Honor of Kings has a truly gigantic roster of characters to pick from, so it can be really hard to define who’s the best hero… but that isn’t stopping us from making a tier list to try our best! There are so many heroes in this game, it’s simply baffling to try to pick one out of them as your main. What’s more, you have to consider all their different playstyles and roles and whatnot… it’s quite a lot, really! So, to help you make a choice, we’ll give you our recommendations for the best hero in each role and then give you a full tier list of everyone in Honor of Kings.
Best Hero Tier List | Honor of Kings
Top Recommendations Per Role

Since Honor of Kings has an absolutely massive roster with over a hundred heroes to pick from, we consider it best to just go over the best in each lane. It’s an absolutely massive roster, after all, and this gives you a better idea of who’s good in each role than a full tier list would. Nonetheless, we do also have a full tier list at the end of this article, so don’t worry!
Anyway, let’s now go over our picks for the best hero in each one of the various roles in Honor of Kings. We’ll focus on picking characters that are both strong and also beginner-friendly.
Clash Lane
These are the heroes who excel in the Clash Lane role. We’ve covered this role previously, so check out our guide on how to macro the Clash Lane. But, the gist of it is that the Clash Lane is reserved for strong physical heroes, such as Fighters and Tanks. Here are the best heroes for this lane:

Biron – A strong and surprisingly simple hero to play in the Clash Lane. Biron is best played by staying on the offensive in Honor of Kings, as his basic attacks give him energy. Reaching certain thresholds of energy won’t just increase his damage output to absurd levels, though! It will also give him healing, making him capable of sustaining for prolonged fights.

Lu Bu – The mighty Lu Bu stands tall in Honor of Kings, as is to be expected from him. He’s capable of dishing out massive amounts of damage and has a surprisingly versatile kit for a Fighter. Combine that with his strong sustain and tankiness and you’ll terrorize your foes in the Clash Lane!
Jungling in Honor of Kings works very similarly to other MOBAs. You basically want to pick highly agile characters so that you can harass enemies between the lanes. Based on that, these are our recommendations for the best hero in this role:

Kaizer – While we’ve already covered how to play Kaizer in the Clash Lane, he overall works best in the jungle. He has decent versatility for a Fighter, with a ranged ability that also heals him, and can be surprisingly tanky depending on your build. Very versatile and very fun to play!

Prince of Lanling – Your best pick for harassing enemy heroes, simply put. His passive traits speeds him up when walking towards other heroes, and his abilities allow him to summon shadow clones to deal high damage. Great for quick ambushes in the jungle.
Mid Lane
The most contested lane in Honor of Kings, due toits high resource gain and also due to being the shortest path. You’ll want highly dominant heroes for this one since wave management and quick wave clears take priority here. These are our picks:

Lady Zhen – A sorceress capable of dealing high magical damage and freezing foes, letting her take control of the mid lane. She can also summon icicles that inflict damage and slow enemies, plus she can summon strong bouncing projectiles that deal damage to multiple enemies at once. She can be quite overwhelming in the right hands!

Milady – She summons mechanical minions to aid her whenever she defeats an enemy unit. These minions attack foes and deal an extra burst of damage when they expire. This, combined with Milady’s strong abilities, allows her to quickly snowball control of the mid lane in her team’s favor!
Unlike the others, the Support role is a roaming role first and foremost. You’re not going to be in any specific place or lane for most of the match, you’ll simply go wherever your team needs you most at any given moment. The best Support hero choices in Honor of Kings are as follows:

Cai Yan – Extremely agile, Cai Yan gets a massive buff to Speed and Health Regen whenever she takes damage. On top of that, she can further buff her movement with her abilities and she can also provide healing to her allies. She’s best played moving all over the map constantly, healing allies who are at death’s door.

Kui – If healing isn’t your favorite way to support, Kui is here for you. He’s all about Crowd Control and dealing Area of Effect damage to help out his allies. You’ll need to be careful and avoid getting in the middle of battles yourself, but your support can quickly help your allies turn things around when they’re outnumbered.
Farm Lane
This lane is all about killing minions and mobs for resources, primarily Gold. We’ve already covered it in our guide on how to macro it, as well. As we mentioned then, this lane is primarily reserved for Marksman heroes such as the following:

Consort Yu – Capable of shooting extra bolts which slow down enemies, which makes it really easy for her to hunt down weakened foes. To help her in her hunt, she can buff her own Speed via abilities and she can also fire charged shots that pierce multiple foes!

Luara – Agile and oppressive, her passive buffs her movement Speed and basic attacks whenever she defeats a foe or gets an assist. One of her abilities also gives her the ability to climb up walls, allowing her to quickly move around the battlefield with ease. Use her speed to your advantage to either harass foes in the Farm Lane or to run away from a bad encounter!
The Full Tier List |Every Hero in Honor of Kings Ranked From Best to Worst

With the best overall picks for each role selected, it’s now time to take a look at the overall tier list with every single hero currently in the game:
- S Tier – Luara, Heino, Lam, Angela, Dolia, Hou Yi, Lady Zhen, Prince of Lanling
- A Tier – Musashi, Donghuang, Lu Bu, Luban No.7, Marco Polo, Allain, Alessio, Yaria, Milady, Dian Wei, Consort Yu, Mozi, Lady Sun, Liang, Princess Frost, Dun, Kaizer, Kui, Biron
- B Tier – Kongming, Fang, li Xin, Mayen, Li Bai, Nakoruru, Wukong, Shangguan, Diaochan, Daji, Sun Ce, Butterfly, Cai Yan, Ying, Arthur, Zhang Fei, Charlotte, Xiao Qiao, Ukyo Tachibana, Shouyue, Da Qiao, Arli, Zilong, Mai Shiranui
- C Tier – Fuzi, Di Renjie, Ming, Liu Shan, Lian Po, Gan & Mo, Cirrus, Jing, Ata, Zhou Yu, Erin, Luna, Han Xin, Huang Zhong, Wuyan, Mulan, Zhuangzi, Sun Bin, Gao, Yuhuan, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Nezha, Sima Yi, Nuwa, Menki, Dr. Bian, Dharma, Pei, Xiang Yu, Giuguzi, Yang Jian, Athena, Agudo
The main thing that all S tier characters have in common is that they’re very versatile and can somewhat do well in multiple roles.
However, you might also notice we didn’t put all of the S tier characters in our top recommended heroes per role. The main reason for that is simply due to some of them being really tough to actually do well with, despite their potential strength. Some heroes are top-tier on paper, but they just require highly skilled players to actually unleash their full potential!
As for the C Tier characters, they’re generally just outdone by other heroes in the higher tiers, though few of them are really straight-up “bad”. You might find them to your liking, still!
Either way, that’s the end of our tier list for the best hero characters in Honor of Kings.