It is a question every gamer asks themselves after beating a game: “now what?” What’s next to do now that you have finally beaten the game that you have been looking forward to for years now? It’s a question we tend to answer by simply moving on to the next game that we are looking forward to or just rest for a bit. For God of War Ragnarök, there are actually some things you can do after beating the main story, and we will give you 15 things to do if you are interested.
15 Things to Do After Beating the Main Story – God of War Ragnarök
1. Photo Mode

If you like having wallpaper worthy photos, God of War Ragnarök has an exceptional Photo Mode options that you can use. It has the basics of every Photo Mode: move camera, tweak the lighting, select the filter, and more. You can take photos of Kratos and friends fighting monsters and capture an epic clash between an unstoppable force that is Kratos.
There are also plenty of beautiful places in God of War Ragnarök that you can take pictures of. You can travel to different realms and enjoy the scenery, taking photos along the way. It’s almost like you’re a traveling photographer, except you are a very dangerous photographer who is a god.
2. Complete the Remaining Favors

You may be the type to complete all side quests in a game before completing the main story, and God of War Ragnarok knows that. After beating the main story, new Favors will pop up in different places all over the realms. This is great because after you beat the game, Atreus leaves to go on his own quest, leaving Kratos with Freya and Mimir as his travelling companions.
With a new trio, you get to experience God of War Ragnarok with new dialogue now that you have a new archer with you.
3. Collect All Remaining Artifacts

Along your journey in God of War Ragnarok, you may have picked up an artifact or two when playing the game. Unless you have been completely ignoring them, then there’s no way you would have missed any of the artifacts that were left behind on the realms.
If you are planning on playing the game, you should consider finding all of these artifacts as you go around the world, because there are a lot of them and they offer some more lore to this iteration of the Norse Mythology.
4. Get the Platinum Trophy

If you are a trophy hunter, then you should know that just because you beat the game, it does not mean that you are done. If you don’t see a Platinum Trophy popping up on screen, it means you’re still going to be playing. Platinum Trophies are trophies that essentially means “yeah, I spent a couple of days playing this game to 100%”.
Being able to get the Platinum Trophy is a journey in of itself, because you need to do absolutely everything in order to get it. That means side content, collectibles, and even random pieces of dialogue (I’m looking at you, The Last of Us).
5. Beat the Game in Give Me God of War Difficulty

Give Me God of War is God of War Ragnarok’s hardest difficulty. Enemies have larger health, they hit harder, and Kratos seems to have the structural integrity of a twig because two or three hits and he is out for the count. Some might say that this is the true God of War Ragnarok experience, but those are just Dark Souls fans.
If you thought the game was easy, then challenge yourself by playing the game on the highest difficulty. Every fight will have you on your edge, regardless of what kind of enemy you are facing. And the bosses? Let’s just say that you are going to be looking at the game over screen over and over again.
6. Go to Brok’s Funeral

Sometime during the story of God of War Ragnarok, Brok dies by the hands of Tyr, who turned out to be Odin in disguise. This sends Sindri into a depressive episode where he no longer takes care of himself, preferring to no longer do things the clean way and would rather get his hands dirty.
After you beat the story, you can attend Brok’s funeral at the Sverd Sands, just north of Aurvangar Wetlands. However, you first need to go to Raeb’s bar in Nidavellir to talk to Lunda, Raeb, and Durlin. They will then tell you the location of Brok’s funeral. It’s a sad cutscene, and it shows the rift between Sindri and Kratos, as they no longer speak to each other, but are there for Brok.
7. Locate the Real Týr

Speaking of fake Tyr, the real Týr can actually be found after you beat the game. After you beat the game, you can find the real Týr alive and well in the Aesir Prison Wreckage, which can be accessed in Niflheim. Týr can be found at the bottom of the prison, and you can find him in random places afterwards.
8. Witness Thrud Become The New Wielder Of Mjolnir

In God of War Ragnarok, Thor isn’t a happy go lucky god like his MCU counterpart. Instead, he is wild and vicious, often lets his anger get the best of him. Not to mention that his father, Odin, treats him more like a lapdog than a son. He also dies in the game, killed by his own father for disobeying his orders.
Thrud, Thor’s only daughter, is left with Mjolnir. If you go to Hoddmimi’s Holt, you can see Thrud, but no Mjolnir. Talk to Lunda and she will tell you to go to the Alfheim desert, specifically near the blacksmith shop. If you go there, you can find Thrud with Mjolnir in front of her, picking it up and flying off into the sky.
9. Visit Angrboda and Fenrir

You meet a lot of new characters in God of War Ragnarok. Two of those you can meet is Angrboda and Fenrir. Angrboda is a character that helps Atreus mostly, and Fenrir is Atreus’ large, canine companion. After the story ends, you get the chance to visit them.
To visit them, you need to go to Jotunheim, a land previously not visitable until you beat the game. There, you can see Angrboda and Fenrir. Kratos will engage a conversation with Angrboda, and he goes to give Fenrir some pats, because he is the goodest boy of all of God of War.
10. Defeat All Berserkers

If you prefer to give yourself a challenge after beating the game, there are plenty of ways to do so. One of those is by defeating the Berserkers. These ghostly forms of once powerful warriors are all optional bosses that you can fight. It is better to fight them after the game ends because not all of them are accessible until you beat the main story.
11. Complete the Muspelheim Trials

Just like in the previous game, Kratos can travel to Muspehleim and complete the Muspelheim Trials. These are tough challenges that you can complete to earn some great rewards. This is the perfect way to hone your skills and see how strong you have become, or what you need to improve.
12. Find all of the Ravens

Odin may be dead by the end of the game, but that doesn’t mean his influence is. Odin has these green, transparent ravens flying around all over the realm in both God of War 2018 and God of War Ragnarok. Just like in the previous game, you can find and hunt down all of the ravens in the game to earn a trophy, but God of War Ragnarok offers more than a trophy if you manage to do so.
13. Find and Eliminate the Last Remnants of Asgard

The end of the main story sees the destruction of as Asgard is destroyed because of Ragnarok. With Asgard gone and Odin dead, the surviving soldiers of Asgard have nowhere to go but to the other realms and live there. However, that will only last for a short period of time, as you get a Favor to eliminate the last remaining survivors of Asgard.
14. Fight the New Valkyrie Queen, Gna

Since Kratos defeated all of the Valkyrie’s, including the Valkyrie Queen in the previous installment, Asgard was able to get some new Valkyrie’s to help take down Kratos. In God of War Ragnarok, you fight a couple of Valkyrie’s as part of the story, but you never fight the Valkyrie Queen. That’s because she is an optional boss.
After you beat the main story, you have to go to The Crucible in Muspelheim and check your map. You will see a question mark on it. Head to the area and you will find yourself face to face with the new Valkyrie Queen, Gna. She is incredibly powerful and it is much better to fight her when you are at max level with endgame gear.
15. Go Home

After slaying monsters and triggering Ragnarok, what better way to end the game than to go home to your house in the woods and rest for a bit? Unlike the previous game, going home does not tease the nest installment of the game. Rather, it just makes you feel sad and lonely, as Kratos returns home without his son this time.
However, you can find an item on the table that belongs to Atreus. Kratos takes the item and keeps it, saying that Atreus’ journey is a part of them, just as Kratos’ journey is a part of Atreus’. After that, you get to look around the small house and relax a bit before leaving, ready to continue your journey.
ALSO READ: God of War Ragnarök: What Does Luck Do?