
Goat Simulator 3: The Founding Father Guide

Lots of licking is needed!

There are some types of achievements that you can get in Goat Simulator 3 that are very well hidden and sometimes you won’t even get an idea or a clue on what you’ll need to do. The Founding Father is one of those and in this guide, we shall help you out with what you need to do. Let’s get started.

The Founding Father Guide – Goat Simulator 3

You will have to get to the top left corner of the map or to be exactly where the Libertarian Island is. Once here, you will find a very big golden statue in the middle of it.

You will need to climb on this statue. To climb, just find the small structures at the statue’s feet and use it to jump on top of the head of the statue. Then just jump down and get to the hand and the fishing rod stick of the statue.

Now just head to the rope and start licking it. You will need to lick it around 10-20 times until it gets activated and a lighthouse tower gets pulled from the water. Once the tower comes up you shall complete The Founding Father! Congratulations!

We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do to complete The Founding Father. Have fun doing it yourself and be careful not to fall down!

ALSO READ: Goat Simulator 3: All Libertarian Island Trinket Locations


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