The Jungle of Inverted Dreams is one of the most unique and interesting Domains ever. You will get totally confused and lost by the ups and downs that you’ll need to constantly be doing. How do you unlock it though? Well, you are in luck for it is in this guide that we will be showing you the exact things that you’ll need to do in order to unlock it. Let’s get started.
How To Unlock The Jungle Of Inverted Dreams – Genshin Impact
First of all, you will start out by heading to the location shown in the picture below.

Here you will find a bridge. The key now is to actually glide and get under the bridge. Here you will find a little compact and tight area filled with enemies. Take out all of the enemies first.

Once all of the enemies are down, you’ll see a big Cube right next to where the enemies were. Activate the Cube and a little cutscene will play next to the waterfall. Now you will start out by heading down there through a different route. Follow this road.

It will be right next to where you’ve activated the Cube and where you’ve defeated the enemies. Keep following the road of the tunnel until you’ve reached this totem.

Hit it with Vir once and you’ll get it activated. Now the next step will be to activate the totem that has a closed door in front of it and a couple of guys studying the gate. You will find this location to zap in and get behind the door. This is how you can do this.

After you’ve activated that one you will need to go for the next one. It will be on the bottom floor next to the flower enemies. Look for this structure and stone. You can crush it and activate the totem by hitting it once.

The next and last totem will be just on top of the previous one. There will be lots of branches on the wall, you’ll simply have to climb them. Once you’re at the top you will spot the totem on your left.

Now that you’ve unlocked and activated all of the totems, you will be able to progress. Go into the middle where the locked-up Cube was. You will be able to actually activate it now. Press Start on it.

Drop all the way down to pick up the Chest. Be very careful when you get down there though, be prepared to deal with a lot of hard-hitting enemies. There will be actual mini-bosses and loads of smaller enemies. You might die if you aren’t ready for them. There won’t be any place to run away, so the only way out is to kill them. Once they’re dead activate this door.

You will get inside of nothing now. So just climb up the wall on the left. As you keep going, you’ll see a very big hole deep inside the cave now. You will need to drop exactly in this location here.

Here you will be able to Summon Dendrograna. Change Vir into Ganyu and proceed to shoot at the floating thingies with your bow, of course only after you’ve activated the Dendrograna. You will need to shoot it a total of 2 times.

Once you hit it two times you will get a cutscene of a sanctuary appearing from the ground! This building that just appeared can be entered and it is none other than the Jungle of Inverted Dreams itself!
Congratulations! We hope that this guide was of some use and helped you to unlock one of the most interesting Domains ever. If you want some help on passing it, you can check out our guide here – Genshin Impact: The Jungle of Inverted Dreams Domain Puzzle Guide. Good luck!
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