Voidtrain is an on-rail shooter in a literal sense. You ride a train as it goes through the void, and you shoot things. Of course, you gather resources as well and make your train longer and better as the game progresses. Still, there will come a time where your train gets damaged. This is either from enemies or those annoying floating fish things that try to munch on your train! Your things will get damaged and some of them can even be destroyed and we can’t have that! In this guide we’ll show you how to repair your own train in the game!
Voidtrain: How To Repair Your Train
When going through Voidtrain you might get your train damaged, especially when you go through the void and the void fish is hungry. They’ll fly to your train and nibble on the different components of your train or even the train itself!
Of course, you shoot the little bugger and loot it, but your train is now damaged, so how do you fix your damaged train?

All you need to do is hold the E Key and select your hammer. With your hammer equipped, the components on your train will be highlighted along with it showing the durability of each component.
Now go to the component you want to repair and press your left mouse button to repair it, usually at the cost of some resources.

Each component will use a certain resource to repair, with the more damage the component is the more resources you use up. You can also repair the train itself but usually that uses up more resources so keep that in mind!
Congratulations you now know how to repair your train in Voidtrain! Now keep those durability numbers up, you don’t want a component to be destroyed and you having to make it all over again!
ALSO READ : How To Use Throwing Rings in Voidtrain