Some games let you build your base where you can craft items and even make them pretty for your friends in MMOs. While other games leave it at that sometimes, games will let you defend these bases from enemies. You’ll want to build a good defense if you want to do that!
In Once Human, your base can be attacked by AI enemies through Territory Purification. If you’re not careful, you can easily get your base destroyed without any defenses. That’s why you’ll want to set it up to make sure it’s easy every time!
In this guide, we’ll show you some great tips and tricks on how to build defenses for your base. We’ll go through what you’ll want to unlock and build and how to build them effectively. Now let’s see what kind of defenses we can muster!
Best Defense Base Building Guide
In Once Human, you’ll want to not only build your base to be functional for crafting but for defense as well. That’s because one of the main ways you can get Starchroms in the game is through the Stardust Resonant Filter. Doing so will spawn waves of enemies though, so you better have good defenses!
Getting The Right Memetics
To properly defend your base, you’ll need the right buildings to do so. Go to your memetics screen and then head to the Building Tab. There, you can unlock memetics like Auto Turrets and stronger walls and foundations.
NOTE: Make sure you also unlock the ability to make power through Generators. These can be found to the left of the Building Memetics tab.
The lower you get down the tree, the better the memetics are. The best turrets are in Auto Turrets II while the toughest buildings are under Enhanced Support.

While Defensive Traps III and Close Defense Turret II can help a lot in defense, it’s not needed. You can unlock it if you have Meme points to spare, but for those who want to save them then you can skip those.
Knowing Where The Enemy Spawn
Did you know that the spawn of the enemies depends on where you place your Stardust Resonant Filter? That’s because the enemies will always try to prioritize destroying it. You should know where the enemies spawn by doing a low-level base defense first.
Take note of where they spawn including the boss and plan your defenses accordingly. You don’t want to place turrets facing an area where the enemy won’t go!

Turrets, Traps, and Fences
You can also funnel enemies using fences. As you can see from the image above, we have a fence around the base. When the enemies spawn at the side of the base, they’ll either attack the fence or go around to the front.
Place your turrets facing where the enemy will spawn or funnel into. Make sure to have a lot of overlapping arcs of fire so that turrets can mow down the enemy faster.

Of course, the base you see above is for aesthetics as well as defense. If you only care for the latter, then you can go with a design like the tower shown below. The turrets are well-defended and have 360-degree coverage over the area.
You can also see that the Stardust Resonant Filter is right in the middle. That means the monsters will spawn around it, so you can place it in one corner of your territory to make it easier to defend.

Aside from turrets and fences, you also have traps. The most useful ones are the Gravitational Grip traps since they can slow down enemies. Place them where the enemies would go and place turrets pointing towards it for an easy kill box.

Juggling Power For Turrets
Having a lot of turrets can drain a lot of your power for your base. This might not be a problem for bases that already have good generators but for early levels, it can be. To remedy that, you’ll want to use switches.
Route all of your turrets to one or two switches and then route that switch to your generators. You’ll then want to build another switch for stuff like Electric Stoves or Furnaces and other things that use electricity.

When you want to do some base defense, turn the switch to all non-turret buildings off and then turn on the one for turrets. This way you can divert all of your power to turrets, just don’t forget to switch them back off when you’re done!
Another great way to boost your energy is through the Electric Eel Deviant. You have a chance of getting these through fishing, and when placed in your territory they increase the power of generators!

Those are all of the best ways you can build your base defenses in Once Human. Now go out there and try it out yourself! Do you want to get the maximum rating in a Prime War? Check out our How To Complete Prime Wars with High Rating Guide for more details!