
Once Human: All Toy Locations (Models 1 to 9)

Where are all these creepy replica deviants hidden in the map?

Have you ever wondered what the “toy” requirement is for some deviations in captivity? Well, in Once Human, these typically come in the form of figures based on actual enemies in the game, known only as a “model”. In this guide, we will quickly go through where you can find each of these toys as they apparently can be looted through chests scattered around the map.

All Toy Locations (Models 1 to 9)

Simply put, there are a bunch of toys that you can unlock the formula of by just finding them in hidden chests scattered throughout the map. Unfortunately, I’ve already gotten a few of them, so it can be a little hard to show you exactly how to get them.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t point you to the right direction. Basically, you have to complete a few of the hidden treasure chests that require you to follow a trail of purple crystals. You’ve probably encountered some of these before.

If not, this is how it works:

  • Find a purple crystal – This is the starting point
  • Touch it to make a new one appear nearby.
  • Keep on touching the crystals until a treasure chest is revealed. Sometimes it only takes the first crystal to do this.

NOTE: A lot of these are in the Red Sands and Blackheart Region parts of the map. As such, it is recommended that you reach around level 40+ before going after the majority of these formulas.

Model 1 Location – Near Sunshine Farm

For the first formula, head over to the northwest of Sunshine Farm up in the Blackheart Region. Check the pinned location of the map below to see the exact coordinates.

Once you reach the coordinates shown below, you should be able to spot the purple crystal beside the river. Simply touch it and follow the trail until the Mystical Crate is revealed to you, containing the Model 1 formula, which is a replica of the Morphic Crate enemy.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #1

Model 2 Location – Blackfell Oil Fields

Next up, you will want to head to the Blackfell Oil Fields. I already have this one, so just head over to the coordinates shown below. Once you make it there, you should find a purple crystal just sitting in the middle of the blue truck.

Just touch it and follow the trail to the east. After a few steps, the Mystical Chest should appear on top of a blue water pump. Loot it and continue on to the next location!

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #2

Model 3 Location – Deep in Blackheart Region

I highly recommend skipping to Model 4 first, as this is further up in the region away from any teleporters.

This next one is far from any places of note, so you will need to do a bit of driving. Basically, head to the coordinates shown below, which is deep in the Blackheart Region. This is close to a lot of Pro Prime War locations, if your server already has them.

Once you make it on the island, you should be able to see the purple crystal at around the western edge of it. There isn’t much here as it is a pretty barren location, so it isn’t hard to spot. Follow the trail west and you will eventually reveal the Mystical Chest on a smaller island up ahead.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #3

Model 4 Location – Still in Blackheart

This one I already have because it is very close to my base, as you can see in the image below. There, I have a pin showing you the exact coordinates that you have to go to, just north of the Blackheart’s Bay teleportation tower.

Once you reach the purple gem floating beside the road, just follow the trail up the hill until the Mystical Chest is revealed to you at the top.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #4

Model 5 Location – Near Sunshine Farm Again

Head to the coordinates shown below, which is just to the east of Sunshine Farm, and just north of the Quicksand Ruins Frontier Prime War. There, you will find the purple gem floating around in almost the exact coordinates pinned below.

Jump into the purple gem and follow the trail through the middle of the road. The Mystical Chest should appear right on the road itself.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #5

Model 6 Location –Inside Evergreen

For this next one, assuming you haven’t already looted Evergreen, follow the coordinates below and you will find a purple gem in the cul de sac, very close to one of the gear chests in this area.

If you haven’t already gotten it, check the image below to see where it is. Again, this is just a couple of steps away from a gear chest and it isn’t hidden at all. It’s roughly where my character is standing in the picture. Trust me, you can’t miss it.

Keep in mind that there is an elite enemy that spawns here. Make sure to clear the mobs and the big boy in this place first to safely loot the crate!

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #6

Model 7 Location – LEA Research Lab

This next one I also already have because I’ve been here before and it’s out in the open. Basically, just head to the LEA Research Lab, which is pinned in the map image below.

Basically, once you make it there, you should see the purple gem on top of the entrance. From there, the trail will go to the building on the east and then back down onto the road, leading to the chest being revealed halfway up the guard tower to the west.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #7

Model 8 Location – Inside Holt Town

Going back down to the lower to mid level areas, the next secret chest can be found in Holt Town. Specifically, in the pinned coordinates below. Once you make it to the pinned location shown in the image, you should find the purple gem beside a hedge.

The trail will follow down to the house southwest. The crate will spawn on top of a small table that is just beside the staircase leading to the porch.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #8

Model 9 Location – 73 Source Extraction Point

Finally, the last formula can be found at 73 Source Extraction Point. I know it’s a mouthful, so if you’re unfamiliar with this location, it’s the Rosetta base to the west of Blackfell. Just follow the pinned coordinates below.

There, you will find a red ladder that will have a purple gem floating in the middle. I already have this, but the ladder is in the image for reference. Just climb up and follow the trail on top of the pipes until the Mystical Chest is revealed on a small structure at the end.

Once Human map and exact spot of the first purple gem #9

And those are pretty much all of the current toy formulas that you can find in the map at the moment. While you are here, why not check out this guide on how to get more decoration formulas in Once Human to spruce up your base even more with other stuff?


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