Inside each base, in Meet Your Maker lies your objective, head inside, finish that objective, and exfiltrate. Easy right? Wrong. Each base will be different, each corner you turn to will be different, and each trap set by a player with a lust for chaos and disorder will be different, you get the point!
It can be quite difficult to deal with something you have no knowledge about so the best you can do is expect the worst and how to react to it.
Check out the guide below to know what to do when you’re going on your next raid!
Raiding Guide – Meet Your Maker
One of the easier things to do when you’re participating in a raid is to follow the robot companion that you have, it knows where the objective is, and all you have to do while tailgating it is to not fall victim to any of the trips that have been laid down for you.
So that’s one thing you now know in case you get lost!
#1 Use your grappling hook

Use your grappling hook to navigate around the base you’re raiding, at this point, it’s safe to assume that the floor is lava and will collapse at any given moment.
Do be careful though, there are still some bases designed specifically for players who like abusing the grappling hook so think twice before you try latching on to something!
#2 Scale obstacles endlessly

Did you know that you can reset your double jump without having to touch the ground?
Now you do! All you need to do is wait for your hand to touch the wall, after that you can do another double jump.
Do this to stay airborne and scale bases that have a bit of verticality to them.
#3 Parry this you casual

You can deflect projectiles coming your way if you attack them as soon as they’re close enough.
Timing them can be quite difficult, especially under pressure but it’s a pretty useful skill to be able to get a hold of early on, saves you the trouble of dealing with narrow corridors!
#4 Seek and destroy

While it’s nice to rush for the objective and be on your way, you can also get extra materials to upgrade your gear by destroying the traps you find around the base you’re raiding.
Just walk up to an enemy or trap and smash it with your melee weapon to automatically collect the resources.
#5 Pass through corrosive material

It’s actually possible to pass through these things without having to reset your progress, all you have to do is use your grappling hook to be able to go through it with little to no consequence. You can only do this if there’s only one cube to go through and if there’s an actual opening behind it.
Make the mistake of accidentally passing through two and you’re toast!
#6 Aim for the head

The enemies you’ll face during your raids will probably have armor, preventing you from ending them in one hit resulting in you having to restart the level.
What you can do is hit them in the head, most, if not all, of the enemies inside of a base will not have head protection and can still be taken out rather easily.
If they’re too big for your own good, then bait them into attacking you and hit them in the back instead.
#7 Use your grenades

When in doubt, blow stuff up. If there’s nothing out of the ordinary in the room you’re walking into you can bet there’s a trap lying in wait nearby.
Use your grenades with reckless abandon to survey any room that looks rather suspicious and get some resources for yourself in the process.
#8 Use the Arc barrier

While you can get away from raids without having to upgrade any of your gear, it’s actually recommended to bring the Arc Barrier with you.
You can use this to block the damage you’ll receive from corrosive cubes and save yourself from an oncoming hit, much better than just trying to parry with a sword and shield if you ask me!
#9 Open your eyes

As you move around the various bases made by players who clearly hate your guts you’ll notice that there’s a flashing red light on your screen that notifies you of any incoming danger.
It starts as orange and turns red whenever it’s too late, or it’s time for you to move out of the way or parry.
The marker will appear depending on where the danger is coming from, again this can be used by players to fool you into taking the wrong step so check the room first before you go charging in!
#10 Bait the baiter

Almost every trap that you come across inside bases will only activate once, use this to your advantage and have a trap deploy prematurely by simply stepping out of the way whenever possible.
After that, it’s just a matter of walking up to the trap and slashing it with your anime sword or having both traps destroy each other on purpose to let the creator know that you’re better than them.
Use the information provided in this guide to get better at raiding your foes and come out on top with little to no difficulty.
Now go and force someone to go over their building capacity!
If this helped you check out our other Meet Your Maker guides!
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