The players are experiencing the latest Batman universe, which contains four characters. Players are unlocking new suits, and they will also gather clues and farm materials to craft various weapons and gear. One of the materials is the Nth Metal. Level up the Metal to craft higher-level gear. Unlock the fast traveling before you start farming the Metal to gather faster. So, stick with our guide, and we will show you how to get Nth Metal.
How To Get Nth Metal – Gotham Knights

The Nth Metal is very rare, and you are going to have less compared to the other materials. Nth Metal can be dropped by eliminating the Veteran and Champion-level enemies, and that makes the Metal a universal drop.
To find the Veteran and Champion-level enemies, you will go into the crimes where the difficulty is above normal.
These enemies are prepared and can dodge you and block you a lot better than regular enemies. So prepare yourself well to avoid hurting your grind and obtain the Nth Metal quickly. That is all you need to know about getting the Nth Metal. We hope that this guide has helped you.