
Honor of Kings: Complete Diao Chan Guide

Learn how to play this mage with these quick tips!

Honor of Kings finally got its global release after spending several years being exclusive to a select few regions, and with that, we have new players flooding into the servers worldwide. In this guide, we will be giving you a few tips on how to play Diao Chan so that you can add a new character to your hero pool.

Complete Diao Chan Guide

Diao Chan is a mage who excels at dealing area of effect damage at the cost of not having much utility in her kit. As with other mages, she belongs in the mid lane and is built for occasional ganks in other lanes.

A major downside to this hero is the lack of any meaningful crowd control, as the best she can do is briefly slow enemies by stacking up her passive ability. On that note, here are her skills:

  • Explosion of Fragrance (Passive) – Each hit on an enemy will apply one stack, and at maximum stacks, the mark applied to them will deal area of effect damage and slow the target down for a brief moment. This also heals Diao Chan for a bit of health.
  • Returning Lotus (Active Skill 1) Diao Chan fires a lotus projectiles that will deal damage to anything hit by it. This projectile returns to her, dealing damage along the way as well. If you have seen Ahri in League of Legends, this is pretty much the same as her firstskill.
  • Petals in the Wind (Active Skill 2) Diao Chan dashes to the target location and fires lotus orbs at any nearby enemy. The cooldown for this abilityis reduced for each successful hit, and she is briefly untargetable while casting it.
  • Flowery Potential (Ultimate Skill) – Her ultimate creates a circle around her that will deal damage to anything standing in it. While standing in the circle, Diao Chan will have reduced cooldowns for all of her other abilities.
Honor of Kings Diao Chan player fighting the enemy mid laner

Tip #1. Have Hard CC In Your Team

For our first tip, this is actually mostly out of your control. Basically, you need to have hard CC from other members of your team. This is because Diao Chan struggles to close the gap against people who do have their own crowd control abilities or dashes.

On top of that, she benefits greatly from having stunned enemies that are grouped together. This will allow her to take full advantage of her area of effect damage, especially if she can get her ultimate off.

Tip #2. Get the Blue Buff

If your jungler is a team player, they should be giving you the blue buff whenever it is up. This will greatly improve your ability to chase or run away from players with your Petals in the Wind skill.

Having the blue buff in general is great for mages as it will let you spam abilities more frequently, which will be your main way of dealing damage throughout the match.

Start practicing your timings with the Petals in the Wind activity too. With some practice, you can avoid damage from certain powerful abilities by dashing at the right time, and with a reduced cooldown, you can potentially pull off some flashy plays.

Honor of Kings Diao Chan player with the blue buff

Tip #3. Assess The Enemy Mid Laner & Farm Gold

Finally, you have to assess how your lane counterpart plays. This may sound like an obvious thing that you should do, but it is especially important for Diao Chan due to being a mage with absolutely no crowd control.

If they are playing a hero with crowd control skills, you are forced to play a little more passively as you have no way of clapping back in the CC department. Instead, try poking them with your orbs and focus more on last hitting minions to get your gold flowing.

You should overall be a little passive during the laning phase in general, unless your jungler decides to help you by repeatedly ganking the other mid laner at the start.

Just stay near your tower and don’t take unnecessary risks. If your counterpart pokes you or goes for a dive, just use your passive ability’s heal to top yourself back up and stay in the lane for a longer period of time.

Until the midgame, your focus should be on getting money and occasionally rotating with your jungler, since you will struggle to gank on your own. This is cause Diao Chan is heavily reliant on getting her items quickly, otherwise, her impact in and out of team fights falls massively.

Honor of Kings Diao Chan player ganking the top lane

And those are all of the tips we can give you with this hero. Basically, Diao Chan relies heavily on her team and snowballing in the early game. If you’re still new to the game, check out our article on everything you need to know about the global release of Honor of Kings to learn some of the basics!


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