The Alone Mission is probably the most iconic mission that you can find in the new Modern Warfare 2. It will be the most played and remembered for years to come. That being said, it doesn’t mean that it is easy. In this guide, we will be showing you how you can finish it with the Gunless Achievement. Let’s get started.
Gunless Achievement Guide | Alone Mission – Modern Warfare 2
The Start

The start is very simple. You will just have to avoid all the guards while sneaking through the dark and tight corners. You will pick up things as you go from the ground and go behind the car once the guards will go on the other side.
You will then enter the garage on the other side. Once inside you will enter the left back room. Here you will need to craft a Pry Tool. Then just go in the house and loot the metal from the toilet. The guard won’t see you so just leave the house.

When you get in the dining room the guard can see you, just wait for him to leave and go to the right up the stairs. Once on the second floor loot everything you see and pick everything up. A guard will come that will just stand there. Use the balcony to jump out.
Fountain Area

Before you enter the fountain area there will be wax that you need to pick up from the hallway. You will need to be very slow and wait for the guards to leave. Pick up the Bottle from the left side and throw it on the right side at the pillars.
Enter the building that is on the first left that you will take. Take the bottle next to the door on the right. Go from the back exit and pick up another bottle. From the alleyway take a binding from the fountain too.

Next to the binding, you will see a door. Enter it and pick up the Mouse Trap from this counter. Careful from the guard on the left since he can see you. Now go back into the very same building you entered first.

You will then throw a bottle at this guard here and enter the door on the right. Loot everything that you can here. You will then exit from the back door and hug the wall to your right. Enter this window and pick up the Knife from the dead body.

There will be a chest on his right with explosives. Pick them up. Now go back to the original path that was next to the first binding, down the alleyway.
Alleyway Guards

As you follow the alleyway you will spot guards walking left and right. Hug the right wall and wait until they get next to each other. Now just go ahead and craft a C4. Toss it in the middle of them to get them all out.
Jump down from the balcony behind them and loot the chest on the right next to the sewer. There will be explosives inside that you will need.

Then on the right, you are going to see a door. Do not enter it and instead just take the left road that will get you inside the garage. There will be a rifle set up to shoot at the door. Get on the second floor here and loot everything possible.
Tea Shop

Loot everything and then drop down from the ledge. Do not drop down before you loot everything though. Unlock the safe with this code – 10 10 80.
Once you drop down just stick to the right side.
Tea Shop Corner

Go to this very same dark corner on the right side. Here you will want to craft a bunch of smoke grenades. You will need at least 3 smoke grenades for this part to work.

This is how you need to throw them. The first is next to the car and on the road. Then you will throw it behind the car while running. This will get soldiers not to see you and run past you. Last one will be under the gate entrance.
Water Tunnel

Jump inside the water tunnel and don’t pop your head back up at all. Make sure that you are far away from the guards first. So just keep on swimming while following the main road. There will be a guard that you can see at the end of the tunnel so use your knife to take him down.
Before the Church
Get outside the tunnel and hop over the hood over the car and over the fence. Loot everything that you will see here. Once you get to the door there will be guards. Do NOT shoot at them!

They will get killed automatically. Now just start running to the left and hug the wall through the trucks. This is the hardest part. You will just need to run to the area of the church and slide behind the cover left and right.

You can save the game here and you might need to reload a couple of times to make this work.
Get to the main gate of the church and Ghost will come. He will be the one that will take out a couple of the guards.
Just run to the truck that you first passed and he will give you a dialogue to get inside the truck you can interact with the door and you’re finished!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you needed to do in order to get the Gunless Achievement. Good luck doing it yourself!
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