There are a lot of Treasure Maps that you can find throughout the world of God Of War Ragnarok. They will all give you a lot of very cool and rare rewards so we recommend going after them. In this guide we will be showing where all of them are and how you can get them. Let’s get started.
All Treasure Maps Locations & Solutions – God Of War Ragnarok
There are a total of 10 Treasure Map locations in this game. Here is how you are able to find them and then the solution to be able to actually get the rewards from them:
1/10 Mining Glory Treasure Map

This is the map location of where you will need to come in order to get the Treasure Map for the Mining Glory. This will be in the very corner of the village. Here you will need to throw your spear and then just on top of this ledge to find it:


This is the location where you will need to come in order to solve this treasure map. You will be underground and going through the tunnels and need to enter in this tunnel cave.

Now just follow this tunnel road until you will get to the big circular arena. From there you will need to enter the little passage road that is on the left side from the ledge that you will jump down to.

Once here you will need to follow this ledge road that will get you to the left side. Now jut follow the road and open up the gate door. Then from there you will head to the left and go in the railroad tunnel on the left.

Then while turning around in circles you will take a right here and on the ground is where your treasure will be.
Fruits Of Industry 2/10

This is where the map location of the treasure map will be. You will just need to come to the ledge and instead of going down, just take a right.


This is where you will need to arrive in order to be able to find the rewards from this treasure map. Just use the boat and head south of The Watchtower.

Once you get up on the ledge you will find the treasure on your right side. Defeat the enemies and pick it up.
Washed Ashore Treasure Location 3/10

This is where you will need to come to find this treasure. It will be inside the Alberich Island on the north. You will jump with the hook to get to the island here.


Come over to the Dragon Beach and inside this same location here. Now just walk all over the ground and you will pick it up from the ground like this:

Demise Of Dagestr Treasure Location 4/10

This is where you will need to come. It will be inside the Sverd Sands in the south. You will need to come to the area that is wide open and then chuck a spear here:

The treasure map will be right on top of it on the right on the ground.

Come over to the very north inside the Lake of Nine. Then once here you will be looking for this little ledge that will take you up a bit.

Climb on it and then inside this cave you’ll find the treasure map.
Viking’s Gift Treasure Location 5/10

This is the map location where you will need to come to find the treasure map. It will be right inside the bandit camp next to the big tent in the middle.


Go to the very east where the Raider Hideout is. You will find it exactly on the ground as shown in this picture here.

Under The Rainbow Treasure Location 6/10

It will be inside the Noatun’s Garden Area on the southeast. Once here you will be looking for the temple that will be on the upper corner and this glowing thing on the ground next to it.


This is the solution place where you will need to come. Once here you will be needing to climb on the very top and then loot this glowing place from this ledge.

The Giant’s Toes Treasure Location 7/10

This is the location of the treasure map. Once you will come here you will need to go to the right of the blue firing things. It will be on the very corner next to the dead body.


You will need to arrive here to be able to find the treasure. You will come to the corner of this place and then just behind this blue structure.

A Scar Is Born Treasure Location 8/10

This is the location where you can find the treasure. You will come to the end of the river and then on the edge of it like this:


You will need to come just next to The Sinkholes to find this treasure reward and loot. You will spot a couple of stone circles. Enter it and in the middle of it is where you will find the treasure loot.

Vulture’s Gold Treasure Location 9/10

This is where you will need to come to find the treasure map. It will be right outside of the entrance that you will enter and just text to these dead bodies.


Come right inside the middle of The Barrens to find the treasure loot. It will be right in the open and since it will be dark you will find it very easily.

Forgotten Tower Treasure Location 10/10

This is the location where you will need to come to find the treasure map. It will be right inside the building and it will be on the right side of the room.


Once here you will come here you will be looking for this pillar. Jump here and then on the other side on the ledge.

You will need to defeat the mini–boss that will spawn up there. Defeat it and pick up the treasure loot as the loot that it will drop.
And that’s it! That is how you can get all of the treasure maps in God Of War Ragnarok. We hope that this guide has helped you out on how to do so. Have fun getting them yourself!
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