In the new Genshin Impact update, there are new contents to be discovered. With the introduction of the Sumeru desert area, you can step into the desert after being in the forest for so long. Secrets fill the sands of the desert, and some of them can grant you loot and rewards for finding them. But not all of them can be found easily, or even opened for that matter. In this guide, we will show you how to find 5 Glinting Components, items that will reward you with great loot after spending time finding all of these items.
All 5 Glinting Component Locations – Genshin Impact

The first Glinting Component to find is in the Abdju Pit.

From the entrance, go through the large atrium and towards the entrance.

When you enter this corridor, just follow the path in front of you and don’t stray from it until we tell you to.

As you continue to follow the path, you will encounter some traps that will harm you if you are not careful. Jump over the red stuff to avoid the attacks.

Eventually, you will reach a large room that looks like a place of worship. Look to the right and you should see a floating book and an elevator. Interact with the book to activate the elevator and use the elevator to take you down a floor. Be careful because once you activate the elevator, a trap will trigger. You can get out of the way quickly enough.

When the elevator stops, follow the path and take the first right. You should see an elevator with a console to the right. Interact with the console first to activate the elevator, then take it to where you need to go.

Once the elevator stops, you should see two enemies. One of them should be a Primal Construct: Reshaper. Defeating this enemy is needed, because it is locking the chest that contains the Glinting Component. Once defeated, open the chest and you should get your first Glinting Component.

The next Glinting Component is located in Khaj-Nisut.

Arriving to the entrance, you will notice that the entire place is destroyed, and the pathway to the entrance of the temple is spread too far apart. You will have to use the grappling points that are spread to the entrance to get to where you need to go.

When you reach the entrance of the temple, interact with this floating book to open the door blocking your way. Enter the temple once the cutscene stops.

Enter the temple and immediately go left. You should see a hole in the floor. Jump down and you should see another hole to jump down to.

When you land, turn around and go through the first door you see. You will know it’s the right door when a brief cutscene plays, showing you the door closing behind you. No need to worry, just jump down and continue.

Here, you will encounter three enemies. The main enemy to focus on is the Primal Construct: Repulsor, as it is responsible for locking the chest containing the Glinting Component. Destroy all enemies and open the chest for the second Glinting Component.

The third Glinting Component is not located in any temple, but it is out in the desert. But you can find it if you head to this spot on the map.

When you arrive at the location, you’ll know it’s the right one when you see two guards guarding an entrance to a temple. Go inside and follow the path inside.

You will reach a locked door as you continue. Look to your left and you will see a cell turned on. Face it towards the other side of the room for it to be activated, which will in turn open the door.

Inside the locked door is an elevator that will take you down.

When the elevator stops, go up to this stone structure to release the blue light.

After that, turn around and get in the elevator. Activate it, then get out. This will bring up another elevator that will take you down instead of bringing you up.

Once the elevator stops, you should see a chest in the middle with enemies inside. Ignore then and turn left. You should see a door with a console next to it. Use the console to open the door and go through the door.

Up the stairs, there should be another stone structure with a blue light. Release the light and follow it.

The blue light will land on another stone structure. Release it again and it will go inside a stone pillar, opening a hole in the ceiling that lets you proceed by gliding up using the platform in the middle.

You will be in a room full of Electro vase things. Look for the stairs and go up. You should see a locked door with a console next to it. Use the console to open the door and go through it.

Inside the room is a Primal Construct: Prospector and other enemies. Defeat them all and the locked chest inside the room will be unlocked, allowing you to collect the Glinting Component.

The next Glinting Component is in the Mausoleum of King Deshret.

Make your way inside until you find the Sekhem Hall.

Glide to the bottom floor that is touching the water. The platform is to the right, where the cells are.

You will need to move the cells until they are on the platform that is closest to the wall. Meaning the right cell needs to be moved to the right wall, and the left cell needs to be moved to the left wall. The left cell will encounter a bit of an issue because of the boxes blocking the connection to the other side of the atrium, but you can easily resolve that by destroying the boxes.

This will drain the water, which you need to do in order to proceed.

Glide down and fight the Primal Construct: Repulsor and its allies. Destroy them and they will drop the Glinting Component.

The last Glinting Component is still in the Mausoleum of King Deshret, but you need to start at the entrance.

Go inside until you see the hole in the middle of the room. Jump down to continue.

Continue down the path until you see Primal Construct: Reshaper and other enemies. Defeat them, and they should drop the last Glinting Component you need. Now all that’s left is to use them to unlock the treasure.
ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: How to Drain Water in Mausoleum of King Deshret