Anti-Magic is a magical grimoire you can unlock by using the gacha system in the Grimoires Era. It is a new grimoire that was recently added to the game. In this guide, we are going to talk about which movesets you can get by obtaining Anti Magic in the game.
Anti Magic Guide
The Anti Magic grimoire in the game has four moves that you can use. It’s also an important grimoire if you’d want to emulate the Devil King build. Here is the Anti Magic moveset:
- Anti-Magic Slash: Z Move.
- Anti-Magic-Hurricane: X Move.
- Anti-Magic Liberation: C Move.
- Transform: V move.
Now, let’s see what these moves do when you use them in Grimoires Era. Also, if you can acquire the Anti-Magic similar to other Grimoires, which is through the Dealer NPC. For more details, make sure to check out our dedicated guide on how to get Grimoires in Grimoires Era!

Anti-Magic Moveset
Anti-Magic Slash
When used, the Anti-Magic Slash move creates a circle of anti-magic while swinging your sword around you. It deals AoE damage to whoever it hits.

Anti-Magic Hurricane
The Anti-Magic Hurricane move creates a hurricane that follows you when you are moving around. The hurricane is going to be active for approximately five seconds and deal damage to the enemies around you.

Anti-Magic Liberation
The Anti-Magic Liberation move will send powerful magic damage to whoever you choose to fight against. It deals 1820 damage in total.

The Transform is a move to transform your Anti Magic moves.

Transformed Moves
- Anti-Magic Cracks: A chain move. When you use this move, you are going to hit your sword to the ground and deal damage to enemies in your way.
- Anti-Magic Burst: A launch move. Your character will jump in the air and launch yourself to the ground to deal damage.
- Anti-Magic Break: Pretty similar to the Liberation move. However, this one spawns more than one.

These are everything you need to know about Anti-Magic Grimoire in Grimoires Era. If you would like to learn more about everything in the game, do not forget to check out our complete beginner’s guide for Grimoires Era.