Playing through quests in your favorite games is usually the best way to progress through it. Some of these quests can be a bit confusing though and some players might get lost in all those objectives. That’s why you’ll want to have a guide to help you out!
In Horse Life, there are a lot of missions that you can do to unlock different types of horses. Besides giving you rewards, the missions also let you progress through the map and learn more about the game.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can complete all of the missions in Horse Life. We’ll go through what you’ll need to do for each mission as well as the rewards you can get when completing them. Now, let’ see what we’ll need to do!
Mission Guide (Roblox)
The missions in Horse Life serve as a way for the players to progress through the game. There are a total of 7 Mission trees and each one of them has its sub-missions that you can get. Once you’ve completed one you’ll be rewarded with a type of horse from that mission.
SIDE NOTE: As you do these missions you’ll need to tame a lot of breeds. Check out our Spawn Locations for Every Breed Guide for more details!
Taming Horses
The first mission on the list is Taming Horses, which is very simple and is more like a tutorial mission. All you have to do is tame 2 horses and you’ll get 100 coins. You’ll also get a horse when you complete the mission so it’s a great way to get started!
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 100 Coins
- Free Horse

You can find horses all over the starting area, so you can just try and tame 2 of them. There are no other requirements besides them being horses, so don’t worry about their stats or stuff!
Taming Ponies
For the next set of missions, we have the Tame Pony missions. The first mission is easy since it’s just the previous mission but now, you have to tame 5 horses. Again, don’t worry about the stats, just make sure they’re horses!
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 300 Coins
- Free Pony

The next mission is to harvest 10 Forageables, these are forage nodes scattered around the map. They usually take the form of food for horses like barrels of apples or bushes with berries. Walk up to them and then interact with them to forage it. You’ll need to do it 10 times!

The last part of the mission is jumping over 10 obstacles. There are a lot of obstacles scattered around the map that you can jump over, from fences to logs on the road. Just look for them on the ground as shown below and jump over them.

Once you’ve completed all of the missions, you’ll complete the main one and get a Pony as a reward. Now, onto the next set of missions!
Taming Equus
For the next Taming quest, you have the Equus Missions and this is where you’ll get to see more of the mechanics of the game.
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 300 Coins
- Free Equus

The first mission is to Breed a horse 4 times, all you need to do is select a horse and click the breed option. Then, select another horse and make them breed, you’ll need to do this 4 times. The result of the breeding doesn’t matter and all you need to do is breed the horses.

The next mission is to level up any horse’s skill 4 times. This is easily done with a horse that you haven’t leveled up yet since their requirements for leveling up will be lower.
Select a low-level horse and then equip it. Then, level up any of its Agility, Strength, Fertility or Jump 4 times. You don’t have to do it with a single horse and can use multiple horses for this mission.

The last mission is simple since all you need to do is harvest 40 Forageables throughout the map. Just run around and collect all of the ones you can find and you’ll finish this mission in no time!

Taming Bisorses
The next set of missions is for the Bisorse and for this, you’ll have 4 missions in total to complete. Don’t worry, most of them are easy to complete!
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 300 Coins
- Western Lasso
- Free Bisorse

The first mission is to Foal a Horse 5 times, which means making a horse give birth. To do that, just select a horse that you’ve made to breed and then when the child is ready, click on the “Claim Child” button. You’ll need to do this 5 times and it takes a while, so do it as early as possible!

For the next mission, it’s also another simple one. All you need to do is sell a horse 20 times, so go around and tame horses to sell. You’ll need to sell a total of 20 to complete this mission.

The second to last mission of this set is to harvest 20 wooden log forageables. This one can take a while since you’ll need to look for these logs on the ground. They take a while to break, so make sure you use a horse with the most strength.

The last mission for this set is to level up any horse’s strength skill 5 times. Again, this is easier with a horse you haven’t leveled up yet, and to increase strength you’ll need to break forageables.

Taming Caprines
This is another taming quest that has 4 missions in total and it’s for the Caprine. You’ll have to do more of the advanced missions while doing a couple that you’ve already done before.
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 300 Coins
- Vibrant Lasso
- Free Caprine

The first one is to tame 10 Bisorse which we showed our guide for the locations at the start of this guide. Again, you don’t need to catch specific ones, any Bisorse will do!
SIDE NOTE: Want to learn how to unlock the other horse breeds? Check out our How To Unlock Bisorse, Caprine, Uni & Gargoyle Horses Guide for more details!

The second mission is fairly simple since you’ve already done it before this one. The mission is to level up any horse’s jump skill 10 times, which you can do by jumping over obstacles.

The next mission is to enter the Cosmetic Contest in town. You can find the contest as shown below and it’s fairly simple. All you need to do is match the cosmetics of the horse shown to the left.
You don’t have to perfectly match it to do the mission, all you need to do is select a horse that has at least one matching feature. So, it’s not much of a grind and you’ll get some rewards for it!

The last mission for this set is to harvest 30 Big Berry Bush forageables. These bushes can be found in either the Equus or Caprine spawns.

Taming Unicorns
This set of missions is easier than the rest since all you need to do is complete 3 of them. They’re not even that hard, so it’s a great breather from the previous ones!
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 200 Coins
- 1 Magical Lasso
- Free Unicorn

The first mission is to level up any horse’s agility skill 5 times. Make sure to use a low-level horse to make it level up faster and then just run around the map. Your horse will gradually get EXP for agility as you do so.

For the next couple of missions, you’ll need to go back to town and then go to the Shop. The mission is to equip an accessory to a horse and you can buy one there. Make sure you buy one that has the “Can Recolor” trait.

When you finally get an accessory, click on your horse and then select Customize. Afterwards, equip the accessory to complete the mission!

The last mission for this set is to dye an easy accessory. All you need to do is buy the Color Dye from the shop. You can then select the accessory and select the color on the lower left of the screen afterwards. Once you’ve chosen a color, press the “Apply” button.

Taming Gargoyles
This is the last taming quest in the game and it’s for the Gargoyle. Unlike the previous quests, this one only has 2 missions and they’re easy to do but a bit grindy.
The first mission is to level up any horse’s strength skill 10 times. Use a low-level horse and then break forageables to increase their strength.
Here are all the rewards you’ll get when completing this quest:
- 100 Coins
- 1 Overgrown Lasso
- Free Gargoyle

The last mission is to harvest 30 stone deposit forageables. You can find most of these stone deposits in the Birch Forest area as seen below. Make sure to use a horse with a high-strength skill to make harvesting them faster!

Those are all of the taming missions in Horse Life. Now, go out there and try to finish all of them! Want to catch a winged horse? Check out our How to Catch a Winged Horse Guide for more details!