Goat Simulator 3 is a… very interesting game. Just like its predecessor, you are not sure what is normal and what is crazy, because the whole thing seems to blend together. I mean, Goat Simulator is supposed to be the everyday life of goats, yet the games tend to make things a lot more interesting that what goats usually are. They even save people in their spare time too, like Steve. We’re not quite sure which Steve this is, but it must be important to the goat, which is why we are mounting a rescue to save Steve.
Rescue Steve Guide – Goat Simulator 3
Go to Yakedo Hot Springs

To rescue Steve, you first need to find him. You can find Steve in the Yakedo Hot Springs, which is located at the eastern part of the map, near the little island. Your objective, basically, is to prevent Steve from drowning.
Get Steve out of the water

When you get to the hot springs, you might notice a few people around the area, and some fish in the water, but no person drowning in the water (ignore the people that were headbutted into the water). That’s because Steve isn’t a person, Steve is a fish. Yes, we are rescuing a fish from drowning in water.
You will have to find Steve by licking them one by one. When you do find him, just drag him out of the water and the quest is completed.
ALSO READ: Goat Simulator 3: Pay Respect Guide