There’s something mesmerizing about gold, it may be in part of its shiny quality, or how it’s quite rare. Whatever the case is there’s a reason why people used gold for jewelry, coins, and even weapons and armor, from gold-trimmed armor for kings to golden AK-47s for Oil Barons and Cartel bosses.
One of the hottest games out there right now is Sons of the Forest and it’s a game that has one thing that we want and it’s Golden Armor, well that and playing around with friends trying to survive on an island filled with mutants. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Golden Armor in the game so you can flex on your friends!
Sons Of The Forest – Golden Armor Location
There are a lot of different clothes, suits, and armor you can find in the game. Some of them can make you look good, stand out from your friends in a co-op session, and so on. That’s why you should try to look for these pieces of clothing, especially the Golden Armor set.
This is where you can find this shiny cool armor!

To the east of the central mountain is a large lake and to the side away from the mountain is where you’ll need to go. You can use the images above and below for reference, we’re looking for a cave to squeeze our way into.

Once you’re inside you’ll see some stairs, take the one that goes down and you’ll reach the door with a keycard. Good thing for you that we have a guide here to show you where all the 3 keycards are in the game.
For this one, you’ll need the Maintenance Keycard.

Once you’re inside you’ll see a cutscene and once you’re done with that you can explore the area. This underground complex is actually where you find the Katana as well.
The Golden Armor is next to the room where you find the Katana!

Congratulations you now know where to find the Golden Armor in Sons of the Forest, now go out there and get it for yourself!
Now you can flex on your friends and it’s something that you’ll actually need for the last quest of the game!