As you further immerse yourself into the VR world of Horizon, you realize that you start getting fatigued more often from all the climbing. Well, if you want to be like Aloy and be able to gracefully glide underneath Bristlebacks you will need to go through vigorous training!
Lucky for you the game lets you do just that, and you also get a trophy if you perform well enough. Now start stretching and head back down into the Assault Course, we got ground to cover!
Top Of The Class Trophy Guide | Assault Course Highscore | Horizon Call Of The Mountain
The Assault Course is right next to the Archery range, you can get there through the Challenge Hub on the main menu or just ride down the lift coming from Dawn’s Grasp.
Be sure that you have most of the tools from the main story as well to make the challenge easier!

Think of the Assault Course as boot camp, strict discipline, and repetition will get you the results you’re looking for, along with 1500 points that you need to beat.
This challenge expects a lot of input as you need to be light on your feet as you climb and shimmy across different obstacles.

If you’re finding the course too difficult then you can also try to change your controls and see what works for you best. Changing your grip reaching distance in the accessibility menu can help immensely if you’re just a couple of inches shy from the ledge you need to get to.

Remember to time your swings to boost your movement, and most importantly try to keep your time under two minutes!
It’s like Ring Fit Adventure but with a lot of extra steps, after a few more tries you’ll be able to get the most difficult trophy attainable in the game so keep trying!
ALSO READ: Horizon Call Of The Mountain: On Target Trophy Guide | Archery Range Highscore