Nightingale’s Early Access is out, and so far, fans of the survival genre have been having a real blast. I’d urge anyone who hasn’t tried the game to give it a shot — though of course the fact that you’re searching up this guide means you’re probably already playing. Honestly, the mix of Arcane Realms and RPG elements makes it so addicting. That said, you’re here for a very specific reason, aren’t you? You want to learn How to Fight Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute.
It’s not going to be easy. In fact, it’s going to be quite a wild ride from here on out. Are you ready? Let’s get going.
How to Fight Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute
I’m not going to sugarcoat things, the Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute is an absolute monster. You’ve probably already seen it lumbering around in its spirit form, unable to be touched by anything.
You probably also already know that if you follow the Carnute around, you’ll notice that it likes knocking trees over. As such, you’ll get access to Wood just by following it around. Sometimes you might even come across two of them, which means a ton of loot from doing nothing.
Of course, you’re a gamer. As a gamer, you want to eventually fight this thing, right?

Well then, the very first thing you have to do is reach the Watch. This is honestly a feat in of itself, as some players reach this area of the game after dozens of hours of play. If you’re not there just yet, don’t worry. The more you play and the more missions you finish, the sooner you’ll get there. Remember that the game is more of a marathon than a sprint.
I’m not going to go into detail concerning the journey to the Watch, as it involves simply making progress. So long as you’re set on finishing the Main Quest Line, you’re on your way.
Made it to the Watch! Now what?
Now, we can begin. Within the Watch, you’re going to want to find Essence Trader Lena. The reason why is because she’s selling the Antiquarian Ascended Card Recipe. This card is necessary to get the Enchantment that will allow you to fight the Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute. This involves getting to the Ascended Herbarium Realm, but there are quite a few stepping stones to get there.
Before we make it to the Ascended Herbarium Realm, we’ll need to get to the Ascended Antiquarian Realm, the Ascended Astrolabe Realm, and the Ascended Provisioner Realm before finally getting to our destination.
Why? Because the Essence Trader in each realm will have the cards you need to get to the next step. So you’ll need the Antiquarian to get the Astrolabe, the Astrolabe to get the Provisioner, and the Provisioner to get to the Herbarium Realm.

Of course, all of this requires Essence Dust, which you can gather all around the realms. Here’s a handy guide for Essence farming, if you’re interested.
Curious about the Enchantment? It’s called Dispel, and it’s crucial to fighting this Legendary Spirit within the game.
Essence Trader Lena also has other recipes you’ll need, such as the Excellent Masonry Bench and the Excellent Enchanter’s Focus. While it takes Essence Dust to gather the recipes you need, you still have to gather the necessary resources. You’ll also need the Excellent Mortar Station to get the job done!
Crafting the necessary tools
The Excellent Masonry Bench needs:
- Gilded Lumber x3 – You can get Gilded Lumber with Lumber x2 (gather Wood Bundles, then turn the Wood Bundles into Lumber with the help of a Simple Saw table),and Ingot x2 (using the Smelter, craft the Ingots utilizing Ore, which you can get for mining Mineral Deposits). Keep in mind that you’ll need the Excellent Saw Table to get the job done.
- Motor x1 – To get a Motor you’ll need Mechanical Gear x2 (these can be crafted from the Brazier for Ingots x3), Copper Wire x1 (you can get them from the appropriate Ingot in the Smelter), and Ingot x2 (you can get them from Ore using the Smelter).
- Metal Tip x2 – Use the Brazier and Ingot x2 to get the Metal Tips you need.
- Etched Alloy Ingot x4 – The Alloy Ingot requires Copper Ore and Tin Ore (for Bronze). You can get both types of Ore through Mineral Deposits. You can then use these Alloy Ingots to create an Etched Alloy Ingot using the Brazier.
Grabbing the Excellent Mortar Station requires:
- Gilded Lumber x3 – You can get Gilded Lumber with Lumber x2 (gather Wood Bundles, then turn the Wood Bundles into Lumber with the help of a Simple Saw table),and Ingot x2 (using the Smelter, craft the Ingots utilizing Ore, which you can get for mining Mineral Deposits). Keep in mind that you’ll need the Excellent Saw Table to get the job done.
- Precious Metal Etched Ingot x3 – This follows a similar patter into the Etched Alloy Ingot, only this time you’re making the Ingot from Precious Metal. While the locations are different, the process is the same.
- Flower x3 – You can gather all kinds of Flowers from across the realms.
- Filigree x2 – You can craft Filigree using Wire x4 and the help of your trusty Brazier.
Build the Excellent Enchanter’s Focus with:
- Cut Gem x2 – To get a Cut Gem, you’ll need Gem x1 (you probably have an abundance of Quartz through mining at this point, but any mined Raw Gem will do), and Stone Powder x1 (which you can process from Stone Blocks). Keep in mind that you’ll need a Refined Masonry Bench, but you already have an Excellent Masonry Bench at this point, so that’s easy.
- Carved Wood x4 – Using a Refined Saw Table, all you have to do is craft the Carved Wood using Lumber x4 (Wood Bundles into Lumber through the Simple Saw Table).
- Etched Ingot x2 – With a Brazier, use Ingot x2!

Aside from the Excellent Enchanter’s Focus, you’ll also need one of its Augmentations, which include the Astrocalmere, the Distiller, the Formula Board, the Vial Display, and more. Fortunately, you only need one of these Augmentations for Dispel — and they are available through various Essence Traders in the game.
Crafting the cards needed to realm hop
Once you’ve completed your Excellent Enchanter’s Focus, it’s time to craft the Antiquarian Ascended Card from the recipe you received from Essence Trader Lena. The resources include:
- Coated Paper x1 – With your Simple Saw Table, craft Paper using Wood Bundles x2. After that, craft Coating by first getting Refined Fibre (through Fibre x6 with the help of the Simple Spinning Wheel — you can father Fibre from plants and animals), using Refined Fibre x2 to make Fabric, and then finally using Fabric x1 to make the Coating.
- Vibrant Ink x1 – This first requires Ink x12, which you can get through Refined Pigment x1 (Pigment Items can come from various sources, including Meat and Plants) and Glass x1 (from Gems in your Smelter). After that, using your Refined (or Excellent) Masonry Bench, craft Gunpowder x1 using Sulphur x2, and Coal x2 (both acquired through mining). Mix these ingredients to get Vibrant Ink.
What we have is the first stepping stone toward the ultimate goal of fighting the Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute. Now it’s time to get the necessary ingredients for the Ascended Astrolabe, Provisioner, and Herbarium Cards before we can continue. The resources are as follows:
- Foil Paper – To get the Foil Paper, you’ll need Coated Paper x12 (Coating and Paper as mentioned above), as well as Foil x1 (acquired through Filigree x1, Paper x5, and Liquid Metal x1, which you can get from Ingot x1 and Essence Dust in the Smelter).
- Lustrous Ink – To get Lustrous Ink, you’ll need the Excellent Mortar Station. After that, it’s a simple process of mixing Vibrant Ink x12 and Gem x1 to craft Lustrous Ink.

Now that you’ve got all of it, it’s time to go after the Enchantment that’ll allow you to face the legendary beast: Dispel!
Getting the Enchantment necessary to face the Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute
All of that Realm Hopping was probably quite tedious, but none of that matters because you’ve made it where you want to be — the Ascended Herbarium Realm — specifically the Swamp Realm. Now that you’re here, you can head to the Essence Trader, who will have Dispel for sale. As always, it will cost Essence Dust (100 T3 Essence to be exact), so make sure you’ve got enough!
One of the key ingredients of Dispel is the Powerful Human Seal. Now, I’m going to go on a step-by-step process to gathering the Powerful Human Seal. The Excellent Masonry Bench The necessary ingredients are as follows:
- Weak Human Seal – This one’s easy! You’ll need Stone Block x1 (gathered across the realms)and Bone x1 (gathered from animals).
- Moderate Human Seal – You’ll need Weak Human Seal x1, and Carved Stone x1 (Stone Block x2 is needed).
- Powerful Human Seal – You’ll require the Moderate Human Seal x1 you got, as well as a Hybrid Stone x1 (which requires two different kinds of Stone Blocks).
The ingredients necessary to craft the Dispel Enchantment are:
- Powerful Human Seal x1 – You most definitely have this.
- T2 Essence x30 – As always, you can get Essence of all tiers by completing various parts of the game (quests, achievements, and more).
- Rock Marble x1 – We have a handy guide on crafting Slingbow Ammo. That said, the short version is you can craft a Rock Marble utilizing Rock x6.
- Cut Gem x1 – You’ll need Gem x1 (you probably have an abundance of Quartz through mining at this point, but any mined Raw Gem will do), and Stone Powder x1 (which you can process from Stone Blocks).
Time for battle!
Once you have the Dispel Enchantment, all you have to do is find the item in your Inventory, right-click on Dispel, hit Apply, and choose the weapon you wish to enchant. You can pretty much choose any weapon you’d like, so I’d suggest you make it a good one!
After all of this, it’s time to actually get into the fight. Once you’ve found the Legendary Forest Spirit Carnute wandering about in its Spirit Form. You’ll want to go and say hello. Hold the R button to cycle through your different Enchantments, choose Dispel, and use it on the Carnute.
You can expect the big guy to immediately charge at you. That said, you’ve battled through so many creatures up to this point, so you’re familiar with how to take enemies down.

That said, this thing.
So, it will probably take you a few retries (which means you’ll have to Dispel the Carnute again once it loses its aggro). Watch out for its huge reach, try not to get too greedy when attacking, and pick your moments!
Best of luck! You’ll probably need it.
On a tangent: We have a guide on Where to Find the Sun Giant in Nightingale. You know, in case you haven’t had your fill of giant beast slaying.