Race with the right setup and strategy!

Imola Track third corner technique in F1 24.

Imola Track Turn #4

This next turn in the Imola Track can be a bit tricky. This is because this corner does not slow you down as much. However, it’ll still require you to turn a bit while maintaining speed.

So, start by approaching this turn at maximum speed. This time, however, you’ll be braking relatively later than the other corners. This means delaying a little bit after you cross the 50m board.

In essence, you’ll be braking when you just reach the corner. However, make sure that you continue to maintain your speed at the fifth gear. Keep the steering wheel flat so that you do not lose control.

The closer you stay close to the curbs, the better results you’ll get!

Braking late in F1 24.

Imola Track Turn #5

For the fifth turn, you’ll want to ensure that you keep an eye on stability. This is because the Imola Track in F1 24 will wind around quite a bit. As you approach the corner, make sure that you brake relatively late when you are already turning.

Braking during turn in F1 24.

This will enable you to maintain your speed while getting past the first turn. There will be another sharp right turn right after the first turn. For this one, you’ll need to brake sharply and turn your steering wheel quickly with it as well.

It can be a bit tricky so you might want to keep your speed slow for this one until you master it! The Imola Track also winds weirdly after this turn, so make sure your car is in a stable position.

Braking during second right in F1 24.

Imola Track Turn #6

Last, but not least, we have the final corner for the Imola Track. This is a very sharp turn that can actually be a run breaker in F1 24, especially since it is right before the final finish.

Starting off, you’ll be braking right after the 50m board on the left. Make sure that you are hugging the left curb as you approach this marker. After that, you want to sharply turn to the right as you are braking.

50m board on left in F1 24.

If you’re not yet comfortable with turning quick, we recommend that you slow down more as you turn. Otherwise, the optimal way to do this is to turn sharply to the right and then immediately to the left.

As you turn to the left, start increasing your speed so that you can finish as fast as possible! And with that, you’ve successfully completed the Imola Track hot lap in F1 24!

Turn to the left in F1 24.

That’s everything you need to know about beating the Imola Track Guide in F1 24. Now that you know the ideal setup and strategy, you can work on mastering the race. Soon enough, you’ll be dominating Northern Italy!

Once you’ve mastered this challenge, you might want to check out the Australian Race Track as well. It can present some unique challenges because of how flat it can be. Check out our Australia Track Setup Guide for more insights!


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