When you’ve been playing a game for a while and seem to not hit a dent at all when it comes to progress, you start thinking that it may be YOU who’s the problem. Well, not you but the character or build you came up with, don’t worry you’re perfect.
Anyway, messing with your entire build mid-game is always an option but it’s easy to understand why some people choose not to do it sometimes as players enjoy the idea of persisting in a doomed world that they’ve created. No need for you to go through that so let’s take a look at how can we respec your skills.
Skills & Passives Patch 0.9 | Respec Guide – Last Epoch
Skills can be respec’d while you’re playing but you lose value from the skill as you do it, however, there are also minimum levels below which you can get the skill point back which increases with your player level up to 70.

Open your Skills & Specializations menu and click on one of the five skills you already have, on the next screen you will see the skill tree where you’ve invested all your points in.
Look at the upper right where it says “respec” You’ll have two options to choose from, so naturally you would want to go for “Despecialize Skill”.

Now you can put in different skills again and assign the important nodes you want. It would be wise to wait until you’re level 50 or if you’re already doing Monoliths before you respec as it will take at least half an hour of progress to take back the points you initially lost.
So there you have it! Respeccing is easy but comes at a cost, if time isn’t a problem for you then go ahead and make the changes necessary.
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