Just like in real life, Goat Simulator 3 has scientists do some experimenting and such. Either for the government, or for themselves. But what do the Goat Simulator scientists research? What do they experiment? The world is already crazy enough as it is with goats pretty much being the most powerful beings in the world. That’s what we’re here to find out in the How It’s Made event, which is a side quest you can do in Goat Simulator 3. If you are having troubles completing the event, then follow this guide to get some help.
How It’s Made Guide – Goat Simulator 3
Go to Pointwoods Factory

To start the event, you need to go inside the Pointwoods Factory. You will find a lot of scientists doing some sort of human experimentation that involves… bananas. As the good Samaritan (or whatever the goat equivalent is, if there is any), you decide to help out.
Assemble the line

When you get to the inside of the lab, you will get the notification that the event has started, and you need to assemble the line in order to complete the event. You can find the first assembly line in the middle of the room.

The next assembly line is located on the side, still in the same room.

Once you have gotten both of the assembly lines inside the lab, you can find the rest outside. There is one located in the dirt.

The next assembly line is located next to some stacks of wood.
The last assembly line can be found at the other side of the factory. To get there, go to the opposite side of the pods. You will see another entrance / exit. Just outside is the last assembly line. Putting the assembly line back to together will make the bananas reach the pods, where the humans in them become a hybrid of banana and human, which completes the event.
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