There are so many iconic memes that you can find in Find The Memes on Roblox. However, many of these memes are quite well hidden across the game’s world. So, you may need to look around quite a bit to come across your favorite meme in the game!
One pretty iconic meme that you can find in the game is Mike Wazowski. If you’re having trouble with finding him; we don’t blame you at all. He is incredibly well hidden in Find The Memes. So, in this guide, we’ll show you exactly where you can find him. Let’s dive in!
How To Get Mike Wazowski
In Find The Memes, Mike Wazowski can be found in an incredibly well-hidden cave. However, locating this cave can be very difficult.
So, the first thing we’ll show you is how you can navigate your way towards the cave. Starting off, you want to make your way to the tent. This tent is right next to the Among Us meme.
This is because there is a ladder near the cliffs area, next to the cave, as shown below.

Approach the ladder and use it to climb all the way up. Mike Wazowski will be in your sights soon enough!

After that, you need to stand on top of a particular ledge near the cliffs. An image is shown below that indicates exactly where you should be standing.
Once you’re standing here, you want to slowly inch your way into the cliff wall. If you’re in the correct position, you’ll end up going straight through.
You’ve made your way inside Mike Wazowski’s cave in Find The Memes!

Now, all you need to do is drop down into the cave. When you do so, you should be able to make out Mike Wazowski at the end in the darkness, as shown below.
Go up to the meme and simply touch him. Doing so will give you the message that you’ve successfully found Mike Wazowski! You’ll also be given a badge as a reward for your efforts!

That’s everything you need to know about getting Mike Wazowski in Find The Memes. Pretty straightforward once you know where exactly the hidden cave is. Additionally, we recommend checking out how to find the Graffiti Artist Jellybean in a fairly similar game – Find The Jellybeans. It is a very similar game – and will give you something to look for until the next update!