With the addition of so many islands in the game, Seirai Island is full of Electroculus, maybe more than all the rest! And I know you want to gather them all, because you wouldn’t be a professional Genshin Impact player if you didn’t! I won’t spare you the details on how to solve every puzzle and how to climb and destroy everything in your way, but I will give you every location, with a little map along, and a few pointers here and there on how to get them!
All Electroculus Locations On Seirai Island (Patch 2.1) – Genshin Impact
There are, in total, 35 Electroculus on and around Seirai Island. Here are their locations:
- Isolated Island
On this little island to the Northwest you will find a door. Rotate it once and walk through it. Do not press anything until you collect the Electroculus.
- “Seiraimaru”
You will get this one after beating the Seiraimaru puzzle.
- “Seiraimaru” 2
No need for a picture for this one, it’s at the same location. Just climb up the mast and you’ll find it on top.
- “Seiraimaru” 3
I know, this is getting repetitive. There was another one inside the boat that you should have seen when you were doing the puzzle.
- Underground “Seiraimaru”
It’s kinda different now! Where the player cursor is, there is an underground entrance to “Seirimaru”. If you do the puzzle you should get the Electroculus.
- Asase Shrine
Where the player cursor is located there is a Torii gate where, on top, you will find the Electroculus.
- Asase Shrine 2
Get used to the numbered locations. There is a huge tree here. Get on top of it to get the loot.
- Asase Shrine 3
There is a breakable boulder here. Inside you’ll find the Electroculus and some cute cats.
- South of Koseki Village
There is a broken bridge here. Jump over and get what you need.
- Koseki Village
You will get here the Relics of Seirai Quest that will get you the Electroculus.
- Koseki Village 2
Use the Elctrogranum you’ll find here to get it.
- Koseki Village 3
Use the gate here to fly to the loot.
- West of Fort Hiraumi
Another gate that will get you where you want to. Except, it won’t. You’ll have to cancel the travel by jumping to get the Electroculus.
- West of Fort Hiraumi 2
Summon Elctrogranum here to jump to your desired destination.
- West of Fort Hiraumi 3
If you jump from this cliff towards the sea and glide, you’ll see the Electroculus on a tree.
- West of Fort Hiraumi 4
Walk straight through the forest and you’ll find it in a dead tree at the end of the path.
- Fort Hiraumi
Below a wooden ledge where the player character is in the picture.
- Island North of Amakumo Peak
Summon Electrogranum to get inside a barrier where the loot is.
- Island Northeast of Amakumo Peak
Climb up the highest floating rock there.
- Island Northeast of Amakumo Peak 2
Jump and get it.
- Island Northeast of Amakumo Peak 3
On the same island from before there is a gate. Rotate it 3 times and use it. It will get you to the Electroculus.
- Amakumo Peak – Southwestern Island
Jump from this location and glide towards the island to the East. On a peak there, you’ll see the Electroculus.
- Southwestern Island
On the island you’ve arrived to, there is a wooden platform you can jump from to get it.
- Amakumo Peak
Jump from here to the Southeast and land a few paces from where you’ve jumped. There will be one in the air as you land.
- Amakumo Peak 2
Right up there, there will be a smaller ledge where there is an Electroculus. You will see it on your mini map.
- Amakumo Peak – Southern Island
Jump from the peak again, but this time to the South. There is a floating boulder on your way to the Southern Island that has some loot on it.
- Amakumo Peak Underground
As you jump from the peak, into the has-been lake, there will be one floating there.
- Amakumo Peak Underground 2
As you fall into the dungeon in the lake, land higher to the right and you’ll find a breakable boulder.
- Amakumo Peak Underground 3
At the end of the dungeon. We have a different guide to show you how to finish the dungeon here.
- Amakumo Peak 3
If you jump from the peak, on the floating island, you can jump from there to the North and you’ll find another Electroculus.
- Amakumo Peak 4
Use the Electrogranum on the floating Island.
- Southwest of Fort Hiraumi
Use the gate here.
- Amakumo Peak 5
Fly towards this place from the peak.
- Amakumo Peak 6
It’s here. Nothing more to add.
- Southwest of Amakumo Peak
Use Electrogranum to enter the barrier in front.
READ NEXT : Genshin Impact: All Electroculus Locations On Watatsumi Island